Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/543

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A.D. 1710* Anno nono A N N js Regi'n^e. C. 23. 491 VI. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaiJ, That no Hackney Coachman fo to be licenfed Rates of Hack- in piirfuance of this Ad, nor the Driver of fuch Coach, ihall prefuine to take for his Hire, in' and about ncj Coechts. the Cities oi' Lo!jdon and ff^e/imht/fer, or within ten Miles thereof, above the Rates often Shillings for a Day, reckoning tw^elve Hours to the Day, and by the Hour not above eighteen Pence for the firlt Hour, and tvi'elve Pence for every Hour after; and that no Gentleman or other Perfon fhall pay from any of the Inns of Court or thereabouts, to any Part of St. James's, or City of Wejlmirtfter, (except beyond Tiiiili: Street) above twelve Pence ; and the fame Prices from the fame Places to the Inns of Court, or Pkces thereabouts ; and from any of the faid Inns of Court, or thereabouts, to the Royal Exchange, twelve Pence; and if to the Towev of Lofidon, or Bijhopjgate Street, oi Jldgatc, or thereabouts, one Shilling ancl fix Pence; and fo from the fam.e Places to the faid Inns of Court, as aforefaid ; and the like Rates from and to any Place at the like Diftance with the Places before-mentioned. VII. Provided always. That no Gentleman or other Perfon fhall be obliged to pay above twelve Pence for the Ufe of an Hackney Coach for any Diftance, (not particularly fet down in this A&.) fo as the fame do not exceed one Mile and four Furlongs ; and that no Gentleman or other Perfon fliall be obliged to pay above one Shilling and fix Pence for the Ufe of an Hackney Coach for any Diftance, (not particularly fet down in this Ad) being above one Mile and four Furlongs, and not exceeding two Miles ; and that the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, fhall caufe to be admeafured, and publiflied in Writing to be fixed at the Royal Exchange in London, on or before the twenty-ninth Day of September one thoufand ftven ' hundred and eleven, the feveral Diftances between the moft noted Places within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills, (not particularly fet down in this Ad) according to which the faid Rates of twelve Pence, and one Shilling and fix Pence refpedively ought to be paid, as aforefaid, VIII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That no Perfon whatfoever fhall be obliged Rates of Chair- to pay to the Chairmen for an Hackney Chair carried any Diftance within the Limits aforefaid, more than '^■^"' the Rate by this Ad allowable for an Hackney Coach driven two third Parts of the fame Diftance ; and that the faid Commiffioners, or the major Part of them, fhall caufe to be admeafured, and publifhed in Wri- ting, to be affixed, as aforefaid, on or before the twenty-ninth 'Dtx.j of Sefte7nber one thoufand feven hun- dred and eleven, the feveral Rates allowable by this Ad to Chairmen, as aforefaid, for their Carriage to and from the moll noted Places where fuch Chairs are commonly ufed in the City and Limits aforefaid ; and if any Hackney Coachman or Chairman fhall refufe to go at, or fliall exad more for his Hire than the fe- veral Rates hereby limited, he fhall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit the Sum of forty Shillings. IX. And be it further enaded. That the faid Commiffioners fliall appoint fuch other Officer or Officers Commiflloners under them, as they fhall find necefTary for carrying on the faid Service, with fuch moderate Allowances t" appoint Un- as fhall be thought fit; and the faid Commiffioners, and other Officers under them, and every of them, <letOfficeis. are hereby required not to take or demand,_ diredly or indiredly, of any Perfon, for their Licences, any Sum of Money, or other Gratuity or Confideration whatfoever, other than what is herein direded to be paid to her Majefty, nor to take or demand any P'ee or Reward from any Perfon or Perfons, for any Thing by them to be done in Execution of their refpedive Offices or Employments, f ther than from her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, upon Pain to forfeit, for every fuch OiTence, their refpedive Offices and Employ- ments, and to be incapable of any Grant thereof, or of any other Office; except only that it fhall be Clerks to have lawful for the Clerks, for their Pains in writing and ingroffing each Licence, to have and receive the Sum ^^- *• ^°' of two Shillings and fix Pence, and no more. _ _ "'^" !-'""«• X. And be it further enaded. That the faid Commiffioners for licenfing Hackney Coaches and Chairs, Commiffioners and every of them, and every Officer to be appointed under them, fliall before two or more of the faid ^""^ Officers to Commiffioners take an Oath for the due and faithful Execution of their Offices and Employments; and "^^ '"■°"«  that no Perfon or Perfons fliall be capable of intermeddling with the Execution of the Powers and Autho- rities by this Ad granted, and any of them, other than the Pov/er of adminiftring the aforefaid Oath to their fellow Commiffioners, until they fhall have taken the faid Oaths, as aforefaid. XI. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That all the Sums of Money, Rents and Re- Commiffioners venues by this A6t arifing, over and above what fhall be fufficient for Salaries and other incident Charges to pay into the for colleding or managing the fame, fhall, from time to time, be paid by the faid Commiffioners, or fuch^""-'"^'!""' ^"'^ other Perfon or Perfons as fliall be appointed by her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, or by the Commiffio- X?"' ^"""'" ners of the Treafury, or Lord Treafurer for the time being, to receive the fame, into the Receipt of the Exchequer; and the faid Commiffioners fhall, upon Oath, deliver Books of Accounts fairly written, con- taining all the Licences granted, and the Names and Sirnames of the refpedive Perfons, to whom fuch Licences are granted, and the Rents and Profits thereby accrued, unto the Commiffioners of the Treafury, or Lord High Treafurer, or Commiffioners of the Treafury for the time being, once in every Year, or oft- ner, if required. XII. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid. That all the faid Weekly and other Rents |^j„tj, pe^al- and Sums of Money, to be referved or payable, as aforefaid, for the faid Licences refpedively, and all For- tiuf, &c. how t«  feitures and Penalties that fhall grow due or payable by virtue of this Ad, or Breach of any Orders or By- Ulevitd. Laws that fhall be made by the faid Commiffioners, in Purfuance of the Authority to them given by this Ad for that Purpofe, (the faid Penalties and Forfeitures to be incurred by the faid Commiffioners them- felves, or any of them, excepted) fliall be levied by DiPcrefs of the Goods and Chattels of the Offender or Offenders, by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the faid Cominiffioners, or any three or more of them, which fliall be fold within ten Days, and the Overplus fliall be returned to the Owner, the Charges of making and felling the Diftrefs being firft deduded and allowed, together with the Charge of the War- ' , rant for the Diftrefs, if upon feven Days Notice they do not pay the Fines zni Penalties incurred, v/ith- out fuch Warrant ; and in Default of Diftrefs for any fuch Fine, Penalty or Forfeiture, as aforefaid, ex- cept before excepted, the Offenders negleding or refufing to pay the fame, fliall by Warrant under the Hands and Seals of the faid Commiffioners, or any three or more of them, be committed to Prifon, there R r r 2 to