Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/639

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A.D. 1711*' Anno deomo Ann^ Reginas. C. 26. 587 •' fccurcd. Orders to be paid in Courfe, &c. Treafury may divide extraordinary BfenefTts of zooo/. or " upwards into Orders of 500/. TlieJVIonies appropriated by this A6t, to be applied to pay ofF the Priii- " cipal and Intercfl:. Surplus difpofable by Parliament. Publick Notice to be given when ftanding Or- " ders fliall become payable. Eight Pence pi:r Ci'nt. per Diem to Sept. lyiz. allowed for the firft Payment. " J'our Pence ^er Cent psr Diem, for the other three Payments. Receivers to take in Money before they " receive their Books. Contributor advancing one Part of the Payment, and failing in the refi, forfeits " what is paid, (s'c. Officers to be paid out of the Money arifmg by this Aft. If Principal and Intereft " be fully paid off" before the 32 Years, the Duties to be difpofed by Parliament. Treafury to appoint a " Paymafter, i^c. Affignments of Handing Orders to be regiltred." EXP. CVI. And for the more efFeiStual preventing the Frauds of the Chandlers and Makers of Candles for Ch.indler to de. Sale, whereby her Majefly's Duties upon Candles are very much leflened ; Be it further enafted by the Au- "^'^re to the of. thority aforefaid, That every Chandler or Maker of Candles for Sale, v/ho, from and after the firft Day of ^'^"' }'^J°"' Augtiji one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, fhall make any Candles for Sale, fhall, before he begins to n^ate^I^c™ f iriake or dip any Making or Courfe of Candles, declare to the Officer or Officers appointed to take an Ac- of Candles the count of the fame, the Number of Sticks which he dcfigns to make at fuch Making or Courfe, and alfo Nun-berof the Sizes of the Candles whereof each Stick is to confifb; and if fuch Making or Courfe is intended to be Sticks ija defigns of Mould Candles, then fuch Maker fliall declare to fuch Officer or Officers, before he begins to fill any '? "^J".'"' "'."|^ of the faid Moulds, hov/ many Moulds he intends to fill at fuch Making, and how often he intends at fuch Candle."rnd"^ Making to draw the faid Moulds ; and in cafe any Chandler or Maker of Candles for Sale, fnall negleft how many or refule to make fuch Declaration, as aforefaid, or fliall, after fuch Declaration made, make any Increafe Moulds he de- of his Number of Sticks, or of the Sizes of his Candles in fuch Making or Courfe, over and above S"fo fill, &c, the Number and Sizes fo declared, as aforefaid, or in the Cafe of making of Mould Candles fliall fill a '", -'?:«  greater Number of Moulds, or draw fuch Moulds oftener than fhall be declared, as aforefaid; or in cafe 2' •;!„;"^ /"" any Chandler or Maker of Candles fhall, after the Weighing of any Making of Candles by the Officer g ^m] c.' 6,' or Officers appointed to take an Account of the fame, increafe the Weight of fuch Candles fo weighed, by redipping the fame, or otherwife ; then and in any of the faid Ca'es, fuch Chandler or Maker of Can- dles for Sale, fliall, for every luch Offence, forfeit and lofe the Sum of ten Pounds, to be recovered, levied, on Forfeiture and mitigated, by the fame Ways, Means, and Methods, as any Penalty or P'orfeiture can or may be re- of lol. covered, levied, or mitigated, by any of the Lav.'S of Excife, and to go one Moiety thereof to herMajefty, her Heirs and SuccefTors, and the other Moiety to the Perfon or Perfons who fhall inform or fue for the fame. CVII. And be it further ena:?. ^d by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the laid firft Day of Kq chand'crts Aitgrijl one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, no Chandler or Maker of Candles for Sale