Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/651

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A. D. 1713* Anno duodecimo An K^ Regin:ae, .?t^:' ?• 39% to be levied By Warrant of the Juftlces ef the Peace -of fuch County, Shire, or Stuartry, or.any.tvi'O or. more of them, on the Goods and Chattels of the Party or Parties, againft whom the fame fliall be award- • ed. Provided alfo. That in cafe there be not the Space of fix Days be,twee.n the firft Judgment or. Order, of the two Juftices and the Qiiarter-Seffions then next following, that theij the .Appeal may be mid? ac^the . fecond Quarter-SelTions after fuch Judgment or Order made. ' ' ' '■•-'• '"' _"'f,^{^;^^igi^' ■'; XXXlX. And it is hereby further enacffed by the Authority aforefaid. That all Malt made in Scotland, Scothnd, not to be confumed there, which at any time or times between the twenty-third Day cijtine one thoufand brought by Sea fevert hundred and thirteen, and the twenty-fourth Day oi June one thouiand feven hundred and fowteenj, intoEnsljnd, fhall be brought into England, Wales, or the Town (.^i Bcnulck upon Txueed, iliall, in cafe the fame be 'h^^po""^^ ^' brought by Sea, be entred with the Officer for the faid Duties of the Port where the fame ftiall be fo ^^,^^l^ "^j brought into Ej2glnnd, JFalcs, or Berwick ; and the Sum of fix Pence per Bufael (unlefs a Certificate from pay 6 i. per the proper Officer be produced, that it had paid the faid Duty in Scotland) for the fame Malt, {hall be Buftiel, unlefs paid to fuch Officer before landing thereof: And in cafe the fime fhall be brought by Land_, fuch Malt {hall certified to have pafs and be carried by and through the Towns oi Berwick or Carlijlc, and there entred with the Officer of Mali brought" the faid Duties, in fuch of the faid Towns by or through which i'uch Malt fhall be fo carried ; and tTie ^y ^^^^^ °^ „^(^ like Duty of fix Pence />«• Bufliel for the fame, unlefs fuch Certificate be produced, as aforefaid, {hall be thro' Berwick or paid down in ready R/Ioncy to fuch Officer, on Pain of forfeiting all fuch Malt, and the Value thereof, as Carlisle, and to fliall be landed or put on Shore, or brought into England, without fuch Entry or Payment of fuch addi- •><= entred there, tional Duties, as aforefaid : And in cafe any Malt made in Scotland {hall, during the faid Term, be found per Buftd ^oA coming out of Scotland, or brought from thence by Land, by or beyond theTowns before-mentioned, without p^i^ of Forfei- Entry or Payment of the .Duties thereof, or producing fuch Certificate, as aforefaid, then all fuch Malt, ture. or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited; the laft mentioned Forfeiture thereof to be and go, one Moiety- Such Malt co- thcreof to the Queen's Majefty, the other Moiety thereof to fuch Perfon or Perfons as will inform, feize,-"""S ty Land, or fuefar the fame, or the Value thereof, and to be recovered and levied by fuch Ways, Means and Me- .jf^^"'^"^ '^^j^^J^^j thods, as any other Penalties or Forfeitures, relating to the Malt Duties are by this Act to be recovered and Entry, &c. for- levied. ' ■ • fcited, or the XL. And be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That all the Monies which fhall arife by this Aft of Value, the faid Duties on Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry, over and above the necelTary Charges of raifing and p^_y- The Monies ing the faid Duties, fliall from Time to Time be brought and paid into the Excheoiier. . rarifing to be , paid into the " There fhall be kept in the Office of the Auditor of the Receipt one Book, in which all the Orders for Exchequer. " Money payable upon this Act {hall be regiftred ; and the Money lent upon the A(Sl of the ninth Year of ^ 1^°° ^°'°'^ " her Majelly's Reign unfatisfied, with Interefc of fix ;!)«- Cent, {hall be placed upon the Regifler, and fliall ^^'^.^n '^°u "p";!"'. " be paid out of the Monies arifing by this Act : Interefl to be paid every three Months. It fh^ll be law.ful , J'""|y^^j „'„'"'

  • ' for any Perfons to lend upon Credit of the faid Duties any Sums, as together with the Principal Monies the Malt acI

