Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/57

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A. D. 1669. Antiodecimo & undecimo GuLJELMi III. C. 10. ir fliall wittingly or willingly permit, contrive, or fuffer the fame to be done, direflly or indirectly, con- trary to the true Intent and Meaning of this A6t, that then, and in every fuch Cafe', fiich Commiinoner or Commiffioners, Farmer or Farmers, Officer or Officers, fo offending in the figning fuch Cocket, War- rant, or Sufferance for the fhipping or exporting any of the faid Goods into any other Kingdom, State, or Dominion, or Place whatfoever (except as aforelkid) or paffing fuch Entry for the fame, or any wife conniving thereat, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning hereof, or /hall otherwife fail or -negledt to perform all other Duties required by this prefent Aft, fhall for every fuch Offence or Negledt forfeit his Office, and fhall moreover for every fuch Oftence forfeit the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, to be reco- vered and employed in Manner and Form as aforefaid. XII. And be it further enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That every OfFence which {hall be done or ©ffences where committed contrary to this A&, fhall and may be inquired of, tried, heard, and determined in the County triable. where any fuch Goods, as aforefaid, fhall be fo laden or put on board, as aforefaid, or elfe in the County, cither in England or Ireland, where fuch Offender fhall happen to be apprehended or arrefted for fuch Of- fence, or where any fuch of the Goods aforefaid, or the faid Ship or Ships, Veflels, Hulks, Barks, or Boats fhall happen to be feized or taken, or brought in ; and that the faid Trial fhall be in fuch Manner and Form, and in fuch EfFeif, to all Intents and Purpofes, as if the fame Offence had been wholly done and committed in the fame County. XIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Aftion, Bill, Plaint, Suit, or Po-fons faed for Information fhall be commenced or profecuted againft any Perfon, for what he fhall do in purfuance of executing tins this Adl, fuch Perfon fo fued fhall and may file a Common Bail, or enter into a Common Appearance, ^^ ""^y '^'^.' and plead the General Iffue Not guilty, and upon Iffue joined may give this Ail and the Special Matter §'™'"" ^" in Evidence ; and if the Plaintiff or Profecutor fliall become nonfuit, or fuffer Difcontinuance, or if a Verdi£tpafs againft him, or if upon Demurrer Judgment pafs againft him, the Defendant fhall recover Defendant to Treble Cofts and Damages for the Moleftatioh. ■ have treble Cofo. XIV. And for the further Encouragement of the Woollen Manufaftures of England; be it enafted by Woollen Manu- the Authority aforefaid. That it fhall and may be lawful, from and after the faid Four and twentieth Day faaures may be of June, to import from the faid Ports of DubUn, TVaterford, Youghall, KingfJe, Cnk, and Drogheda, in '"iP"'ted from the Kingdom oi Ireland, any Woolls, Woollfells, Shortlings, Mortlings, W^oollflocks, V/orfted, Bay, f'^Jteevfril or Woollen Yarn, Cloth, Serges, Bays, Kerfeys, Frizes, Druggets, Shalloons, Stuffs, Cloth-Serges, pag.'ez^. Article or any other Drapery made of or mixed with Wool!, or Woollflocks, and manufadtured in the Kingdom Cloth, and pag. of Ireland, into /uch Ports of this Kingdom or Dominion of Wales only, as aforefaid, fo as Notice be 637- Article firft given to the Commiffioners or chief Managers of his Majefty's Cuftoms in this Kingdom, or to the Stuffs. chief Cuftomer or Colleftor in the Port to which the fame is intended to be brought, of the Quantity, ?'°^^^ ^'"S Suality, and Package, together with the Marks and Numbers thereof, with the Name of the Ship and "™£"^"> after or Commander, on which the faid Goods are to be laden, and the Place or Port into which they are intended to be imported, and fo as Bond be firft entered into, to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs and Bond en- and Succeffors, with one or more fufficient Sureties, in treble the Value of the Goods fo intended to be tredinto, imported, that the fame fhall (the Dangers of the Seas excepted) be landed accordingly, and fo as a Li- cence be alfo firft taken, under the Hands of the Commiffioners or chief Managers of the Cuftoms for the Time being, or three of them, or from the chief Cuftomer or Collector v/here fuch Bond is given, for the landing and importing thereof as aforefaid ; which Licence they are hereby authorized and required to Licence to be ^rant, without any Fee or Reward, or any other Charge to the Perfon demanding the fame ; any Law, e""'^ gratis. Statute, or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. XV. And for the more effeftual preventing the Tranfportation of Wooll, Woollfells, Shortlings, Mortlings, or Woollflocks, Worfted, Bay, or Woollen Yarn, or any Aianufadlures of Wool or Wooll- flocks, or mixed with the fame, into foreign Parts ; be it enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That the Forfeitures on Penalties and Forfeitures of the Bonds, which by this Aft or any other former Law or Ufage are to be ^°"'^^ notaf- given, or have been given in the Kingdom of Ireland, for any "Wooll, or any of the Commodities afore- "E"^^^' faid, intended to be exported from that Kingdom, to be brought into the Ports of this Kingdom, or.Do- minion of Wales, as aforefaid, fhall not, on any Confideration whatfoever, be granted or affigned bver to any Perfon whatfoever; and that all fuch Grants or Affignmcnts are and fhall be void to all Intents and All fuch Affign- Purpofes ; any Law, Ufage, or Statute to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ments void. XVI. And for the better preventing the Exportation of Wooll out of this Kingdom or Ireland, into foreign Parts ; be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Lord High Admiral of England, or Crufing Ships to Commiffioners for executing the Office of High Admiral for the Time being, Ihall direft and appoint two '"'='2<: ^'"o'.i <=-^- Ships of the fifth Rate, and two Ships of the fixth Rate, and eight armed Sloops, conftandy to cruize on P°"'"°'""S" the Coafts of England '3.nd Ireland, particularly between the North of Ireland znd Scotland, with Orders to "' '" take and feize all Ships, Veffels, and Bo its, which fhall export any Wooll with Intent to cany it into foreign Parts ; and that the Lord High Admiral, or Commiffioners, as aforefaid, fhall fend a Lilt of all Commiffioners fuch Ships and Sloops, and the Names of the Commanders, together with true Copies of their feveral In- °*^ ['"; '^"?°? ftruftions that are or fhall be given, to the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms in London, within ten Days *f A^IV.,,;' „ r r r^ rr-iniii* JOt tile CruizerS. after fuch Orders, as aforefaid, are or fhall be given. XVII. And for the Encouragement of the Commanders and Mariners belonging to the Ships and Sloops aforefaid; be it enadted by the Authority aforefaid. That all Wooll, Ships, Veffels, or Boats that fhall All Wooll, . be fo feized or taken, fhall be forfeited, and all fuch Wooll fliall be lodged in the King's Warehoufe, in'^H^' ^'- ^^ fuch Port where it is or fhall be taken or feized, or into which it fliall be brought, until it fliall be con- ^arhxtti ^ demned according to Law; and being fo condemned, fliall b? expofed publickly to Sale, after one and and fuld'by Inch twenty Days, public Notice being given in Writing at the Cuftom-houfe of the faid Port, and on the of Candle. C 2 Royal