Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/677

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A. D. 1 71 3. Anno duodecimo Ann.i^ Regin^. Stat. 2. 625 .For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name o^ Fine Fools Cap, which (liall be imported Fine FooU Cap. or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling and three Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Sscond Fools Cap., which fhali be import- Second Fools ed or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Cap. Qiiantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Bq^^ard or Double Copy, which fliall be Eaftarj orDou. imported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or ble Copy, lefler Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Chancery Double, which fliall be im- chancery ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Double. Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Super Fine Pot, which fhall be im- Super Fine Pot, ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Second Fine Pot, which fhall be import- Second Fine Pot, ed or brought in, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every Fveam, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Royal, which fhall be imported or Genoa Royal, brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling and feven Pence Half-penny for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Medium, which fhall be imported Genoa Medium, or brought in, as aforeikid, one Shilling and three Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Demy Fine, which fhall be im- Genoa Demy ported or brought in, as aforefaid, one Shilling for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Fine. Qiiantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Demy Second, which fhall be im- Genoa Demy ported or brought in, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Second, Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Croivn Fine, v^hich (liall be im- Genoa Crown ported or brought in, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every P.eam, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Fine. Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Crown Second, which ftiall be im- Genoa Crown ported or brought in, as aforefaid, fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Second, Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Fools Cap Fine, which fliall be Genoa Fool's imported or brought in, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Cap Fine. Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Genoa Fools Cap Second, which fhall be Genoa Foci's Imported or brought in, as aforefaid, fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Cap Second. Qiiantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Gerfnan Lombard, which {hall be im- German Lom- ported or brought in, as afortfaid, fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer bard. Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of German Demy, which fhall be imported German Demy. or brought in, as aforefaid, nine Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of German Crown, which {hall be import- German Crown, ed or brought in, as aforefaid, fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. For and upon all Paper ufually called or known by the Name of Germayi Fools Cap, which {liall be im- GermanFool's ported or brought in, as aforefaid, fix Pence for every Ream, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer '-^P* Quantity. For and upon all Paftboards, Millboards, and Scaleboards, which {hall be imported or brought in, as Padboard Sc 1 . aforefaid, two Shillings and fix Pence for every hundred Weight, and after that Rate for a greater or leffer board, &c. Quantity. And for and upon all other Paper, Vvhite or Brov/n, or of any other Colour or Kind whatfoever, which Paper not par. {hall be imported or brought in, as aforefaid, (not being particularly charged in this hdC) a Duty after the ticulariy char- Rate of ten Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of the fame, and after that f'^- Rate for a greater or leffer Quantity. ; - b" fiG'T^"' Which (aid Duties for and upon the faid feveral Sorts of Paper, and the faid Paftboards, Millboards, and ^.^. J.' I', ScaU'boards, to be imported v/ithin or during the Term aforefaid, fhall be paid by the refpedlive Importers ^ , .' , " thereof from time to Time. lei'^", the Injporter. III. And be it further enacled by the Authority aforefaid, That there fhall be raifed, levied, collefted paper, Paft. and paid, to and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, for and upon all Paper of what boards, -&c. Kind foever, and upon all Paftboards, Millboards, and Scaleboards, which {hall at any Time or Times, "'^■■.'"'^reat within or during the Term of two and thirty Years, to be reckoned from the faid fecond Day of Augujl one ^'"^ '°> thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, be made in Great Britain, the feveral and refpeiSliv.e Duties herein af- ter mentioned. That is to fay, Vol. IV. 4 L For