Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/573

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A. D. lyii* Anno decimo A N N ^ Reglnze. C. ii. 52-1; difllndly accounted for by the Officers of the refpedive Parifli to which fuch Diflriil fliall remain or . belong, XXV. Provided always. That in all fuch Cafes when and fo often as fuch annual or other Agreements in Defsult of - fhall not be had or made for the apportioning and diftribirting fuch Rates, it fhall and may be lawful to and fuch yearly for the Churchwardens of the prefent Parifh Church, and the Overfeers of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Agreements, Highways for the Parifli or Diftriii: then remaining to fuch prefent Church, to aflefs, colledt, and levy of S^ ihe Haridi the Inhabitants within and throughout the prefent Limits of fuch Parifh, for the Relief of the Poor, and Rs- Diftria &c. ftai pair of the Highways within the prefent Limits of fuch Parifh, and the Repair of the prefent. Church, all aiTefs all Rates fuch Rates and Taxes, as the Churchwardens, Overfeers of the Poor, and Surveyors of the Highways oi ^"'■• fuch Parifh might have done before any. Divifion made ; any thing in this Afl: to the contrary notwith- flanding. This Aftftall • XX VL Provided always, and be it.cnaited and declared by the Authdrityaforefaid, That neither this A6i, ""^ invalidate nor any thing, herein contained, 'fhall extend to invalidate or avoid any Kcclefiaftical Law or Conftitution of ^^ f j^^",'^.^'* the Church of England, or to deftroy any of the Rights or Powers belonging, to the Bifhop of London, and norde'ftroy r'he- his SuccelTors, or any other local Ordinary, or to any Archdeacon', ChanGellor^ or Official. . . Rights or the • XXVn. And. it is hereby enafted and declared. That he and; they refpe^lvely may at all Times here- BiKop of Lon- after vifit, inftitute, and exercife Ecclefiaftical Jurii'dicSiondn ailParifhes to be erefted or divided by virtue ^°"> ^'^- '• and in purfuance of this A<51, or in any Part, or Place within thefarhe, as amply as they or or any of them The faid Biftop, may now do therein, and in fuch Manner as in,any, other Parifhes or Places within his or their Dioccfe or &"c. may vifit, Jurifdi^Stion refpedlively ; theAdmiffidn and.Inftitiition of fuch prefent preaching Minifters in fuch Chapels ^'^' '" 'i' ^""^ as fhall be confecrated and converted into Parochial Churches, only excepted. n«yPan;iies, XXVIIL Provided always, and be itenafted by the Authority aforefaid. That one of the faid fifty new o'ntof thene«r Ghurches fhall be eredled in Eaft-Greenwich in the County of Kent, as in the faid former A61 is diredied. Churches fliatl XXIX. - ■ •■ ■ ■ ■ - ~ to and for 1 one thoufai.- .-... -, -^ — -. , .„ ..„ ^ minate, conflitute and:appoint fuch Perfons to be Commiffiorvers to execute all and every the Powers in the Qu;en/&c,i faid recited Aft^- and in this A6t mentioned, as her Majefty fhall think fit ; and from fuch Appointment fo may appoint made,, the. Powers hereby granted to.the Commiffioners, in the.faid former Letters ,Pa,teatj,-iha!'l--deterr .'*°*"f"^ ■ ™jj^g to execute this- - XXX. And be it ena£^ed by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Monies to be ifTued by or in purfu- ^ii Monies t ance of this or the faid former A£l for Building the faid Churches, and other the Ufes therein mentioned, be iflu&i with- ili'all be ilTued and paid without Fee or Charge to be* demanded or taken for the fame. , out Fee. XXXI. And he it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That no Burial fhall, at an.y .time hereafter, be in ^° "■'"' '° t^' or under any of the Churches by this Atft intended to beere<3:ed, and that it lliall and may be lawful to and ""^^"y of '1'= for the faid Commiffioners, or any Five or more of them, to afcertain the Sum of Money, that flaallbe paid to rn7tfaj-'cam" the Reftor, and each Oilicer belonging to each Church, for every Burial in any of the Cemeteries or Caurchr^ miffioners m"v yards, by this- Aft intended to be purchafed. . ■ afcejiain what' ' XXXII. And whereas, by the faid Aft made in the ninth Year of her Maj'efty's Reign, it is enaftedj ftall be paid for- •.

