Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/617

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A. D. 1711. Anno declmo Annm Regln-a^. C 20, 21. 565 CLXXXVI. Provided alv/ays, and it is hereby enailed, That all the Money which fhall be borrowed Money fo kor- vpon the Credit of fuch Stock, as atbrefaid, fliall be applied and difpofed by the iaid Treafurers, Pay- "w'd to be mafters, or others refpcflivejy chargeable therewith, to fuch publick Ufes whereunto the faid Stock fo to ^j? '^^f ^^J be mortgaged would have been applicable by or in purfuance of the faid A€t, if no fuch Mortgage, Affign- Publick. ment, or Transfer had been made, and to no other Ufe, Intent, or Purpofe whatfoever ; and that the faid paribsr Pi rovt' Treafurers, Paymafters, and other Officers, who fhall borrow the faid Monies, as aforefaid, fliall be aiifwer-Tfons relating t» able for the Application thereof accordingly ; and that the faid Company fiiall not be refpoiifible for permit- Smih Sea Com. ting the Stock to be fo transferred, as if the fame were unduly transferred ; and that the Lenders of fuch /""!> '° '^°"- Money fhall npt be chargeable with the Application thereof to the faid Ufes. jilu'z. ] zV 3 Geo. I, c. 9. 5 Geo. i. c. ig. 6 Geo. i. c. 4, Sf ii. 7 Geo. i. c. 5. 7 Geo. i. ftai. i. S Geo. t. c. 20, 21, Sf 22. 9 Geo. 1. c. 6. i Ceo. 2. e. 8. 3 Geo, 2. c. 16, & XI. 4 Ge-j. 2. c. 5. 5 Geo. 2. c. 17. 6 Geo, z. c.^5, & 28. 7 Geo, 2. c. 17. 9 Geo, 2. c. 34, loGeo. 2. c. 17. 20 G<:o. 2. c, J. /'<f7. 60. 24 Geo. a. c. z, & II. i6 Geo. 2. f. 16. CAP. X^. An A61 for the Relief of Infolvent Debtors, by obliging their Creditors to accept the utmoft Satisfaction E x P» they are capable to make, and reftoring them to their Liberty. CAP. XXI. An A61 to prevent Abufes in making Linen Cloth, and regulating the Lengths, Breadths, and equal lorting of Yarn, for each Piece made in Scotland, and for whitening the fame. HER E A S divers Abufes and Deceits have of late Years been ufed in the Manufactures of Linen 28 H. 8. c. ^ Cloth in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, with Refpect to the Lengths, Breadths, and i Eiiz. c. la. unequal forting of Yarn, which tends to the great Debafing and Undervaluing of the faid Linen Cloth, ' -^nn. fiat. %,

  • • both at Home and in Foreign Parts, where the faid Cloths are vended :' For Remedy whereof, be it

enafted by the Queen's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the : Lords Spi- The Lengths ritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflembled, and by Authority of the fame, ^" j^/" 01^111, That from and after the nine and twentieth Day of September, which fnall be in the Year of our Lord one ^aje in Scot- thoufand feven hundred and twelve, all Sorts of Linen Cloth made in Scotland, fhall be made of well forted land. Yarn for each Piece, and equally wrought and fine from the one End of the Piece to the other ; and that Domick, &c.- all Linen Cloth be made by the Standard Yard Wand, of the Lengths and Breadths following, each Piece made in Scot- of Linen Cloth, commonly called Saint "Johnjlons Cloth, when brown or green, and all other plain, brown, land provided or green Linen Cloth made for whitening, fhall be made full Yard and Nail, or full three Quarters of a Yard s"^; V "q^" and Nail, that when whitened, it may be full Yard or full three Quarters of a Yard in Breadth ; and that all other Sorts of plain Linen Qoth, whether white, brown, or green, fhall be full Yard, or full three Quarters of a Yard in Breadth ; and every fuch Piece of plain, brown, or green Linen Cloth, fhall be in Length eighty-four Yards, the Half Piece forty-two Yards, the Quarter Piece one and twenty Yards ; and every Piece of plain white Linen Cloth fhall be in Length forty Yards, the Half Piece twenty Yards ; and _ all Linen Checks fhall be made Yard and Half a Quarter, or full Yard, or full three Quarters of a Yard in. Breadth ; and all ftriped Linen Cloth fhall be made full Yard and Quarter, or full Yard, or full three Quarters of a Yard in Breadth ; and all Linen for Neckcloths fhall be made, the Piece to contain twelve Neck- cloths, the Half Piece to contain fix Neckcloths ; and all Sortsof Ticking fhall be made full Yard, or full three Quarters of a Yard in Breadth ; and that all white, brown, or green Linen Cloth v/hatfoever fhall be fold in that Part aforefaid, in the Water-fould, or in Foulds of one Yard or Half Yard in each Fould of Length, and not rolled or battered. n. And be it enaiSed by the Authority aforefaid. That if any Weaver, or other Perfon, fhall, from and Penaltv on- after the faid nine and twentieth Day of September, make, or caufe to be made any of the aforefaid Linen Weavejs, &c.. Cloth, otherways than according to the refpective Lengths and Breadths aforefaid, and with well forted mskmg L:ncn_ Yarn, and equally wrought and fine, from the one End of the Piece to the other, every fuch Perfon or ^'"^^"cordrnK^ Perfons fo ofl^ending, and being thereof convifted by the Oath of any Overfeer or Searcher of Linen (q t^j. aforefaidi Cloth, appointed or to be appointed within the feveral Boroughs Royal, Counties, Stewartries, Boroughs Lengths and. of Regality and Barony, in that Part of Great Britain aforefaid, or by the Oath of two or more credible Breadths, Witnefiies before any Juflice or Juflices of the Peace, Magiftrate or Magiftrates, or other Judge or Judges competent within their refpeflive Jurifdiftions (which Oath they or any of them are hereby impowered to adniinifter) fliall, for every Inch the faid refpetSive Linen Cloth fhall be lefs than the faid refpeftive Breadths, and for every Half a Quarter the three Quarters Yard and Nail plain Cloth fhall exceed the faid Breadths, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Shillings Sterling ; and for every Yard the faid refpeftive white,, brown, or green plain Linen Cloth fhall be lefs in Length than the faid refpeftive Lengths, fhall forfeit the like Sum of five Shillings Sterling ; and for every Piece of all Sorts of Linen Cloth whatfoever, that is not made of well forced Yarn, and equally wrought and fine from the one End of the Piece to the other, fhall forfeit the Sum of five Shillings Sterling ; and if any Perfon or Perfons fhall buy or expofe to Sale, or bring to any Tov/n or Place, in order for Sale, any of the -aforeiaid Cloth, in that Part aforefaid, not being made- of well forted Yarn, equally wrought and fine from the one end of each Piece to the other, and of the Lengths, Breadths, and Fouldings aforefaid, fuch Perfon or Perfons fo ofJ-ending and being thereof con^ vifted in any time not exceeding fix Months after the Time of Sale, or expofing the fame to Sale, flaall for- feit for each Piece the Sum of five Shillings Sterling. III. And be it further enacSled by the Authority aforefaid. That every Owner or Owners of all Sorts of Owner? of Lj-^ Linen Cloth whatfoever made in Scotland, before expofing the fame to Sale, ihall bring the fame to any Bo- "'-'" '^■}°^' '^^~ ^ r o ; J a 1 tore iney ex- xough •'