'-' appointed to be transferred, fliall not exceed feven liundred thoufand Pounds ; which Lenders fhall have 9 Anns to the " Intereft of five per Cent, to be paid every three Months. V/here it fliall appear by Affidavit before any of Regile of this " the Barons of the Exchequer, that any Exchequer Bills, or Tickets, before the twentieth Day of yJ/^j" one ^'^'• " thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, have been loft, burnt, or deftroyed ; .It fhall be lawful for the re- Cmccns'wg Malt, " fpe£live Officers, upon producing a Certificate from any of the faid Barons, and on Security given to the '/«/«' .'Aa- 1 Gso, ' " faid Officers, to make forth Duplicates of the faid Bills and Ti-skets. It fliall be lawful for the Coin- '■7'fl*.2- c- a.' " miffioners to fettle and adjuft the Properties of any Tickets in the Lotteries that have not hitherto been ^S""' '" '^' " fettled, provided the Perfons poflefied of the Tickets do appear on or before the five and twentieth of De-' q°„' ,' l[ , " <."c;;.'yfr one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen. If any Perfon fliall forge or counterfeit any of the Lot- izGco. i.e. 4. " tery Orders, or alter the Number or Principal Sum of any fuch Order, or counterfeit the Hand of any 13 Geo. i. c. 7. ,' " Perfon to fuch Order, thereby to procure a fraudulent Afiignment, or fell any fuch Order, knowing the ^Gto. z.c. i."'^_; " fame to be forged, every fuch Perfon fliall be adjudged a Felon, without Benefit of Clergy." EXP. ^ *^i.°' ^'Z' ,*•■■„ 20 Geo, 2. c. 5. 27 Geo. 2, c, 2. 35 Ceo. 2. c. 3 fif 7. j^,:d fee aitnaal M.^l^ Aifs.t I ' XLVIII. And^whereas in the tenth Year of her Majc-fty's Reign an Aft did pafs. For laying feveral ciaufe for Ex- Duties upon all Soap and Paper made in Great Britain, or imported into the fame; and upon chequered plaining a hte • and fl-ripcd Lintn imported; and upon certain Silks, Callicoes, Linens and Stufi^s, printed, painted or ^'^i" '■^'■°" ftained ; and upon leveral Kinds of Ifampt Vellum, Parchment and Paper; and upon certain printed Pa-'° ^'annp Du- pers. Pamphlets and Advcrtifements, for raifing the Sum of eighteen hundred thouiand Pounds, by way 'n,",^ £(j"jj' of a Lottery, towards her Majefty's Supply; and for Licenfing an additional Number of Hackney Chairs; which pafs by and for charging certain Stocks of Cards and Dice; and for better fecuring h;r Majefty's Duties to arife Deed and Copy. in the Office for the Stamp-Duties, by Licences for Marriages and otherwife; and for Relief of Perfons '° ■^""- "^^ '9* who have not claimed their Lottery Tickets in due Time, or have lofl Exchequer Bills or Lottery Tick- ets ; and for borrowing Money_ upon Stocks, Part of the Capital of the South-Sea Com.pany, for the , Ufe of the Publick ; in which faid AQ. it is enabled. That for every Skin, or Piece of Vellum or Parch- ment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which fhall be ingrofled or written, within or during the Term of thirty-two Years, to be reckoned from the firfl Day oi Augvjl in the Year one thoufand feven hundred and tv^elve,^ any Surrender of or Admittance to any Copyhold Land or Tenement, within thofe Parts of Great Britain called England, (Vales, and the Town of Berwick upon Tivced, or any Grant or Leafe by Copy of Court-Roll, or any other Copy of the Court-Roll of any Flonor or Manor within the fame. V2.xfs, oi Great Britain, or any of them, other than and except the original Surrender to the Ufe. of a Will, and the Court-Roll or Book wherein the Proceedings of the Court are entred or enrolled, the Sum of two Shillings and three Pence Sterling; and a Doubt having arifen whether by the faid Ciaufe, Copies , of Admittances to Cuflom Right or Tenant-Right Eflates, not being Copyhold, which pafs by Deed, Surrender and Admittance, or by Deed and Admittance, ought to be {tamped j' It is declared and en- aftecl