A . D. 1710.", Anno hono ; A r^ N ^ R eg f nsi - - ; ; Q. 2 ^? 'cog Arrival of the faid Ship at the Port of London-^ or any other Delivei'mg Port, be rcgiilred, if delivered )n'"«o ■>« regiftrfd at the Port of London^ at the Cocquet Office, alwrays kept and appointed by the Lord Mayor of London, for *'^^ ^°'?'^ '^^Z, the time being ; and if delivered in any other Delivering Port, then at the Cuftorn-houfe, with the Keeper ^r w'i"h thc"'"'-^ of the Cocquets there, for regiftring whereof no more than fix Pence fhall be paid ; to which faid Regiller Keepers of Cppi) • any Perfon or Perfons fhall and may have Recourfe to fee and examine without Fee or Reward : And in cafe qaets in otl?er, ' any Perfon or Perfons omit or refufe to give fuch Certificate or Certificates, as aforafaid,- or' fhall' give or ^o%h. make any falfe Certificate or Certificates, or any Mafter or Mafters of any Ship or VefTel {hall knowingly cen.ficL'" Ic"* give in any falfe Certificate or Certificates to be regiftred, or fhall not, within forty-eight Hours after Entry ■■ ' * • of his Ship at the Cuftom-houfe of London, or other Delivering Port, give in his or their Certificate or Cer- tificates to be regiftred in Manner aforefaid ; or if the Perfon or Perfons who ought to regifter, file, or enter ornot.-cgiftringj ., fuch Certificate or Certificates, or his or their Clerk or Deputy, officiating in fuch Office or Off.ces, fhall *^<=' forfeits lo!,,- negle<ft to regifter the fame for the Space of four and twenty Hours after the delivering fuch Certificate or Certificates into fuch Office or Offices, or fhall make a falfe Entry of fuch Certificate or Certificates, or refufe to fhev/ and produce i'uch Certificate and Certificates, and Regifter thereof, to any Perfon or Perfons, . coming at the ufual Office-iiours to fee and infpedt the famej e'ery Perfon fo offending fliall, for every fuch . Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of ten Pounds. '• { ■' ■ ' III. And whereas feveral Lightermen, Mafters of Ships, Crimps, Coal Faftors, or other Perfons deal- ' ingor being concerned in the Coal Trade, in the Port di London, or other Ports, have received Salaries, , ' Gratuities, Rewards, or Sums of Aloney, either by the Year or Chalder, or otherwife, from the Coal ' ' Owners, Fitters, or Mafters of Ships, in the Port of London, orelfewhere, to the Difcouragement of r" ' the faid Coal Trade ;' For Remedy whereof, be it further enaciied by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Lightermen,' ac-;- Lighterman or Lighter.T.en, Mafter or Mafters of Ships, Criitip, Coal Faftor, or other Perfon or Perfons-, jeceivingSaiaries. buying or felling, or dealing in Coals, or otherwife concerned in _ the Coal Trade, by him or themfelvfe, Z™" '^,°^' ^^'^-Tjj ■ his or their Agent or Servant, or any other Perfon or Perfons^ fliall, at any Time or Times, from and after ^'Jy "' ° the firft Day of June aforefaid, receive or take, for the Ufe or Benefit of fuch Lighterman or Lightermen, Five'.hundrefl,... Mafter or Mafters of Shipsy Crimp, Coal Faftor, or' other Perfon or Perfons, any Salary,, Gratuity, Pounds are W.j- Reward, Allowance, Sum or Sums of Money, from any Coal Owner, Fitter, Mafter- of Shipsy, .or other fei«d, over an*., Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, for contrafting, buying, vending, fellij-ig, or difpofing of any particular ■^°™^^^°". Sorts of Coals, in Prefejence of any other Sorts of Coals, or for the Loading of any Ship or Veflel,, or for fl;aej. "' ^ '"" the Difpatch, Delivery, or Difpofal of the Coals .from- on board of any 'Ship or Ships, or Veflels, before ^ Geo. 2. c. aS.- -.. other Ship or Ships, or Velfels, or fhall knovifingly fell one Sort dfCoals for and as a Sortwhich they really §■. 