Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/54

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S G. 8;- 9. Anno decimo' 8c undecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1699* Deputy, make Return of the fame to the Clerk of the Crown in the High Court of Chancery, to be by Sheriff on Re- him filed ; and the Sheriff, or other Perfon making fuch Return, fhall pay to the faid Clerk of the Crown tura of Writ to j-jje antient and lawful Fees of four Shillings, and no more, for every Knight of a Shire, and two Shil- pay the antient jj^gs, and no more, for every Citizen, Burgefs, or Baron of the Cinc^ue Ports, returned into the. faid "^'1'^'^' h Court, to be by him filed ; and the faid Sheriff or OiTicer fhall, by virtue of this A<ft, charge the fame flmc'tothelCinE. '•° ^'^ Majcfty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, and have Allowance thereof^ in his Account in the Exchequer or elfewhere. ' II. And whereas by an A£t made in the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of his prefent Ma- ys- 8 W. 3.C.25. ' jelly, intituled. An Acf for the further regulating EleSlions of Members to ferve in Parliament, and for the ' fr eventing irregular Proceedings of Sheriffs and other Officers in the elcEling and returning fuch Members, it is ' provided and enafted. That the Officer, on the Receipt of any fuch Writ, fhall, within three Days ' after fuch his Receipt, by himJelf or proper Agent, deliver or caufe to be delivered, a Precept or Pre- ' cepts to the proper Officer of every Borough, Town Corporate, Port or Place within his Jurifdiftion, ' to whom the Execution of fuch Precept doth belong or appertain, which by Experience hath been found ' too Ihort a Time for the Peformance of the fame in the Cinque Ports ;' be it therefore enaflred by the Cffjccrof die Authority aforefaid. That from henceforth the proper Officer of the Cinque Ports fhall be allowed fix Cinque Ports £)ays from the Receipt of fuch Writ for the Delivery of the Precept, according to the Purport of the faid from Receipt of ^^^ ' '^'^V thing in the faid A61, or any other Law, Statute or Ufage to the contrary iii any wife notwith- Writ. Handing. Penalty on She- III. And it is further enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That every Sheriff or other Officer or Officers liff, ©"c. not aforefaid, who fhall not make the Returns according to the true Intent and Meaning of this A£f:, fhall for- iriaking Retijrn. £gj(- f^j. gyery fuch Offence the Sum of Five hundred Pounds ; one Moiety whereof fhall be to his Ma- Fartber Frc^iji- jefty, and the Other Moiety to him or them that fhall fue for the fame, to be recovered by Adion of Debt) 'E!cakm"'Sc. Bill, Plaint or Information, in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at Wejiminjler^ wherein no Elfoin, II ©■ IS fV. 3. ProteiSlion, Privilege or Wager of Law fhall be allowed, nor any more than one Imparlance. c. 2. jeS. 150. iiisf 13 ?^. 3. c- 3) 5 ^ lo- 2 Gf 5 ^nn. c. 18. 6 Ann. c. ■] . & z^. ijAnn.c.^. 10 Ann, c.^. & ■2.%. i Cm. i. c. 38. £? 56, 2 Geo. 2. c. 24. 6Geo.2, c, 23. 8 Geot 2. f. 30. 9 Geo, 2, c, 38. 11 Geo, 2, c, 24, 13 Cto, 2, c, 20. 15 Cei. 2. c, 22, 19 Gta, 2, c, 28, 31 Geo, 2, c. 14. 33 Geo, 2, c. 20. CAP. vm. An Aft for making and keeping the River Torie navigable from Bridgewater to Taunton, in the County of Somerfet. John Mallet Efquire, and his Affignees, Confervators of the River Tone, who are impowered to keep the River navigable from Bridgeivater to Ham Mills, and thence to Taunton, and cut a new Channel. A Way to the Land on either Side of the River. Confervators to contract with the Owners of Land for Damage, f3c. If Parties difagree touching the Value of fuch Lands, Sheriff to fummon a Jury, and the Determination to bind all Parties. Agreements to be figned and fealed in four Days after made, and enrolled at the Seffions. On Payment, Confervators may enter on the Lands. Jury may examine Perfons on Oath. Parties not appearing. Jury may order what Satisfaction. Which Order fhall be good, and vefl: a Fee-fimple Eftate in the Confervators. For reimburfing the Confervators^ with Intereft at 6 /. per Cent, every Boat, ^c, paffing from Bridgwater to Ha?n Mills, to pay 4 <5?. a Weigh for Coals Bridgewater Meafure, and 2 d, per Tun for other Goods, Wares, is'c. Duties to be paid at Knap Bridge, in cafe of Nonpayment, Boat, ^'c. to be ftopt, till Duty paid. Boat, &c. paf- fing from Ham Mills to Taunton, to pay Duties at Coal Harbour, 4-s. a Weigh for Coals, 2s. per Tun for other Goods. On Nonpayment to flop fuch Boat, &c, until Duty be paid. Boat, &c. paffing from Taunton to Bridgwater, to pay iz d, per Tun for Goods, i^c, at the firft Lock next to Tauntom. In cafe of Nonpayment to detain fuch Boat until Duty be paid. , After Confervators are reimburfed, only. I d. a Weigh on Coals, and i d, a Tun on Goods to be paid at Knap Bridge, and is, a Weigh on Coals, and 6d. s. Tun on Goods to be paid at Coal Harbour. Txjll how to be applied. Surplus to be. employed for the Ufe of the Poor of Taimton, in building an Hofpital for educating poor Children. Boatmen, i3c. may ufe Winches, l^c. An Account of Difburfements to be kept, and entered in i Book, and brought yearly before the Bifliop of Bath and Wells, &c. who may allow and diftribute the fame. Yearly Account to be made up to 24 fune. Bifhop and Juflices may examine Perfons on Oath-.. Duplicate of the Account to be figned by the Bifhop, 6'c. and kept at the Seffions. Confervators of the River to be perpetual. Prefent Confervators conftituted for Life. When they are reduced to the Number of twenty, Survivors may choofe others, 'to make them thirty in Number. Confervators may . receive any Gift, Legacy, &"f. and have Eftates conveyed to them. Five to be a Committee^ and make any Contraft, i^c. Confervators may fue or be fued on fuch Contraffs, and may appoint Ser- vants to manage Eftates, and conflitute Receivers, i^c, but fubjeft to the Bifliop's Corredlion. PublickAa. C A P. IX. EXP. -^^ A<^ f*^"" granting to his Majefty the Sum of one million four hundred eighty-four thoufand and fifteen Pounds one Shilling eleven Pence three Farthings, for difbanding the Army, providing for the Navy, and for other neceliary Occafions. 3 s, in the Found, I CAP. X..