Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/626

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'574 C. 25. Anno decimo A N N iE Reginse. A. D. 1711* in that Behalf ; and that the refpective Commiflioners for the faid Duties on Starch to be made in Great Britain, for the time being, fhall, from time to time, caufe all the Monies to arife by or for the faid Du- ties on- Starch to be made in Great Britain, during the Term aforefaid, (the neceffary Charges of managing, ■collecting, and raifing the fame excepted) to be paid, from time to time, as the fame fhall arife, into the ■Receipt of her Majeny's Exchequer in England, under the Penalties, Forfeitures, and Difabilities herein after expreffed. ■«tarch-makets X. And it is hereh'jr enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons ■whatfo- -to give Account ever, who, on or before the firft Day of yfzi^a/j' in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and °^dpT^^'f'* twelve, fhall make any ?>l&vc)'

Great Britain, for Sale or not for Sale, fhall, on or before the fame firft 

Abode ar.rlof Day of ^a^2^ One thoufand feven hundred and tvi^elve, give Notice in Writing at the Office for the faid their Work- Duties on. Starch, next to the Place where fuch Starch fiiall be made, of their refpective Names and Places h'.jfes, &c. at of Abode, and of every Work-houfe, Store-houfe, Room, and other Place by him, her, or them refpec- ithe next Office, tively made ufe of in or for the making, drying, and keeping of fuch Starch, or of Flour, Meal, or other jon Forfeiture of l*,/[a(-ei-ia]s proper to be made into Starch, and alfo of all the Fats, Troughs, Boxes, Kilns, Stoves, Uten- 'fds, and Veflels, ufed in the making of the fame ; and that from and after the faid firlt Day of yfugu/l, du- ring the Continuance of the faid Duties upon Starch, no Maker of Starch {hall erect, fet up, alter, change, en- large, or make ufe of any Work-houfe, Store-houfe, Room, or other Place, for the making, drying, or keeping of Starch, or for the converting or keeping any Flour, Meal, or other Materials proper to be made irtto Starch, or ufe any Fat, Trough, Box, Stove, Utenfil, or other Veffel, for the making of Starch, without iirfl: giving Notice thereof in Writing, or unlefs Notice thereof fhall have been before given in Writing at the next Office, as aforefaid; and if any Maker of Starch fhall erect, fet up, alter, enlarge, of make ufe of any Work-houfe, Store-houfe, Ro /m, or other Place, for the making, drying, or keeping of Starch, or for the keeping or converting of any Flour, Meal, or other Materials proper to be made into Starch, or ihall ufe any Fat, Trough, Kiln, Stove, Box, Utenfil, or other VefTel, for the making of Starch, without giving fuch Notice thereof, as aforefaid, contrary to the true Meaning of this Aft, then-, and in every fuch Cafe, the Offender thei"ein, ^for every fuch Offence, fhall forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds. !St«reh-makCTs -XI. And it'is hereby enafted. That from and after the faid lirft Day of y^z^/£/?, during the Continuance an London, &-C. of the faid Duties upon Starch hereby granted, all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever, who fnall '^°Q^"^""y make any Starch in London, Wejlminjler, or in any Parts within the Weekly Bills of Mortality, fhall J " ii^ jiji jj^j^.j. ' monthly and every Month, and all and every Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, whofliall make any Starch in any ipi'acis in^c oihsx Y^xt. of Great Britain, fhall once in every fix Weeks, make a trueEntry in Writing at the nextOffice -Weeks, on For- for the faid Duties, of all the Starch by him, her, or them feverally made within fuch Months or fix jfsiuire of 50 1, Weeks refpectively ; which faid Entries fliall contain the Weight of all the Starch mentioned therein, and what Quantity thereof was made at a Time in the feveral Weeks to v/hich fuch Entry fliall relate, on Pain to forfeit for every Negledl of Entry the Sum of fifty Pounds ; which Entry fliall be made upon Oath, by the Makers of fuch Starch, or by their chief Workman or Servant employed in making the fame, accord- 'ing to the befl: of their Knowledge and Belief, unlefs fuch Maker, Workman, or Servant be a known sQuaker, and the folemn Affirmation of fuch Maker, Workman, or Servant to the fame EfFedf, in cafe he or fhc'be a knov/n Quaker, fhall and may be taken inftead of fuch Oath; and the faid Entries, Oaths, and Affirmations to verify the fame, fhall for fuch Starch as fhall be made within the Limits of the Weekly ■Bills of Mortality-, be made with, and adminiflred by fuch Officer or Officers as fliall be appointed by the Commifiioners for the faid Duties in England, or the major Part of them, for the time being, who fhall attend at a General Office in London or Weftminjler, for that Purpofe ; and all for Starch made in all other Parts of 'Great Britain^ with and by the Colleftors and Supervifors of the Diftrift or Divifion within which the refpeftive Makers of Starch fhall inhabit, without any Fee or Charge whatfoever to be demanded or taken for the fame. Tmhiesto'beat XII. Provided always. That no Maker of Starch fhall be obliged to go or fend further than the Market 'the next Market Xown where his or her Starch is made, or the next Market Town to the Place where his or her Starch is "*"■ made, fer the making of fuch Entries, as aforefaid. Perfons in Lon- XIII. Aftd be it further qnafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every Perfon and Perfons what- don,&<^ to clear foever, who fliall make any Starch in London, Weftminjler, or within the Limits of the faid Weekly Bills '^' Wce)'s"'in'" °'^ Mortality, fhall, within four Weeks, and all and every Perfon and Perfons whatfoever who fhall make any other Parts ^ny Starch in any other Part of Great Britain, fhall, within fix Weeks, after he, fhe, or they fhall make, 5n 6 Weeks, on or ought to have made fuch Entry, as aforefaid, pay and clear off all the faid Duties for Starch, which Forfeiture of fhall be due from him, her, or them refpeiSively ; and that all and every fuch Makers of Staixh, who douile the Du- j^^H refufe or neglect to make fuch Payment, as aforefaid, fhall forfeit and lofe, for every fuch Offence, '^ '^' double the Sum of the faid Duly, v/hereof the Payment fhall be fo refufed or neglefted ; and that no fuch Maker of Starch, after fuch Default in Payment made, fhall deliver, or carry out any Starch, until he hath paid and cleared off his Duty, as aforefaid, on Pain to forfeit double the Value of fuch Starch, fo delivered or carried out. ... Officers to enter XIV. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all and every the Officers for the faid Y-""™'^!'ac I^^f'^s on Starch, fhall at all Times, by Day or by Night (and if in the Night, then in the Prefence of a cou'crofVtarc'h' Conflable, or other lawful Officer of the Pe;'ce) be permitted, upon his or their Requeft, to enter the Houfe, Work-houfe, Ware-houfe, or other Place whatfoever, belonging to, or ufed by any Perfon or Per- fons, v/ho, within or during the laft-mentioned Term of thirty-two Years, fhall be a'Maker or Makers of any Starch whatfoever, and by j;auging or weighing of the Starch, or gauging the Boxes and other Utqn- fils, or otherwife, as to fuch Officer fhall feem moft proper and convenient, to take an Account of the jufl Quantity of the Starch which fhall have been made by fuch Maker or Makers of Starch, from time to .-ind to n>ake a time; and fliall thereof make Return or Report in Writing to the refpeftive Commiffioners for the faid Return >n Wri- Duties on Starch, or fuch a's they refpeiStively fliall appoint to receive the fame, leaving a true Copy (if de- tt«£totheCom- J f / t-f s Dianded)