Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/682

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630 Stat. 2* Anno duodecimo A N N ^. Reginas. A. D. 1713. Soft Sope in Day of Avguji one thoufand fcven hundred and fourteen, all foft- Sope that fliall be filled in rny other Ca(k what Cafts to jgj-j [j^3,-j Barrels, Half-Barrels, Firkins and Half-Firkins, fhall be forfeited, and alfo the Sum of five Pounds, Corce^mr Sopi ^'^ ^'^ P?' tiY ^^^ Maker of fuch Sope ; one Moiety thereof to the Seizor or Informer, and the other M.oie- Dutks jce far- ty to the Poor of the Paiifh where fueh Offence fhall be committed, to be recovered as any other Penalties ther, I Geo. I. concerning the Duties on Sope are by this A(ft recoverable. c. 36. II Gto. I. XX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid fecond Day of "^^ 3°j 33' Augvji one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, no Perfumer, Peruke-maker, Barber, Sellers of, or Deal- No Perfumer, ers in Hair-Po'.vder, fhall make, vend, fell, difpole, or make ufe of, or offer to Sale any Powder made of &c to mix Ala- or mixed with any Alabafler, Talke, Pkifter of Paris, V/hiting, Lime, or other Matter or Thing of the ■■fcaftev, &c. with ][jj-g Nature (Sweet Scents only excepted) under Pain of forfeiting all the Hair-Powder fo made or mixed, air ow cr. ^^ made ufe of, vended, fold, difpofed of, or oiTered to Sale, and the Sum of fifty Pounds for every fuch Offence ; the one Moiety thereof to her .Majefty, her Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to the Seizor or Informer, to be recovered as any other Penalties concerning the Duties on Starch are by this A£l -recoverable. 'AHditicnal Du- XXf. And moreover be it enadfed by th« Authority aforefaid. That there fhall be, throughout the King- rtivson Stamps, dom of Great Britain, raifed, levied, collected and paid, to and for the Ufe of her Majefty, her Fleirs and Succeffors, for the feveral and refpecHve Matters and Things herein after mentioned, which at any Time or Times, within or during the Term of two and thirty Years, to be reckoned from the faid fecond Day of Thefe Duties Augujl onz thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, fhall be engroffed orwiitten (over and above the Rates, .made perpetual Duties, and Sums of Money now due or payable to her AJajefty, her Heiis or Succeffois, for the fame) the -by6Geo. I. feveral and refpective Rates, Duties, Charges and Sums of Money herein after exprefled, in Manner fol-

  • • +• § '■ -lovv'iug ; That is- to fay,

Transfer of For every Piece ofVellum, Parchment and Paper, upon which fhall be engroffed or written any Transfer

Stock. of Stock in any Company, Society or Corporation whatfoever, wlMn Great Britain, the Sum of four Shil-

lings and and fix Pence Sterling. Great Seal or For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, on which any Grant or Letters Patents under the Great DutchySeal, . Seal of Great Britain, or the Seal of the Dutchy or County Palatine of Lanca/ier, of any Honour, Dignity, Promotion, Franchife, Liberty or Privilege, to any Perfon or Perfons, Body Politick or Corporate, or Exem- plification of the fame, fliall be engroffed or written (Commiffions of Rebellion in Procefs always excepted) the Sum of forty' Shillings Sterling.

f irdons, &c. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Pardon

(except the General Circuits and A'eivgare Pardons) of or for any Crime or Offence, or of any Sum of Money or Forfeiture whatfoever, or on v/hich any Warrant of Reprieve or Relaxation from any Pecuniary Fine or Forfeiture, exceeding one hundred Pounds, or from any Corporal Punifhment, fhall be engroffed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings Sterling.

-Gr:ants of Mo- For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Grant

,ney. from her liajefty, her Heirs or Succeffjrs, of any Sum of Money exceeding one hundred Pounds Sterling, which fliall pafs the Great Seal of Great Britain, the Great Seal of Scotland, or the Privy Seal not direfted to the Great Seal, fliall be engroffed or written, the Sum forty Shillings Sterling. •■Grants of Offi- For every Skin or Picce ofVellum or Parchm.ent, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Grant of ■■^cs. any Office or Imployment in Great Britain, which fhall be above the Value of fifty Pounds Sterling per Ann. ihall be engroffed cr written, the Sum of forty Shillings Sterling. asifpenfatiora. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Piece or Sheet of Paper, upon which any Difpenfa- tion to hold two Eiclefiaftical Dignities or Benefices, or both a Dignity and a Benefice, or any other Difpen- faticn or F-.iculty from the Lord Archblfhop of Canterbury, or the Mafter of the Faculties for the 'I'ime being, ihall be engroffed or written, the Sumof forty Shillings Sterling. AJmittaoccs, For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, -upon which fhall be en^ groffed or written.any Admittrnce cr Inftrument for admitting of any Fellow of the College of Phyficians, or of any Attorney, Clerk, Advocate, Proftor, Notary, or other Officer or Officers, in any Court what- foever in Great Britain (not being an annual Officer in any Corporation or inferior Court, whofe Office is under the Value of ten Pounds Sterling^!?;- Ann. in Salary, Fees, or other Perquifites) the Sum of forty -Shillings Sterling. Appeals. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, .or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Appeal from the High Courts 'of AdiTiralry, cither in -£//^/«»^:/ or Scotland, Court of Arches, or the Prerogative Court of Cariierhury or Yorh, fhall be engroffed or written, the Sum of forty Shillings Sterling, inftltutian "1- For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or P.uchtrent, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which fhall be en- iicej.ce. " groffed or written any inflitution or Licfnce, that fhall pafs the Seal of any Archbifhop or Biflicp, Chan- cellor or othtr Ordin;;ry, or any Ecclcfiaflical Court whatfoever in EnglarJ, JValcs, or BervAck upon Tiveed; or upon which fhall b:- engrolTed, written or regiflred, any Writ or Inflrument for the like Purpofe, with any fuch Inftitution or Licence, that {liall be paffed or made by any Prefbytery, or other Spiritual Power in Scotland, the Sum of five Shillings Sterling (Licences to Schoolmafters and 'Futors excepted.) Letters of Mart. For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, upon which any Letters of -Mart fhall be engrollcd or written, the Sum of five Shillings Sterling. Beneficial War- For every Skin or Picce cf Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet or Piece of Paper, en v.'hich any_Beneficial rants. W^arraiit, or Order under the Sign Mnnual of her Majefty, her Heirs or Succeffors, (except Warrants or Ordeis for the Service of the Navy, Army and Ordnance) fliall be cngrcfled or written, the Sum of two Shillings and fix Pence Sterling, ladentures, -Sjc For every Skin or Piece of Vellum or Parchment, or Sheet rr Picce of Paper, upon which fhall be en- grofied or written in Great Britain^ any Indenture, Leafe, Bond, or any Deed not hereby otherwife char- ged