Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/62

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C. 19, 20. Anno dfecimo 6c undecimo Gulielmi III. A. D. 1669. to his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs, for ever : And whereas by another Aft made and pafled in the 9W, 3. e.4j. < Parliament holden ^aWeJiminfter in the ninth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An j£t for ta- king away half the Duties tmfojed on Glafs, and the whole Duties lately laid on Stone and Earthen Wares, and Tobacco Pipes, and for granting (in lieu thereof) new Duties upon Whale Fins and Scotch Linen, it is (amongft other Things) enadled, That from and after the firftDay ofvfag'z^one thoufand fix hundred ninety-eight, one Moiety or Half-part of the feveral Rates and Duties by the aforefaid Afts, or either of them, charged and made payable for or upon the faid Glafs and Glafs W:ires fliould ceafe, determine, and be no longer payable to his Majefty, his Heirs Or Succeflbrs ; as by the faid feveral Afts of Parliament, Relation be- ing thereunto feverally had, may more fully appear : And whereas it is found by Experience, that the remaining Duties on Glafs and Glafs Wares are very vexatious and troublefome in the levying and col-«  leiSing the fame, and of fmall Advantage to the Crown, and, fhould the fame be continued, would leflen the Duty on Coals, much more than the faid Duties on Glafs Wares will amount to, will hinder the. employing great Numbers of Poor, and endanger the Lofs of fo beneficial a Manufafture to this Kingdom ;.* be it therefore enafted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by the Authority of ilemiining Du- the fame. That from and after the firft Day of Augufi one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, the remaining ties on Glafs and Moiety or Half-part of the feveral Rates and Duties by the aforefaid AiSts, any or either of them, charged Glafs Wares de- qj. impofed, for and upon the faid Glafs or Glafs Wares, fliall ceafe, determine, and be no longer payable, termme . ^id, or colledted to or to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeflbrs, in any Manner of wife; any Thing in the faid A£ts, any or either of them, contained to the contrary notwithftanding. CAP. XIX. t B. An Aft for the making and keeping navigable the Rivers of Aire and Calder m the County of York. The Undertakers may build Locks, Wears, i^c. make Ways, l^c. or turn Highways, and fet out Tow- ing-paths, fatisfying the Owners, Commiflioners to be Mediators between the Undertakers and Owners of Lands, i^c. Perfons refufing to agree, iSc. Sheriff' of York to impanel a Jury. Jury on Oath to inquire and aflfefs Damages. Commiflioners thereupon to give Judgment, which fliall be bind- ing, and kept among the Records at the Seflions, and a Tranfcript thereof at Leeds, On Payment of the Sums agreed, l^c. Undertakers may dig, ISc. Commiflioners in cafe of Death or Refufal, may nominate others, having an Eftate of zoo I. per Annum, or 4,000/. For every Tun of Cloth or other Goods, is'f. carried up or down the faid Rivers from Weeland to Leeds and Wakefield, &c. yearly from 1 May to 1 OSiober, 10 s. And from f OSfober to i May 16. f. &c. On Non-payment Undertakers may fue, or detain the Goods, &c. Watermen, ^c. may fet up Winches, isfc. Barge or Boat Matters anfwerable for Damages, to the Wears, Locks, fsfr. or to the Owners of Lands, ike. Commiflioners to have the fole Power of furveying the faid Rivers, &c. and exempted from Commifllons of Sewers. Undertakers to be at the fole charge of cleanfing, &c. Undertakers obliged to purchafe Mills, ^c. at the Rates apipointed, and fatisfy the Owners for Damages. Undertakers to raife the Banks of the Ri- vers proportionably, and maintain the fame in good Repair, Royalties, &c. of Pontefraii referved. Knottingley Mill Dam not to be demolifhed. No new Cut to be made between Weeland and Ou%e, This Aft not to prejudice Pontefracf antient Tolls, t^c. Kmttingiey Boats, i^c. exempted from Tolls. CAP. XX. rSj An Aft for making and keeping the River Trent, in the Counties oi Lekejkr, Derby, and Stafford, navi- gable. William hord Paget, Lord of the Manor of Burton upon Trent, &c. to have full Power for ma- king the River Trent navigable, from Wilden Ferry to Burton Town, and cut the Banks, isfc. and alter and amend the fame, and make Ways, iSc. and Towing-paths. Commiflioners to adjuft Diff^erences, a.nd fettle the Satisfaftion to be made. Perfons not agreeing, Commiffioners to. afcertain the Damages, on the Oaths of a. Jury, and decree what Recompence the Owner ftiali. have, which fl:iall be conclufive, isfc. If the Matter lie between two Counties, Sheriff of each to fummon twelve Men. On Payment of Money aflefied. Undertaker may aft, &c. No Commiflioner to aft where perfonally concerned. No Meeting to be held above feven Miles from the. Place in Queftion. In cafe of Death of Commif- fioners, Survivors may nominate others, having 100/. per Annum. Undertaker to have 3. </. a Tun for all Goods, &c. carried on the River above Wilden Ferry. Lord Paget, &c. may make By-laws, i3'c. and fet Fines, which fhall be binding. Juftices of Affize may alter or reform the fame. Mafter of Barge or Boat anfwerable for Damage, £5ff. Commiflioners to furvey the River and Banks, ^c. and make Orders and Decrees, isfc. at the Undertaker's Charge. Lord Paget to fet up Gates, Bridges, ^e. River Trent to be for ever a navigable River, from Gainejboreugh to Wilden Ferry, &c. Six hundred Pounds to be raifed on the Inhabitants of Burton, over and above the 600 1, raifed by the Duties. Par- ties aggrieved may appeal. All Proceedings, isc. to be entred in a Book, be kept by the Steward of Burton, and recorded. Not to prejudice Wilden Ferry, and others. William Paget, Efq; to aft for his Father during his Abfence. Manor of Burton coming to Infant, Guardians may aft. River to take its ancient Current by Repton. No Perfon to come upon the Earl of Huntingdon's Lands, on the South Side the River Trent, except Heys Meadow. If Lock be made between the four Flood-gates, i^c^ Lord Paget to keep the fame in Repair, lie. This Aft not to hinder the faid Earl from Right of Fifh^ ing, l^c. No Wharfs or Warehoufes to be erefted between Nottingham Bridge* and Burton, Sec with-;. out Commiflioners Confent. CAP.