Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/533

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A. D. 1710. Anno nono Ann^e Reginae. C. 21.. 481 Pell'!, are hereby required to return fuch Duplicates, or true Copies of them, under their refpeflive Hands, fbeing firft regiftred and recorded in their faid refpeftive Offices) fo foon as conveniently may be, to the Managers or Diredlors of the faid Company, for the Ufc of the faid Company, without Fee or Charge; and if by fuch Account it fhall appear that the annual Sum which unto that Time fhould have been paid IC Joint SmcIc to the faid Company, according to the true Meaning of this A£t, was really lefs than the annual Sum of ™°""'^ '" 'f'*' five hundred fixiy-eight thoufmd two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings, that then, and in J^ "^"^^ ° T""^- f* fuch Cafe, fo much Money as fliall have been paid unto the faid Company, more than by fuch Account fhall ,),e nexiPav- appear fhould or ought to have been paid to them, fhall be dedufled and abated to the faid Company by ment. and out of the next accruing Payment or Payments of the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings, or out of the proportionable Part thereof ; and in fuch Cafe, from and after the faid five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand fcven hundred and thirteen, there fhall be paid and payable to the faid Company, only fuch proportionable Part of the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings, as fhall be equal to the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Anyiian, for fuch Sum as the whole real Capital Stock of the faid Company fhall, by fuch Account, appear to be, or as fhall be added to the faid Capital Stock after the faid five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand fcven hundred and thirteen, by fuch Ways and Means as are herein and hereby direfted : And if by fuch Accounts it fhall app.rar, the Joint if joint Stock Stock of the faid Company fhall amount to more than the afore-mentioned Sum of nine Millions four hun- amount to mor!:, dred feventy-one thoufand three hundred and twenty-five Pounds, fo that the Annuity for the fam.e Capital '^^*" '° ^^ ."=<*= Stock, after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum-, fliall am.ount to more than the faid annual Sum 1?° '^Ve'"' ^^ of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy-nine Pounds and ten Shillings, that then, and ^' '' ii fuch Cafe, fo m.uch Money as fliall then have been paid to the faid Company lefs than after the P^ate of fix Pounds per Centum per AnvAun., for the then whole real Capital Stock of the faid Company, fhall be im- mediately paid and made good to the faid Company, in fuch Method and Manner, and by fuch Ways and Means, as is herein and hereby direiSled for Payment of the f^iid Annuity, until the faid five and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ; and that from thenceforth, and at all Times af- t;r, there fhall be added to the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy- nine Pounds and ten Shillings, fomuch more Money as fhall make the fame amount to fix Pounds Ser Cen- tum per Annum, upon and for fo much and fuch Sum as the whole real Capital Stock of the faid i^orpora- tion fhall then confift of; which additional Annuity fliall, from the faid five and twentieth Day o^ Decem~ ^^r one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, to the five and twentieth Day oi December one. thoufand (tven hundred and fixteen, be paid and payable in fuch Manner, and by fuch Ways and Means, as is herein be- fore direfted or prefcribed for the paying and providing for the Annuity payable to the faid Corporation, until the faid five and twentieth Day oi December one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen; and that from Afterwards to te and after the faid five and twentieth Day of -D^tirw^^r one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen, fuch addi- charged upon tional Annuity fhall be and is hereby charged and chargeable upon, and made payable out of the faid Funds the^ Funds Lere- hereby fettled for Payment of the faid annual Sum of five hundred fixty-eight thoufand two hundred feventy- ^ '^ ' nine Pounds and ten Shillings, fo and in fuch Manner as if the fame had been in every Place throughout this A£l added thereunto ; any thing herein contained to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding : It being the true Intent and Meaning of this Aft, That there fhall be paid and payable to the faid Corpo- ration an Annuity after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centum per Annum, and proportionably for a lefs Sum than one hundred Pounds, for the whole Sum, and no more nor lefs than the whole Sum, which the Ca- pital Stock of the faid Corporation fhall, for the time being, amount unto. XXXV. Provided neverthelefs, for as much as the faid intended Company cannot be carried on, with- Scool. per A.rirr otit a very great Charge, which if the fame be wholly born by the Members of the faid Company, would to be paid to the leffen their annual Interefi:, and may prove a great Difcouragement to them ; Ee it therefore enafted by the ^iftier of the Authority aforefaid, That over and above the faid annual Sum hereby fettled, to be paid to the faid Com- th°hci'vrper pany, there fhall be paid and payable to the faid Company,, to be erected by virtue of this Act, and their jbovethc annual SiiccefTors, until the faid annual Sum herein before fettled fhall be redeemed, as aforefaid, or to fuch Sum, Cafhier or Cafhiers, Perfon or Perfons, as fhall be authorized under the Common Seal of the faid Com- pany to receive the fame, for the Ufe of the faid Company, the further annual Sum of eight thoufand ' Pounds, for and towards the Charge of Management of the faid Company ; which annual Sum of eight thoufand Pounds is hereby charged and chargeable upon, and made to be paid and payable by and out of the f ime Funds, and at fuch Time and Times, and in fuch Manner, and by the fame Ways, Means, and Me- tiods as is and are herein and hereby' prefcribed, fettled, or appointed for Payment of the faid Annuities, after the Rate of fix Pounds per Cetitum per Annum, for the total Amount of the faid Capital Stock of the faid Company. XXX VL And be it further enafted. That it fhall and may be lawful to and for her Majefty, her Heirs Her M.njrfiy !,y and Succcuors, by any fuch CommifRon, Charter, or Letters Patents, as aforefaid, under the Great Seal Commifli n to of Great Biiiain, to limit, direft, and appoint, how, and in v/hat Manner and Proportions, and under ^I'P'""'!'""' what Rules and Directions, the Shares of all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, in the faid yearly transtcnd Fund, and of and in the Stock of the faid intended Company or Corporation, and every or any Part or Pro- portion thereof, fhall and may be alTignable or transferrable to fuch Perfon or Perfons only, as fhall freely and voluntarily accept of the fame, and not otherwife ; and that all Aflignments and Transferrences made in fuch Manner, and no other, fhall be good and available in the Law. XXXVIL And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid. That the Eflates, Interefls and Stocks stock in the I of Money of the faid intended Company or Corporation, to be created or ellablifhed in purfuance of this Cmpany a per- Aft, and the Share and Interefi of each and every particular Member thereof, and therein, and of and in '*'■ ^"iit'-- the Capital Stock of the faid Company, fhall be, and be adjudged, taken, and accepted, in ConilruClion of Law, by all Judges, and in Courts of Law and Juftice, and in all Courts and Places whatfoever, to be Vol, IV. Q.q q a Pe;--