4. are not ; every Perfon offending fhali, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of fifty Pounds. . - IV. And. for the better Difcovery of all or any the Offences in this A£t mentioned ;• Be it enafted by the OfTender difto«-;'>- Authority aforefaid. That any Perfon that fhall be guilty of any the faid Ofi^ences,- and fliall, within three vering, indem*,- Months after the Offence committed, make Difcovery of any Coal Owner or. Owners, or Proprietor- of "'f^^, a.7d'a:e».i-. any Coal Pit or Pits, or of any Fitter, sheir Officer, Clerk, Agent or Servant, or of any Mafter or Owner '^^ ^'^'- - ' of any Ship or Vefl^el, or of any Lighterman, Crimp, Coal Factor, or other Perfon concerned in the Coal Trade, fo as he or they fhall be convifted of any of the faid Ofl^ences, fuch Difcoverer {hall be difcharged of and from the Penalties and Forfeitures for fuch Offences, and fhall receive the fame Benefit and-Advaar- tage as any other Perfon or Perfons fliall be entitled unto, by ylrtucof this. A£l;, for fuch Difcovery or In- - formation. V. And be it further enafted. That if any Number t?f Ships j being loadeh v/ith Coals, and bound for Abbve fifty Coal, the Port of London, or any other Port where the faid Coals fhall be dehvered, exceeding fifty in the Whole, Ships, conti- {hall, after they are loaden, continue in the Port of Newcajile, or in any other Port or Place between New- ""'"^ '^P"" 7 cajile and London, above the Space of feven Days, unlefs they fliall be unloaden in fuch Port or Place, or fojfj^'troi e^, .. prevented by Wind and Weather, or for Want of necelTary Repairs, Convoy, or fome other unavoidable Caufe, every Mafter of every Ship^ fo continuing, {hall, for every fuch Offence, forfeit and. pay the Sum of fifty Pounds. ' VI. And whereas the exporting Coals to Parts beyond the Seas, in Britijh Ships, tends very much to Sbip.Mafter,
- the Improvement and Increafe of the BrltiJh Navigation ;' To the End' therefore that ail reafonable En- paying Over-.
couragement may be given to fuch Exportation ; Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That c^^P"""'^"^ any Ship Mafter, whofe Ship is loaden with Coals only, and has entred into Bond to deliver the faid Coals coaft Bond diiV- in fome Port of Great Britain, may, upon producing his Coaft Cocquet, and making Oath of the true charged. Quantity of Coals aboard his Ship (fuch Quantity not being lefs than is exprefled in the faid Cocq^uet) be- fore the proper Officer of the Cuftoms, in any Port of G7-eat Britain, pay the Cuftom or Gver-bea Duty for fuch Coals, and {hall, on fuch Payment, receive a Certificate, figned and fealed by the Cuftomer and Comptroller of fuch Port, for fuch Duty fo paid ; which Certificate, being^ given into the Cuftom-Houfe of the Port where fuch Coals were laid on board, {hall difcharge the Coaffc Bond given by fijch Ship Mafterj. in the fame Manner as if the faid Coals had been landed in fome Port of G7-cat Britain. ' VII. And whereas feveral Perfons adting as Crimps, Hufbands, Agents, or Faftors- for Mafters of ' Ships importing Coals into the Port of London, under Colour of fuch their Employments, do often frau- ' dulently vend the Coals intrufted to them by the faid Ship Mafters, as aforefaid, to their own AgentSj ' Partners, Servants, or other Perfons, for their ov/n Ufe and Benefit, and at Rates below the IMarket
- - Price, and when fo fold do again greatly adrance the Rates thereof, to the Prejudice and Difcouragement
- ■ of the faid Ship Mafters, and great Oppreffipn and Hindrance of the Manufafturers, and other Con- ■
' fumers of Coals;' For- Remedy whereof, and preventing the like Mifchief for the future ; Be it further.: Crimes, &c. enafied by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Perfon or Perfons,. afting as Crimp-^ Hufljand, Argent, ori-«^".<ii-"B Coalsto Factor for any Ship Mafter importing Coals into the faid Port oiLondoKi fhalF,. from and after the faid^firir 'c^'t'!.°7n"T'^Jfl.> Day of June, vend or fell to his or their own Agents, Partners, or Servants, or to any other Perfon or Per- fo"themftlves ipns whomfoever, in Truft for him or them, or for his or their own life .or Benefit, the. Coals, or any Parf forfeit 50!,^. ^ "thereof