Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/685

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A. D. 171 3. Anno duodecimo Ann^ Regins. ^ Stat. 2. 6^^ ' and to have fuch Contrs "is or Indentures flamped within the Time for that Purpofe refpeillively limited b^ ■' the Act 0/ Parliament in that Cafe made ; vyfhereby the faid Mafters and Miflreffes have incurred one or 8 Ann. c. 9. •' more Penalty or Penalties, and fuch Clerks and Apprentices will, according .to that A£t, be difablcd to ' follow or exercife the intended Trades, Profeilions, or Imployments, unlefs fome further Provifion be .' made ;' Be it therefore further 'enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon Payment of the faid re/peciive Co'crmiag Stamfi ■Rates and Duties, which have been fo omitted or negledled to be paid, as aforefaid, on or before the fiift Dn::es,jeifaitUr Day of March in the Year of ou'r Lord one thoufand fcven hundred and fourteen, to fuch Per/on or Perfons 5 £" ^" ""■ '5- to v.hom the fame ought to be paid, according to the fame former Act, and tendring to be flamped fuch In- ^^'cj^^'^^^^ dentures or Contracts fo omitted to be ftamped, on or before the faid firil Day of Af^rZi in the (aid Year o( tzCco. i.e. '^l. • our Lord one thoufand fcven hundred and fourteen, the fame Indentures or Contracts flinll be ftampcd, and aCco. z. C^z. fhall be good and available in Law and Equity, and the Clerks or Apprentices therein named fliall be ca- i6Gfo.2. c.z6. pable of following and exercifing the rcfpective intended Trades, Profeffions, or Imployments, as fully^^"-'^- '•" if the Duties, fo omitted to be paid, had been duly paid, and the Indentures or Contia<£ts ftamped within j" l^'ic.}° J^j the refpeilive Times in the fame Ad for thofe refpeiftive Pur];)ofes limircd, any thing therein contained to 3^ Gm.'z. c. 35. the contrary notvvithftanding ; fo as the true and full Sum or Sums of Money, and all other Things given or contradcd for, to or for the Benefit of the Mafters or Miftreffes, with or in refpe6l of the taking fuch Clerks or Apprentices, be truly written or indorfed in Words at length, on fuch Indentures or Contrafls, -wherein the fame have been omitted to be inferted, according to the fame A£t^ and the Mafters and Miftref- fes truly paying the faid omitted Duties, on or before the faid firft Day of March one thoufand feven hun- dred and fourteen, are hereby indemnified and difcharged off and from all Penalties by thern incurred by -the faid recited A(£ls, for which no Profecution hath been commenced before the four and twentieth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen. XXXII. And be it enatled by the Authority aforefaid, That yearly and every Year, during the J erm of 105,000!, to be two and thirty Years, reckoning the firfi Year to begin from the nine and twentieth Day of September one ihe yearly Fund thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, the full Sum of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds, by or out of fo '^'^ffi'^s off the Monies to arife by the faid additional or new Duties upon Sope and Paper, and upon certain Linens, ^^"?"P^' Silks, Callicoes, and S::uffs, and upon Starch, and exported Coals, and upon ftampt Vellum, Parchment I's^g'^ool and Paper, by this A&i granted, and to be brought into the Receipt of the Exchequer, as aforefaid, in cafe vvhh Jnte-eftat th.e fame iliall extend thereunto, fliall be computed and reckoned to be a yearly Fund ; and in cafe all the 4I. percent. Monies arifmg into the Exchequer, for the faid Duties, Rates, and Sums of Money fo granted, fliall not Ste i Geo. i. amount to the Sum of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds per Ann. then the Monies fo arifing, fo far as ■'}' ^' *' the fame fhall extend, fhall be Part of the yearly Fund towards the anfwering and paying off all and every the Principal Sums herein after m.entioned, amounting in the whole to the Sum of one million eight hun- dred feventy-fix