  • That out of the Sums of Money which fhould be raifed by virtue of the faid Aft, there fhould be applied ^'u^i-'i^ y*f
  • ■ the Sum of Fotir thoufand Pounds pe7- Annum towards the Repairing and Finifhing the Collegiate Church '"'" '"^' "

' of St. Peter, Wcftminjxer, and the Chapels of the fame :' Be it therefore enafted by the Authority afore- 9 Anna, c. as. -■ faid. That the faid Sum of Four thoufand Pounds /'cry/«n«w, during the Continuance of the faid former ^pi^^j 5^^ Aft, fhall be IfTued and paid unto the Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Lord Chief Juflice of the Oueer.'s of 4o..ol.Aall Bench, and the Dean of the faid Collegiate Church, for the time being, who are hereby conftituted and ap-" bepa,d to the pointed Commiflioners for repairing the faid Collegiate Church and Chapels of the fame, by equal Qiiarterly Chf._nw;llor nf- . payments; the .firfl Payment to commence and be made on the thirtieth Day of Z)ft'i?m^f;- in the Year one '.J*^ :?^"^'^'^"'^^ • thoufand feven hundred and fixteen : Which faid Sums of Money.-fo' to hz paid. to.the faid Chancellor of the Weftminfler""-?. Exchequer, Lord Chief Juftice of the Queen's Bench, and Dean of the faid Collegiate Church, fhall -be Abbey, &c! hy them laid out and expended in and towards the Repairing the faid Collegiate Church and Chapels of the who are confti-: ;. fame; and Books of Accounts fhall be kept by them, the faid' Ciiancellor of the Exchequer, Lord Chief '"'^""^"mmif- .- Juflice of the Queen's Bench,, and Dean of the faid Collegiate Church, or by their Deputies.or Officers, of ^°""l'^^^^' all Monies which, from time to time, fhall be received, paid, difburfed, and applied towards the Repairing. k„pBooj./j,f ..-- the laid Collegiate Church and Chapels of the f^me ; the faid Books to be infpefted by all perfons /pffl'/j',,Accounts, &c. . ■, and alfo A'bftrafts of fuch Books of Account fhall be by them, the fame Commiffioners, or any two of And deiTver '-hem, before the End of Michaelmos Term in every Year, tranfniitted and delivered- into her Majefty's Re- Ahftrafts there... rnembrancer's Office in the Court of Exchequer, to be there received, kept and viewed without Fee or Re- of '"to the Re-. ward, in fuch Manner as is direfted by an Aft made in the eighth and ninth Years of the Reign of his late ^'^"^^■^■n'-"^-^_ Majefl-y King William the Third, intituled, Jn A£i for ,compl(:(iting the Building and Adorning the Cathe-.^^,^^^'^^^^ ^ i'ral Church of St. Paul, London, and for Repairing the. Collegla.ti^€htirch of St. Peter, Weflminfter. Aa of 8 and

  • ■ XXXIII. And whereas by an Aft made in, the two aad twentieth Year of the Reign of the late Kingg w. 3 c* 14,

' CtJARLES the Second, intituled. An Additional A^. far. life Rebuilding the Qity of hondon. Uniting of Pa- zaCar, 2,c. u, -rljhes, and Rebuilding of the Cathedral (ind Parochial, Churches within the [aid C/V;;;, the Number of Parifli , ' Churches to be rebuilt was- fifty-one,, and the Churchjof St. Mary fjfoolnoth & one 'of the faid frfty-onor • ' Churches direfted to be rebuilt, for which Purpofe feveral'Duties upon Coals imported. and brought into.:; •? ' the Port of the City of London, or River of Thames within the Libetty of . the faid City upon the faid Ri- ' ver, were granted ; and by one other Aft made in the firft Year of the Reign of King James the Second, 1 ja, j, c. -jj, ' a further Duty was laid upon Coals imported, and Power thereby given to the Lord Archbifliop of Canter- ' hury, tord Bifhop of London, and to the Lord Mayor of London, for the time being, to appropriate, by . ♦ Warrant under their Hands and Seals, fuch Part of the Impoliliqn, thereby granted, as fhould in their Yot. IV. ' ■ Xx^.. ' .- • 'Difcre- -