Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/642

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590 C. 26, Anno decimo A n n iE Reglnae. A. D. 1 711. ■referved to difcharge tlie fame ; and all the Monies of the Dedudlion of two and a half per Centum, which ] has been, or ought to be made from the Pay, Subfidies, or other Allowances for Foreign Forces in her Ma- jefty's Service, for the Year one thoufand fevenhundred and twelve ; and all the Monies of the Sum of one Million eight hundred thoufand Pounds, arifen, or to arife by another A£t of this Sefiion of Parliament, )to Anr«, c. 19. intituled, y^n ASl foi' laying ftveral Duties upon all Sope and Paper made .in Great Britain, or imported itita ■the fame, and upon chequered and Jlriped Linens imported ; and upon certain Silks, Colli cocs. Linens, and Stuffs, printed, painted, or Jlained ; and upon Jeveral Kinds of Jlampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper ; and upon certain printed Papers, Painphlets, and Advertifements ; for raifmg the Sum of one Aiillion eight hundred thoufand Pounds 'hyiuay of a Lottery towards her Ma'jefiys Supply; and for liccnfing an additional Number of Hackney Chairs ; and for charging certain Stocks of Cards and Dice ; and for better fecuring her Majefy's Duties to arife in the Office for the Stamp Duties by Licences for Marriages and otherwije ; and for Relief of Perfons who have not claimed their Lottery Tickets in due Tirne, or have loft Exchequer Bills., or Lottery Tickets ; and for borroiving _ Alotiey upon Stock (Part of the Capital of the South Sea Company) for the Ufe of the Publick ; over and above the Allowances for Prompt Paynient, and other Allowances diredledby the A£l laft-mentioned ; and all the Monies which, over and above the Allowances for Prompt Payment, and other Allowances directed by this prefent A6f, fliall arife of or for the faid Contributions, not exceeding the Sum of eighteen hundred thou- fand Pounds in this Act mentioned ; fhall be appropriated for or towards the feveral Ufes, Intents, and Purpofes herein after exprefled, (that is to fay) For or towards defraying the Charges of the Ordinary of her Majefty's Navy, and for Vi6tuals, Wages, Wear and Tear, and other Services of the Navy, and VidluaMing thereof, performed and to be performed, and for Sea Service in the Ordnance, performed and to be performed, fo as all the Iflues to be made out of the faid Aids or Supplies for all the faid Naval or Marine Services, do not in the whole exceed two Millions two hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds, over and above the Money to be made good to the South Sea Company, as is herein after mentioned ; and for or towards maintaining the Body of forty thoufand Men, which was raifed to ad: in Conjunftion with the Forces of her Majeily's Allies ; and for and towards maintaining the additional Forces of ten thoufand Men, which were taken into her Majefty's Service in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and three, in the Lozv Countries ; and for or towards maintaining a further Number of additional Forces in the Low Countries in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, not exceeding fifteen thoufand one hun- dred feventy-eight men, to be continued upon Condition that the States General of the United Provinces do agre-e to add to fuch additional Forces the Proportion of three Fifths to two Fifths, fo as all the Iflues fo be made out of the faid Aids or Supplies for all the faid Forces, and additional Forces before-mentioned, ■do not in the whole exceed one Million three hundred twenty-four thoufand feven hundred and twenty- eight Pounds eighteen Shillings and feven Pence ; and for or towards defraying the Charge of the B?