Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/634

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582 C. 26* Anno decinio Ann^ Reginae. A. D. 171 1. the Wire Co made, and which fhall not have been furveyed and taken an Account of, feparate and a-^art from all the Gilt and Silver Wire which fliall have been furveyed and taken an Account of, as aforefaid, for the Space of four and twenty Hours after the making or drawiiie .the fame, unlefs fuch Wire {hall have been fooner furveyed and taken an Account of by the faid proper Officer, on Pain to forfeit for every Of- fence therein the Sum of ten Pounds. Wire concealed LVIII. And it is hereby enafted, That if any the faid Perfons by or for whom any fuch Gilt'or Silver forfeits zol. Wire, commonly called Big Wire, fliall be made or drawn, as aforefaid, fliall fraudulently hide or con- ceal, or caufe to be hid or concealed, any Wire chargeable by this Aft, or any Bars of Silver prepared for making the fame, with Intent to defraud her Majefty, then, and in every fuch Cafe, the OiFender fhall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds for every fuch Offence. Wire, &G. found LIX. And it is hereby further enabled by the Authority aforefaid. That all Gilt and Silver Wire, and in private Work- ^ll Bars for making fuch Wire, which fiiall be found in any private Work-houfe, and all private Utenfils feke'^d' ^'^' °'" ^°^ barring or drawing of fuch Wire, of which no Notice fliall have been given as this Aft direfts, fhall be forfeited and loft, and the fame, or the Value thereof, fliall and may be feized and recovered by any Officer of the faid Duties upon Wire, for her Majefty's Ufe. Wire, Materials, LX. And it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all fuch Gilt and Silver Wire, tTththe^Du'tic ^"'■' ^'^ ^^^ Materials and Uteniils for the making of fuch Wire, in the Cuftody of any Maker or Makers InArrear &c." °^ Wire, or of any Perfon or Perfons to the Ufe of, or in Truft for fuch Maker or Makers of Wire, fhall be liable and fubjeft to, and are hereby made chargeable with all the Debts and Duties for Gilt and Silver Wire in Arrear, and owing by fuch Maker or Makers, for any Wire made by him, her, or them, or in his or their Work-houfes or Places aforefaid, and alfo be fubjeft to all Penalties and Forfeitures in- curred by fuch Perfon or Perfons fo ufing fuch Work-houfe or other Place, for any Offence againfl this Aft relating^ to the faid Duties upon Wire ; and that it fhall and may be lawful in all fuch Cafes to levy- Debts and Penalties, and ufe fuch Proceedings, as may lawfully be done in cafe the Debtor or Offender were the true and lawfid Owner of the fame. Stock in Hand LXI. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That for all Gilt and Silver Wire, commonly on ijuiyiyiz. called Big Wire, which any Wire-drawers, Refiners, or other Traders or Dealers in any fuch Wire, or to ray one Half jij^y Perfon or Perfons in Truft for them or any of them, or for their or any of their Ufe, fhall be poffeffed of the uty, ^f ^^ interefted in, upon the faid firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, for Sale, there fliall be yielded and paid to her Majefty one Half of the like refpeftive Rates and Duties as are by this Aft to be paid for the like Sorts of Gilt and Silver Wire refpeftively to be made or imported after the faid iirft and to be entred Day of j'zi/^' one thoufand feven hundred and twelve; and that all and every the faid Refiners, Wire- attlie proper Of- drawers, or other Traders and Dealers in Gilt and Silver Wire, and all and every other Perfon and Perfons, fnre'oT 1 "and ^^^°' '" Truft for them or any of them, or for the Ufe of them or any of them, fliall be poffeffed of, or the^Wke°not^° have in his, her, or their Cuftody or Poffeffion, or in his, her or their Work-houfe, Ware-houfe, Store- entrcd, houfe, Shop, Room, or other Place or Places whatfoever, upon the faid firft Day of Ju/y one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, any Stock, Parcel, or Quantity of f'uch Big Wire for Sale, fhall, on or before the faid firft Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, make a true and particular Entry thereof at the Office for the faid Duties on Wire, within the Limits of which they fliall refpeftively inhabit, upon Pain to forfeit the Sum of fifty Pounds, and the Gilt and Silver Wire for which no fuch Entry fhall have and the Duty to been made; and within fix Days after he, flie, or they fhall have made fuch Entries, as aforefaid, fhall •"= Pf^ ^'^' pay down the Duties hereby payable for fuch Gilt and Silver Wire, or within the faid fix Days fliall give curedmbUays. gg^urity to the proper Officers for paying the fame Duties to her Majefty's_ Ufe within fix Adonths then next enfuing ; and in cafe the faid Duties for Arch Stock of Gilt and Silver Wire be paid down within the faid fix Days, then there fhall be allowed out of the fame Duty for fuch Prompt Payment, an Allowance 10'. percent, after the Rate of ten Pounds per Ceiitnm per Jfiniim for the faid Time of fix Months; and that all and for prompt Pay- every fuch Wire-drawers, Refiners, and other Traders and Dealers in fuch Wire, as aforefaid, who flnall Rcfufin to a rtfufe or negleft to make fuch Payment, or to give fuch Security for Payment of the faid Duties for his, forfe"its"douVe ^-^"^i O their faid Stock of V/ire, within the Time by this Aft limited for that Purpofe, fliall forfeit double the Duty. the Sum of the faid Duty which fhould have been fo paid or fecured by him, her or them, as aforefaid ; and that it fhall and may be lawful to and for the proper Officers for the fame Duties refpeftively, to take a true and particular Account of all fuch Stock or Quantities of Big Wire, as any Wire-drawers, Refiners, ■and other Traders and Dealers in fuch Wire, or any in Truft for them, fhall on the faid firft Day of July Cffi;er5mayen. one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, have or be poffeffed of; and for that Purpofe fliall be permitted in ter Shops, &c. ^hg Day-time to enter into any Shop, Ware-houfe, Work-houfe, or any Dwelling-houfe, Out-houfe, or to view Stock, other Places belonging to fuch Perfons, and every of them ; who are hereby required to permit fuch Officer and Officers upon his or their Requeft, to make fuch Entrance on the faid firft Day of yidy one thoufand feven hundred and tvv'elve, or afterwards, at any Time before the Duty laft mentioned fhall be paid or fe- cured, and to take an Account of the Quantity of fuch Big Wire, under the Penalty of twenty Pounds ; Refufal to per- and if any Perfon or Perfons having on the faid firft- Day of July one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, them for- {^ hjs^ her or their Cuftody or Poffeffion, any Stock or Quantity of Big ¥/ire chargeable by this Aft with feits2ol. the faid Half Duties forStock, as aforefaid, fliall clandeftinely remove or carry away, or caufe or fuffer to Clandeftin.'ly re- be removed or carried away, the fime or any Part thereof, before her Majefty's Duties thereupon fliall be mov &c ng Stock, p^jj ^j. Secured, as aforefaid, or fliall fraudulently conceal or hide any Part of his, her or their faid Stock oreits.o .^j- -^vi^g^ fj^jjt j[.jgjj gj^j jj^ every fuch Cafe, he, flie, or they fo offending, for every fuch Offence fliall &c, forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds ; and in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes, the Stock or Quantity of Wire which fhall be fo clandeftinely removed or carried away, or fraudulently concealed or hid, fhall be forfeited, and fliall and may be feized by any the faid Officers for the faid Duties on Wire ; and the Perfon or Perfons in whofe Cuftody fuch Stock of Wire fliall be found, who fhall not, before the Difcovery -thereof^ give Notice at the next Office for the faid Duties on Wire, of the Stock or Quantity of Wire fo in