Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/658

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6o5 Stat. I, Anno duodecimo A N N iE Regin^. AD. 171';. " Aifb rc-lulng to Exchequer-Dills, to be in Force. Yearly Sums, Allowance, and Intered, Tax-free. " B;iiik obliged to exchange for Ready Money all Exchequer-Bills, in Default may be fued. Bank may " contradf with others for furnifliing Monies : Such Contradts not chargeable with the Stamp-Duties. Fur. ■■' ther fealoJ Bills may be hi'ued to the Amount of the Contrafts. Bank may call in Money from their " Members, for circulating, &c. Monies fo called in may be made Part of the Capital Stock. All Rules " <sfc. relating to the Capital Stock, to be extended to the fame fo enlarged. Bank continued till all the " Exchequer-Bills be difcharged. After all the Bills, ^c. are difcharged, the feveral Subfidies, ^c. (hall " be underirood to be redeemed bv Parliament, i he faid Subfidies, tfc. may be redeemed, without re- " deeming the other Funds." EXP. ■7 Amnc, c, 7. ' XXIIT. And whereas by the faid Afc made in the feventh Year of her Majefty's Reign, it was declared ■* and ena£b'd. That the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their Succeflbrs, forever,

  • fhould continue and be one Body Corporate and Politick, and fliould forever have, receive and enjoy the

"^ intire yearly Fund of one hundred thoufiind Pounds therein mentioned, out of certain Rates and Duties of ' Excife therein defcribed, and fuch Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Pri- ' vileges. Profits, and Advantages, as are therein expreffed, fubject nevcrthelcfs to a Power and Condirioa ' of Redemption, in that A£1: contained in that Behalf: And it was thereby provided and enacted, That at ' any Time upon twelve Months Notice after the firfl Day of AugvJ}, which fliould be in the Y>ar of our ' Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-two. and not before, and upon Repayment by Parliament to ' the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, or their Succelfors, of the feveral Sums, amount- ' ing to fixteen hundred thoufand Pounds, therein mentioned, without any Dedudfion, Difcount, or Abate- ' ment whatfoever, to be made out of the faid Sum of fixteen hundred thoufand Pounds, or any Part there- ' of, and upon Payment to the faid Governor and Company, and their Succeilfirs, of all Arrears of the faid ' one hundred thoufand Pounds per Annum, and all the Princ-ipal and Intercft Money, which fliould be ' owing unro them upon all fuch Tallirs, Exchequer Orders, or Parliamentary Funds, which the faid Go- ' vernor and Company, or their Succefl~ors, fliould have remaining in their Hands, or be entitled to, at the ' Time of fuch Notice to be given, as aforefaid, (fuch Funds, for Redemption whereof other Provifion ' was made in the fame Aft, only excepted) then, or in fuch Cafe, and not till then, the faid yearly Fund ' of one hundred thoufand Pounds fliould ceafe and determine, as by thefiime Adt (Relation being thereunto ' had) may more plainly appear :' Now for the better Encouragem;nt of the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, to perform the Service of circulating all the Exchequer-Bills, according to the true Meaning of this Acft, It is hert-by declared and enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That the faid reci- frovlro in ted Provifo or Condition for determining the faid yearly Fund of one hundred thoufand Pounds, upon

rrnin"iriE"the' t'^^'^'ve Months Notice, after the faid firft Day of Aitguft one thoufand feven hundred thirty-two, upon fucli 

veaily Fund and Payments, as aforefaid, fliall be, and is hereby repealed and made void ; and that the faid Governor and ■Corporation, en Company of the Bank of England, and their Succefix>rs, forever, fiiali remain, continue and be one Body twelve Months Corporate and Politick, by the Name of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and flial] for '^"""tift - ever have, receive and enjoy the faid entire yearly Fund of one hundred thouland Pounds out of the faid rep;")^, '^^*' Rates and Duties of Excife, together with a perpetual Succeffion, and all Abilities, Capacities, Powers, Authorities, Franchifes, Exemptions, Privileges, Profits and Advantages whatfoever, whereunto the Go- vernor and Company of the Bank of England are, or before the making of this A£t were entitled by an^!^ A£l or A(9:s,of Parliament, Grants or Charters whatfoever, now in Force ; fubjeft neverthelefs to fuch Re- ftriftions, Rules, Direflions, Agreements, Matters and Things, as in the faid Adfs and Charters, or any of them, now in Force are contained or prefcribed ; and alfo fubjedt to the Power and Condition of Re- 'On I'. H'onths demption, hereafter in this Aft contained in this Behalf. -Nctce ,.frc-r XXIV. Provided always, and it is hereby further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That at any Time I Aip. 1741. upon twelve Months Notice after the firfi:Day of Augvji, ■which fhall be in the Year of our Lord one thou- ai'j t.n Pjj- fjnd fcvcn hurived forty-two, and not before, arid upon Repayment by Parliament to the faid Governor rrienttotne a nd Company of the Bank of £;?fZ7?7iY, or thr-ir Succefibrs, of the faid Sum of fixteen hundred thouland 7 600 "oo 1 &-C Pounds, without any Deduftion, Difcount or Abatement whatfoever, and upon Payment to the faid Go- thc jeaiiy fui;d vernor and Company, and their Succeflbrs, of all Arrears of the faid one hundred thoufand Pounds per oi" ico,ocol. Annttm, and all the Princip-d and Interefl: Money which fliall be owing unto them upon all fuch Tallies, t-j ceaie. Kxchequer-Orders", or Parliamentary Funds, which the faid Governor and Company, or their Succelfors, Rc;ip.ed hy ^ fliall have rem ining in their Hands, or be entitled to at the Time of fuch Notice to be given, as afore- ,^.;,/, ■ '" faid (fuch Funds, for Redemption wheteof other Provifion is made in the faid former Adfs, or any of them, or In this Aft, always excepted) then and in fuch Cafe, and not till then, the faid yearly Fund of one hun- dred thouland Pounds fhall cea(e and determine. Aftpr Reilsmp. XXV. Provide I alfo, and it is hereby enafted. That from and after fuch Redemption of the faid one hun-

ion, &c. Cor- dred thoufand Pounds per Anniim^ and from and after Redemption fliall alfo be made by Parliament of the

pora-ion to de- ^pj^,,jfyof one hundred and fix f hou^an J five hutidted and one Poimds, thirteen Shillings and five Pence 'ra^iha-' Pn-j- Z^?' ^!?'.'2'?», by the faid Aft of the fevenih Year of her R'lajefly's Reign, fettled and payable to the fai,l foil' conccri.inr Govcmor and Company, in the Manner therein mentioned, and from and after Redemption fhall-likewife .j^^nk, 17. aIi. be made of the Fund eflablifhed. by this Aft-, in Relation to the faid Exchequer Bills, then, and not till then, /hi. 2. c. 3. tJie faid Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England fhall ceafe and determine, but. jC-fo. J, c. 8. (-Ill then^ xhe faid Governor and Company fhall continue a Corporation, and fliall have and enjoy aJI the Vc'e'i°'i.'ltn'. 2, Powers and Privileges they are now entitled unto, as aforefaid. c. S. a Cec^ 2. c. 3. -I I Geo,z< x. 27. feB. 16. i^Oeo.'T.. c. 13, 79 Ceo. 2. c. 6. 24 G^o. 2. c, 4. iPuWirkAa. XXVJ. And be it furtner enafted and declared. That this Aft fliall be efteemed ir) ail Courts of Lav/ and Equity to be a publick Aft, and Notice thereof fliall be taken as fuch by all Courts a;id Fer- ■fons accordingly-, ' XXVIL And