fhall begin to begin nCourfc make any Courle or Making of Candles, without Notice thereof firft given to the Officer for the faid Du- of Candlcswith- ties, for the Place or Divifion where I'uch Maker fliall inhabit, to the Intent that iuch Officer may take an o"t Notice, un- Account of the lame, unlefs at fuch Times as are herein after mentioned; that is to fay, fioni the twenty- st!tu7e h- ^"^ ninth Day oi September to the twenty-fifth Day of March, yearly, between the Flours of feven in the Morn- Colcmiirtr^cLi- ing and five in the Evening; and from the faid twenty-fifth Day o^ March to the twenty-ninth Day oi Sep- dla, fcejanbcr temher, yearly, between the Hours of five in the Morning and feven in the Evening; upon Pain, that ii<^0- i.f. jc;. every fiich Chandler or Maker of Candles, doing contrary hereunto, fhall forfeit and lofe, for every fuch ^^i?"- 2- <"• »i- -Offence, the Sum. of ten Pounds, to be recovered, levied, mitigated, and diftributed, as is laft before " '°' *" ^*' mentioned. ' CVIII. And whereas by an Aft made in the feventh Year of her prcfent Majefty,- intituled. An ASi 7 Anns;, c. u, ^ for afccrtaining and direiling the Payments of the Allowances to be made for cr upon the. Expartathn from ' Scotland of Fiji), Beef, and Pork, cured with Foreign Salt, imported before the firft Day of May one thoufand ' feven hundred and feven ■, and for difpoftng of fuch Salt Jiill rc?naimng in the Hands of her Majefty s Subjects ' there; and forajcertairnng and fecurin^ the Allowances for Fijh and FLjh exported and to be exported from ' ^scotViiMli for the future ; it is amongft other Things enafted, That the Allowances therein granted fhali ' be paid and fatisficd out of any her Majefty's Duties arifing upon Salt in Scotlajid, or out of the Revenues ' of Cuftoms and Excife in Scotland, or any of them, with Preference to all other Payments whatfoever to ' be made out of the fame, the Charge of raifing and managing thofe Revenues, and the Fees, Salaries, and ' other Charges, allowed or to be allowed by her Majefty, her Heirs or SuccefTors, for keeping up the ' Court of Seffion and Jufticiary, and the Exchequer Court in Scotland, always exxepted and foreprized ; ' And whereas fince the Union the Expence of keeping up the faid Courts could no otherwife be provided ' for there than out of the I^uties of Cuftoms and Excife ; and Doubts, may arife upon the Provifions made ^^'^s. S-l"jes, ' by the Aft above recited fx)r that Purpofe:' For obviating ar.d preventing of all fuch Doubts, be it en- '^a't!^' c"^""^ afted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Fees, Salaries, and other Charges, allowed or to be allov/cd by sti]iin,&c. in her Majefty, her Heirs or SuccefTors, for keeping up the Couris of Seffion, and Jufticiary, and Exchequer Scor.ano, to bi Court of Scotland, are and may be chargesble upon any Parts of the faid Cuftoms and Excife, preferable ^J^'-'s- ■-" t^- to all other Payments whatfoever, the Charge of Management excepted, but fo as not any Ways to pre- H":""" '"^ vent any Application of the Excrefcence out of the faid Cuftoms and Excife appointed by any g^,,' ' q^p ^ Laws. _ _ c. ao. §. I. " ' CIX. And whereas notwithftanding the Provifion made for fupprelnng of unlawful Lottei ies, by an L'bi.fe',cr 'u-i- ' A^ft made in the tenth Year of the Reign of the late King William, intituled, An Alt for /;j/>/>r,^//7i»- nr-ijiu.. unkw ^ of LotiC ' -..•-. T. .,- , r r ... , , ,, ., ._ ... .,- „--.,.- . ' or fet

  • by:

' printing certain Duties upon feveral Coiiunodities to be exported, and certain Duties upon Coals to he luatei'born ,0 ^^'j, ^^!^,-. ' and carried Ccqjlvjije ; and for granting further Duties upon Candles for thirty-tivo Tectrs ; to raife fifteen., x-/.