Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/593

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A.D. lyri.. Anno declmo Ann^ Regina^. C. 191, 54.1 For and upon-^all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Fine Large Poft, whichfhall be imported FineLatge Po.a»- or brought in, as aforefaid, the Sum of two Shillings and fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate far a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Fine Fcoh Cap, which fhall be inr- Fins Fcoh Cap,,. ported or brought in, as aforefaid, two Shillings and fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate -for a greater or lefTer Qiiantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Second Fcoh Cap, A.vhich fhall be imported Secnnd-Fcola-, or brought in, as aforefaid, two Shillings for, every. Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or lelTer '^'P- Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Bajiard, or Double Copy, which ihall be Da!>ard, or imported or brought in, as aforefaid, two Shillings for every. Ream, and after that Rate, for a greater or Double Ccfy^. lefTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Chancery .Double,- which fhall be im- Chancery ported or brought in, as aforefaid, two Shillings for every Reain, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer- '^°"^' Quantity., For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by. the Name o^ Superfine Pot, which fKall be im- Saperfine Poti. ported or brought in, as aforefaid, two Shillings for every. Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leflei Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually, called .or known by. the Name of Second Fine Pot,. which fhall be imported Second Fina- or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling and fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or Pot. leiTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or knov/n by the Name of Genoa Royal, which fhall be im,- Genoa S.oy-,1, ported or, brought in, as aforefaid, three Shillings and three Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leller Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually, called or known by the Naine of Genoa Medium, which fhall be imported Gsnoa M:diuraii. or brought in, as aforefaid,, two Shillings and fijc Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater, or.lefTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known hYthel>iarn.e of Genoa Demy Fine, which fliall be im- GsnoaDauy ported or brought in, as aforefaid, "two Shillings for every. Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or Fine. lefl'er Quantity.. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Demy Second, which fhall be im- Genoa Demy, ported or brought in, as aforefaid, after the Rate of one Shilling and fix Pence for every Ream, and after ^"°"<i' that Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Crown Fine, whTch fliall be im- -Genoa Crov.-a-T ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling, and fix Pence, for every Ream, and after that Rate for a Fine- greater or lefTer Quantity. For .and upon all Paper ufually called or known by, the Name of G.enoa Crown Skofid, which fliall be im- Genoa Crowm ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling, for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Second. Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Fools Cap Fine, which fliall be GSnda Fooli- iropcrted or brought in, as aforeiaid,- one Shilling and fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate Cap Fine. : for a greater or leiTer Quantity., For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Fboh Cap Second,, which fhall be Genoa -FtToIs-i imported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or Cap Second. , lefTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by- the Name of German Lombard, whv^ fhall be im- GermanLom*. ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or lefler bard. Quantity. For and upon ail Paper ufually called or known by the Name of German Demy, which fhall be imported German Detny^. or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling and fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater, or lefl'er l,^iantity. For r:nd upon all Paper ufjally called or known by the Name of German Croivn, which flialT be im^- GermanCiown,!. ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of German Fools Cap, which fhall be im- German Fools ported or brouglic in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every .Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer ^^P- Quantity. For and upon all Paflboards, Mildboards, and Scaleboards, which fhall be imported or brought in, , as Paftboard, ' afovefaid, five Shillings for every Hundred Weight, and after that Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity. Scaleboard, *fci^ And for and upon all other Paper, White or Brown, or of any other Colour or Kind whatfoever, which '" ^"'^ repealed fliall be imported or brought in, as aforefaid, (not being particularly charged in this Aft) a Duty after the ^^7"?'^° '* Rate of twenty Poimds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of the fame, and .after, that am other'^Paper Rate for a greater or lefTer Quantity. ' 20 1. percent. ad Valovem... XXXIII. And it is hereby enabled. That there fhall be anfwered and paid to her Majefty, her Heirs and , Succeflbrs, for and upon all Books, Prints, and Maps, printed or wrought off in any Parts beyond the ^^i^Ji P'.*'^ ■ Seas, which, at any Time or Times within or during the Term lafl mentioned, fliall be imported or brought, pg^ed lo^l""" - bound or unbound, into Great Britain, (over and above the prefent Duties thereupon) a Duty after the cent. ad Valo!' Rate tii thirty Pounds fbr every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of the fame, and after that rem. Rate for greater or lelTer Quantities ; Which faid Duties for and upon the faid feyeral Sorts of Paper, and i" Partrepeileij .1 the.