-itiJh and other Forces in her Majefty's Pay in Spain for one Quarter of a Year, from Chri/imas one thoufand ievtn hundred and eleven to Lady-Day one houfand feven hundred and twelve ; and for or towards her Majefty's Proportion of the Charge of the War in Spain for three Qiiarters of a Year, from Lady Day one thoufand fev«n hundred and twelve to Chrifimas one thoufand feven hundred and twelve ; fo as all the Iflues to be made out of the faid Aids or Supples for the aforefaid Charges of the Forces and War in Spain, do •not in the whole exceed four hundred feventy-five thoufand three hundred and eighty-five Pounds feven Shillings and eight Pence Farthing ; and for or towards defraying her Majefty's Proportion of the Pay, Subfidy, and other Charges for carrying on the War in Portugal for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twelve, not exceeding in the whole one hundred ninety-fix thoufand four hundred fifty-two Pounds fourteen Shillings and ten Pence, out of the faid Aids or Supplies ; and for or towards the Charge of the Officeof her Majefty's Ordnance for Land Service, performed and to be performed, not to exceed in the whole one hundred iixteen thoufand four hundred and eleven Pounds feventeen Shillings and one Penny, out of the f.'.me Aids or Supplies, including the Fortifications of Edinburgh Caftle, Fort William, and Dumbarton Caftle in Scotland; and for or towards the Charge, not exceeding two thoufand five hun- dred Pounds, for building a Church at Rotterdam, wherein Divine Service is celebrated after the Ui'age of the Church of England, for the Benefit of her Majefty's Subjects there ; and for or towards the Pay of the Horfe, Foot and Dragoons in Great Britain, and of nine independent Companies ; and for or towards the Pay of the Garrifons in Great Britain; and for or towards the Pay of the General Officers for the Guards and Garrifons in Great Britain; and for or towards the Payment of Contingencies for the Guards and Garrifons in Great Britain ; fo as all the Ifllies to be made out of the laid Aids or Supplies for the Pay of the faid Horfe, Foot and Dragoons in Great Britain, and of the faid nine independent Companies, and for the faid Garrifons, Genera! Off.cers, and Contingencies, in Great Britain, do not in the whole exceed five hundred fourteen thoufand one hundred and forty one Pounds fourteen Shillings and five Pence three Farthings ; and for or towards her Majefty's Proportion of Subfidies payable purfuant to .Treaties made and to be made with her Majefty's Allies, not to exceed in the whole three hundred twenty-eight thoufand nine hundred fifcy-fix Pounds fixteen Shillings and feven Pence, out of the faid Aids or Supplies ; and for OrHtnary of the Navy. 5ea Scrvtce In 'the Ordnance, 'La-nd Forces to aft with chofc of the Allies. Additional For- ces in the Low ■Countfjes, Erltifh andother >Forces in Spain. Charge of the '^^ar r Spain. Charge of the War in Portu- 'Ordnance for Land Service,


Bijvldirg a ChurJh at Rot- terdam. forces, t'^'c. in -Great Briiain. 'Sirhf^'ies -pur- fuant to Tiea- .ties. Tfanfport Ser- v.ce. ^ r.ighty in the former iidition. D^ftciencifS for the Year 171 1. Extraordinaries of the War. Salaries. Clerks, &c. to tile C^immif- ifroncrs of Ac- ■sounti:. or towacds the Charge of tranfporting Land Forces, performed and to b thoufand Pounds, out of the faid Aids or Supplies ; and for or toward Grants in Parliament for the Year one thoufand feven hundred and eleven hundred eighty-nine thoufand eight hun<ired thirty-nine Pounds feventeen Shillings and four performed^ not to exceed eight' s making good the Deficiencies of the not to exceed in the whole five' Pence, out of tiie Aids and Supplies aforefaid ; and for or towards defraying feveral extraordinary Charges, not exceed- ing in the v.'hoie two hundred forty-three thouland and twenty Pounds feventeen Shillings and fix Pence, relating to the War, incurred and to he incurred ; and for or towards Satisfaftion of the Sum of three, thoufuid five hundred Pounds for Salaries ; and any Sum not exceeding two thoufand five hundred Pounds, for Payment of Clerks and other Charges to be allowed without Account to the feven Cornmiflioners, con- tinued by an A£t of this Sefiion of Parliament, for ftafing the Accounts of all the publick Monies ; and any furthfii' Sum not exceeding three thoufand five hundred Pounds, for Salaries of fuch Commiifioners .as are