Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/660

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Fnrccs In Mi- norca. Fvces in Gibraltar Forces at Dun- Jciik for five Months. Troops c f Saxe Gotha. Forces in the Plantations, 608 Stat. I. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Reginse. A. D. 1713. neral Officers and Contingencies ; and for or towards the Charge of her Majefty's Forces in the Ifland of Minorca, from the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen to the four and twentieth Day of December following ; and for or towards the Charge of her Majefty's Forces in Gi- braltar, from the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen to the four and twentieth Day of December following ; and for or towards the Charge of her Majefty's Forces at Dunkirk for five Months, from the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen ; and for or towards defraying her Majefty's Part of the Charge of the Pay of the Saxe Gotha Troops, from the . two and tv/entieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twelve to the Time of their DifVnif- fion, with one Month's Pay from that time, according to the Treaty in that Behalf; and for or towards de- fraying the Charge of her Majefty's Forces in the Plantations for fix Months, from the four and twentieth Day ef Jutie one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen to the four and twentieth Day oi December ioWo-w'ing; fo as all the IfTues to be made out of the faid Aids or Supplies, for the faid Guards, Garrifons, and Land- Forces, as aforefaid, for or upoa Account of fuch refpedtive Services, as are before mentioned, do not in the whole exceed nine hundred thirty-feven thoufand fix hundred and eight Pounds eleven Shillings and fix Pence ; and for or towards defraying the Charge of Half-pay to the Officers (who have ferved well in Half-pay for the the faid War) of four Marine Regiments to be difbanded, from the firft Day of July one thoufand feven Marines. hundred and thirteen to the four and twentieth Day of Z)^«w^^r following, fo as fuch Half-pay for the faid Marine Officers do not exceed four thoufand eight hundred feventy-nine Pounds and fix Shillings, out of Half a for ^^^ '^^ °' Supplies aforefaid ; and for or towards defraying the Charge of Half-pay to the Land-Officers Land-'oflkers. who have ferved well in the faid War, and are difbanded, or are to be difbanded, to the five and twentieth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, fo as fuch Half-pay to the faid Land-Officers do not exceed ninety-nine thoufand twenty and eight Pounds fix Shillings and eleven Pence, out of the fame Aids or Supplies ; and for or towards defraying the Charge of the Out-Penfioners of the Royal Hofpital at OutPenfioners Chelfea, to the four and twentieth Day of D^ffOTZi^r one thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, fo as the of Cheita Charge laft mentioned do not exceed the Sum of fixty-onc thoufand four hundred fixty and four Pounds five Hoipital. Shillings and feven Pence, out of the Aids or Supplies aforefaid ; and for or towards defraying extraordi- iMraordifiaiics nary Charges incurred in relation to the late War, fo as fuch extraordinary Charges do not exceed in the cf the late War. whole twenty thoufand five hundred feventy and two Pounds five Shillings and ten Pence, out of the Aids or Supplies before mentioned; and for or towards the Charge of the Office of her Majefty's Ordnance for Ordnance for Land-Service, performed and to be performed, not to exceed in the whole fixty-fix thoufand fix hundred Land Service, ninety and eight Pounds three Shillings and five Pence, out of the fame Aids or Supplies, including fo much (not exceeding two thoufand Pounds) as (hall be necefTary to defray the Charge of covering the Works of the Fortifications already begun in North Britain ; and for or towards making good the Deficien- cy of the Fund granted for the Payment of Principal and Intereft of the Clafs Lottery in the Year one Deficiency of thoufand (tven hundred and eleven, for the Year ended at Michaebnas one thoufand feven hundred and tlieCiais Lot- twelvc, fo as the Sum to be fupplied out of the Aids or Supplies aforefaid, for or towards the fame Deficien- '^'-■'■y- cy, do not exceed fixty-two thoufand Pounds ; and for or towards Satisfadlion of the Sum of fix thoufand Sa.aiies, &c. of Pom^ds to defray the Salaries and incident Charges of the feven Commiffioners, continued by an A& of this ""f°Acc' u r'^ SefBon of Parliament for ftating the publick Accounts of the Kingdom, from the four and twentieth Day 12 Anna^ Slat, of March one thoufand feven hundred and twelve to the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand fe- I. c. 3. ven hundred and fourteen ; and the further Sum of four thoufand and five hundred Pounds, to defray the Salaries, &c, of Salaries and incident Charges of the fame Commiffioners, continued by the fame AGt for ftating and deter- theCommiffion- mining the Debts to the Army, from the four and tv/entieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and ■ ^" '"'■ '*'"'"S thirteen to the four and twentietn Day of y«w one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; the faid re- Annv'^ '^" ^ fpective Sums to be iilued and paid by Quarterly Payments to the faid Commiffioners, for themfelves, and for Payment of their Clerks, and other incident Charges, without Account, Impreft, or other Charge to be fet upon them or any of them for the fame, or any Part thereof ; and to none other Ufes, Intents and Purpofes whatfoevcr. XXXIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enafted and declared. That no Appropriation, or other Mat- ter or Thmg in this Acl contained, fhall ohftruil or hinder any Payment or Payments, which, by and in No Apprcptia- Pinfuance of an h& made in the ninth Year of her Rdajefty's Reign, intituled, An Aft for making good De- tion to obttruft Jiciciicies., and.fatiifying the fiihlick Debts ; and for c^eSling a Corporation to carry on a Trade to the South Seas ; any Payment .(incl for the hir-uragement of .the Fijhery ; and for Liberty to trade in unwrozight Iron with the Subjects of Spain, by the Trfafa- ^.^.^j ^g repeal the Ahs for regijlring Seamen, and of her Majefty's Charter grounded thereupon, are orfliall be vv to make required and authorized to be made by the Treafurer or Paymafter of the Navy, for the Time being, or by good Deficirn- any Other Perfons to be intrufted with the Publick Monies for the Service of the Navy, out of fuch Publick cies to the Monies, TalUci, Orders, or Parliamentary Securities in their Hands or PovVer refpecfiively, as are or fhall "South Sea Cor- thereby be ch:irgi.'d or chargeable to make good any Deficiency or Deficiencies to the Corporation erected in f°mua°nc""of ' P"fjance of the Aifi laft rnentioned, called by the Name of the Governor and Company of Merchants -of 9 Aniis/c. 7.. Great Britain, trading to the South Seas, and other Parts of America, and for incouraging the Fifhery, or to their T'reafurer, for their, Ufe ; any thing herein contained to the contrary notwithflanding. All Debts in- XXXIV. And be it further enafted and declared. That all fuch of the faid Arrears and Debts (intended tended by this by this Acl to be fatis.fied out of the faid Sum not exceeding five hundred thoufand Pounds, to be raifed, as Aaiobefatis- afoicfaid) and, .ill Debentures for the fame, or any of them, as have been, at any Time or Times before beiW ^'o Tune ^^ thirtieth ty-iy ox June ont thoufand feven hundred and thirteen, fold, afligned or granted, or cove- 171-', n^ay be nanted to be aiiigncd or granted, or for which any Authority hath heretofore been given or granted by any redeemed, &c. of hcr Majefty's Servants, or by any Hufband of any her Majefty's Servants, or by any Tradefman, or otlier Pcrfon, who f;rved Proviilons or Goods for her Majefty's Service, or by any of their Executors or Adniiniftrators, to receive the fame, or any Pare thereof, to the Ufe of fuch Buyer, Affignee or Grantee, or cf fuch' Peifon or Perions fo authorized, fliail and may be redeemed, and are hereby redeemable by n.c