thoufand four hundred Pounds Principrd Money, together with Interefl for the fame after , the Rate of four Pounds per Cent, per Aim. as herein after is mentioned ; and in cafe the faid Duties, Rates, Deficiencies to and Sums of Money by this Aft granted, fliall at any Time or Times appear to be fo deficient or ov in the be made good Produce of the fame, as that within any one Year, to be reckoned, as aforefaid, the faid Monies arifing °",' ° ■^'^ "•■ into the Exchequer, for or upon Account of the fame Duties,, ihall not amount to as much as one hundred ■^"? '« ^'i^ S""t- and five thoufand Pounds, that then, and fo often, and in every fuch Cafe, fo much as fhall be wanting to ^^^^_ make up the faid Fund or Sum of one hundred and five thoufand Pounds for every or any fuch Year, fhall be fupplied and made good, from Time to Time, out of the fit fc Aid or Supply to be granted in Parliament, next after fuch Deficiencies fhall appear, and fliall from Time to Time be transferred thereunto, as foon as ■ the fame fhall be granted ; and in cafe no fuch Aid or Supply flsrdl be granted, then by and out of any Pu- Or out of any blick Money, which (liail be in the faid Receipt of E?xiicquer, not appropriated to any particular tJi'e or Publitk Mmey Ufes by A6t of Parliament ; and the Lord High Treafurer, or Coirimifiioners of the Treafury, for the "-"spprcpriated. TimiC being are hereby flriifly enjoined and required to make up fuch Deficiency accordingly, out of fuch unappropriated Publick Money, without any further or other Warrant or Authority for tiie fame. XXXIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and ir.ay be lawful for any Perfon Any Pexfcns or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, to cor.tribute for or towards advancing the -i"y l;eContr;- Sum of one m.iliion four hundred thoufand Pounds, by paying, at or before the refpeftive Days and Times "■°'°- by this Aft limited in that Behalf, to any Receiver or Recei era, to be appointed forthat Purpofe, as is herein This Lottery is after mentioned, the Sum, of ten Pounds, or divers entire Sums of ten Pounds, upon this Aft ; and that for rtdeen-.ed. Sta the' railing of the faid Sum of one million four hundred thoufand Pounds, any Perlbn v/!ro will become Con- 6 Ceo. i. c. 4. tributor or Adventurer, fiiall and may advance the Sum of ten Pounds, for which Sum fo advanced, he, °^'^°'~ {he,, or they fhall be entitled to receive by virtue of this Aft fuch Principal Ix^loncj, and the Interefi: thereof, to be paid, as herein after is metitioned, by and out of the faid yearly Fund ; and that every Contributor or Adventurer may advance as many entire Sum.s of ten Pounds as he, file, or they fhall think fit, and for 'every fuch Sum of ten Pounds fo advanced, he, fhe, or they, is or are to be intere'fted in one Lot or Share ■ of and in the faid yearly Fund by Virtus of this Aft ; and the faiTie entire Sums of ten Pounds each, arc hereby appointed to be paid unto fuch Receiver or Receivers, at or before the refpcftive Days and Times, and in the rcfpeftive Proportions herein after mentioned ; That is to fay, one fourth Part thereof on or be- fore the t-=nth Day of Atiguji in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen ; one fourth Part thereof on or before the tenth Day of September in tire faid Y'ear of our Lord one thoufand feven hun- dred and fctirteen ; one other fourth Part tliereof on or before the eleventh Day of Ocicber one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, and the remaining fourth Part thereof on or before the tenth Day of November one thoufand feveta hundred and fourteen. " Tickets to be delivered for a Lottery, ^c. The Monies appropriated by this Aft to be applied to pay ofF " the Principal and Intereft. No undue Preference if fuhfequent Orders be paid before others who did not ♦' demand their Monies. Deficiency of one Year to be made good out of the next. Surplus difpofahle by Vol. IV. + M " Parlia- Geo. 2. Times of Pjy- ment.