Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/538

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486 C. 21. Anno nono Ann ^Reginte. A. D. 1710. the united Company of Merchants of England, trading to the Eaji Indies, and not hereby granted or in- tended to be granted to the Corporation to be ere.fted by virtue of this Aft, or with any Ships or VefTeh; coming froni the Countries or Places aforefaid, (fuch EaJi India Goods, Wares, Commodities, or JMer- chandize, as fhall be actually exported from Great Britain, and alfo fuch Gold, Silver, and wrought Plate, Goods, and Commodities that are the Produce, Growth, or Manufaftures of the IVe/i Indies, or Conti- nent of ^w^mrt, only excepted) under the Penalties and Forfeitures to be fued for and recovered, as is here- in after mentioned ; and further, that it fliall not be lawful for the faid Company in'.ended to be erected, Nor to fend as aforefaid, or their SuccelTors, Agents, or Factors, or any Perfon or Perfons iicenied by them, to ftnd, I'^'P^'"'*'^ employ, or ufe any Ship, Veffel, Boat, or Bark whatfoever, within the i-AA South Seas, hom Terra del above TOO Fuego to the Northermoil Part of America, above three hundred Leagues to the Weftward of and diftant Leagues to the from the Lands, Countries, and Shores of Chili, Peru, Mexico, Callifornia, or any other the Lands and Weftward of Shores of Southern or Northern J?nsrica, contained betv/een the faid Terra del Fuego and the faid Norther-- -Chili, &c. mofl Part of ^OTi?r;Vi? ; upon Pain and Penalty that all i'uch Ships, Veffels, Boats, and Barks wliatfoever, on Forfeiture of going in Or returning from the South Seas, otherwife than as aforefaid, or fent, employed, or ufed, failing, ^^ip , 00 , proceeding, or being, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, and all the Goods,. Wares, and Merchandizes on hoard them, together with their Guns, Tackle, Apparel, and Furniture, and Hkewife all the Goods, Wares, Commodities, and Merchandizes of the EaJi Indies, Perjh, China, or other the Li- mits aforefaid, lb traded in, as aforefaid, (except as before excepted] {hall and may be ieized and forfeited, and double the Value thereof fliall alio be forfeited by the Owners, Mafters, or Employers thereof, cr 'Traders therein ; one third Part of all which Forfeitures to be to her Majeily, her Heirs and Succeilcrs, and the other two third Parts thereof to the faid united Company of Merchants of i^V/^/i^nf/ trading to the EaJi Indies ; to be recovered with full Cofts of Suit in any of her Majefty's Courts of Record at JVeJlnun- Jler, by A6tion of Debt, Bill,- Plaint, or Information. ' LIX. And for as much as nothing can more conduce to the Encreafe of the Strength and Riches of ' this Kingdom, and the breeding able Seamen to ferve her Majefty, as well in Time of War as Peace, ' than the preferving and enlarging the Fifliery of this Realm ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority S-tock for the aforefaid. That it (hall and may be lawful for her Majeily, her Heirs and Succefibrs, in and by her faiJ Fidierytobe Letters Patents of Incorporation, or by any other Letters Patents under the Great Seal o^ Great Britain^ io as no other of her Majefty's Subjeils be thereby excluded from the Fifhing Trade ; the faid Stock to be ikept apart, and always employed in the improving, enlarging, and carrying on the Fifhery of this Realm, or other Filhery, for the Ufe and Benefit of the Members of the faid Company, in Proportion to their Stock. No Money to LX. Provided always, and be it further enafted, That no Money fhall be called in from the Members of be called in for ^^q f^jj Corporation, to be erefted in purfuance of this Aft, for carrying on the Fifhery, or other Trade the Miery^but }^gj-gj,y granted, but by the Order and Direction of a General Court of the faid Company to be called for ■Court ^a"* th^"^ Purpofe, and whereof there (hall be at leaft fourteen Days Notice in the London Gazette. .Governor &c. LXI. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon fliall be capable of being not to be Go- elefted a Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director, of the faid intended Corporation, during the Time •vernor, &c. of that he fhall be a Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Diredlor of either of the refpedlive Corporations of the the Bank or Ea^ Sank of England, or of the united Company of Merchants of England trading to the Ea/l Indies ; and every India Con-,paiiy, pgrjon v/bo Ihall h-e elefted a Governor, Deputy-Governor, or Director of the faid intended Corjjoration, Time. ' ftall, during the Time he fhall be fuch Governor, Deputy-Governor, or DireiStor, be incapable of being rhofen a Governor, Deputy- Governor, or DirecStor of either of the faid refp-;6live Corporations of the Bank of England, or of the united Company of Merchants of England trading to the Eq/l Indies. Seamens Tic- LXII. Provided alfo, and be it further enacSed, That it may be lawful for any three or more of the Com- kets not "J^'^po^^^ miffioners of the Treafury now being, or the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commil- in'r^ady Monev, fioners of the Treafury for the Time being, to order and diredl any of the Tickets made out for the Pay of any Seamen, or others on board any of her Majefty's Ships, and which ftiall appear not to have been fold, difpofed of, or parted v/ith, to be paid ready Money, or to make any reafonable Advance or Allowance in Confideration of fuch Tickets being put or admitted into the Joint Stock of the faid intended Corporation ; ■any thing iiereiii contained to the contrary thereof notwithftanding. - &■ 4 Ann*, ' LXiil. And whereas by an A£t made in the third and fourth Years of her prefent Majefty's Reign, '^•Jj- ' intituled, An yfcT for prohibiting all Trade and Commerce zulth France, it is provided. That it fhall and may ' be lawful for her Majefty's Subjects to trade with the Subjects of Spain, fo as the faid Liberty ihall not be ' conftrued to extend to permit or allow the carrying of the feveral Goods and Commodities therein parti- ' cularly enum.erated, among which Commodities Iron is mentioned, which by Experience is found necel- La-.vful to trade ' fary to be ttaded io-vvit'i the Subjects of Spain ;' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That in unwio'isHc jj. fj^^n jjr,j ,j,^y )-,g ]av;ful for any of her Majefty's Subjefts to carry unv/rought Iron, and trade in the fame Iron to Spun. .^j,,j^ ^^^^ ^jr ^-^^ Subjecls of Spain; any thing in the faid recited Aft to the contrary notwithftanding. ■ 7 & S W. 3. ' LXIV. And whereas by an A€i made in the feventh Year of the Reign of iiis late Majefty King WiL- t. 21. * 1,1AM .the Third, of glorious Memory, intituled, An A£i fpr the Encreafe and Encouragement of Seamen, ' it was enaifted. That fuch. Seamen, and others, as are therein mentioned, who fhould be willing to enter ' and regifter themfelves for Service in the Royal Fleet or Navy, fhould and might, by themfelves or others, ' deliver" in their Names, with their Ages and Places of Abode, and fhould be entred and regiftred, as by ' that Act is preicribed ; and that every Seaman fo regiftrjd, or fuch-a Number of them as are therein men- ' tioned, fliould have from- his faid Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, (whether in actual Service or not] ' a yearly Bo .unty. ofi forty Shillings apiece ; and divers other .Bcn^.fi.ts, Exemptions, Privileges, and Ad- ' vantages