A. D. I7I3* Anno duodecimo ANNiEReglnse, Stat. 2. 643 CAP. XVII. An Aft for the fpeedy and effeftiial preferving the Navigation of the River of Thames, by flop- ping the Breach m. ie. 'L.tve.h oi Havering ^Lad Dagenham in the County of £^x; and for afcertaining the Coal Meafure. o < -TT 7" HERE AS the Prefervation of the River of Thames is of the utmoft Importance, as well to
- y y the City of London, as to the Trade of this whole Kingdom : And whereas in the Year one
- thoufand feven hundred and feven, by a violent Inundation of the faid River of Thames, there happened
' a great Breach in the Walls or Banks of the Levels of Havering and Dagenham in the County of Ejjex,
- next adjoining to the faid River, whereby one thoufand Acres of Land in the faid Levels is overflowed,
' and the fame, if not fpeedily remedied, will tend to the apparent Hazard of the Navigation of the faid
- River, by the continual Quantities of Earth and Gravel, which every Tide are brought from the faid
- Breach, and have already occafioned a Shelf or Sand Bank to grow up near the Mouth of the faid Breach,
- which reaches almoft half crofs the River in Breadth, and near a Mile in Length; infomuch that if the
- faid Breach is not flopped, and the Walls or Banks made good again, the Navigation of the faid River
- of Thames is in Danger of being utterly deftroyed :' For Remedy whereof, Be it enadted, &c.
- ' For 10 Years from lo July 1714. Ships coming into the Port of London^ to pay 3 d, per Ton. Coafters
- ' 3 s. each Voyage. Colliers i d. per Chalder. Names of the Truftees. Trufirees may appoint Receivers
- ' of thefe Duties. Duties to be applied to the Stopping the Breach. Accounts, tfc to be laid before the
- ' Parliament. No Cuftomer, &c. to take any Entries, &c. till thefe Duties are paid, on Forfeiture of
" 50/. CoHe<9:or may enter Ships, and diftrain for the Duties. Truftees may borrow Money on this
- ' Aft at 61. per Cent, If fufficient Money be raifed within the 10 Years, then the Duties to ceafe."
EXP. ' XI. And whereas the Pra£tice and Ufage in the Port of London for many Years lafl: paft, in the Mea-
- furement of all Sorts of Coals, commonly called Sea Coals, Water-born, liable to the feveral Duties, and
- chargeable with the fame by feveral Adts of Parliament, hath ufually been made by a Bufhel equal to
- one Bufhel and one Quart, Winchejhr Meafure, according to the Standard in her Majefty's Exchequer :
- And whereas fome Doubts and Difputes have of late arifen touching the Meafurement of Sea Coals;'
For preventing therefore all fuch Difputes for the future. Be it enafted and declared by the Authority afore- faid, That the Bufliel commonly called the Coal Bufhel, fhall be made round, with a plain and even Bot- "f he Contents sf torn, and to be nineteen Inches and a Half from Outfide to Outfide, and to contain one JVincheJier Bufhel a Coal Buihd. and one Quart of Water, according to the Standard for the JVincheJier Bufhel, defcrlbed by an Act of Par- '^ '*2^' ^' Ijament made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty King William for fettling a Duty *^" ^' ^' * " upon Malt, and all Sea Coals and Culm chargeable with any Duties by the JVinchefter Meafure, from and after the firft Day of v^«^?^ one thoufand feven hundred and fourteen, fliall be chargeable with the faid Duties, and be fold, meafured, and paid by the Chalder, containing thirty-fix of fuch Bufhels, as afore- faid, heaped up, and no other, and fo in Proportion for any greater or IcfTer Quantity, under the like Pe- nalties and Forfeitures as are by Law prefcribed in Regard to the JVincheJier Bufhel; any Law, Ufage or. Cuftom to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ' XII. And for the more eafy and better afcertaining the Contents of the faid Bufhel,' Be it further en- a Standard EiSed by the Authority aforefaid. That the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiilio- Bu/hcitobe ners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall caule an exaft Bufhel to be made of Brafs of the Manner '^'^pt in theEic- and Dimenfions aforefaid, and the fame to be fealed and kept in her Majefly's Exchequer as a Standard for ™'^""' the Purpofes aforefaid, that Recourfe may be had thereto as Occafion fhall require. J^l^ is'^hiw'on Dealers in Coals
- ' Lands fold by Decree of Commiflioners of Sewers, £?V. may be redeemed by the Land Owners before not ufing fuch i
•' I Dec. in.. Notice in the Gazette of receiving Propofals for flopping the Breach. Coafting Hoys not ^'i?'^ ^ tc u 1 I " T? Y P or rr i> a i ^ Geo. j_ ^ ^g
- ' chargeable. E a r. | j^
Farther Prcmifium coircei-ning Co.ih, &c. 13 Geo. 2. c. 21. 17 Geo, 2. c. 35. 19 Geo, z. c. 35. 2sGc», z. c, J7. 13 Gt; 2, c. 26, 30 Geo, 2. c. 19. JJ Ceo. 2. c. 15. 31 Ceo.t. c. 27. and 33 Geo, 2. c. 15. CAP. XVIII. An Aft for the Preferving all fuch Ships and Goods thereof, which fhall happen to be forced on Shore, or ftranded, upon the Coafis of this Kingdom, or any other of her Majefty's Do- minions. WHEREAS by an Act made in the third Year of the Reign of King Edward the Firflj con- 3 Ed, 1.C.4J cerning Wrecks at Sea, it is ena£ted, That where a Man, a Dog, or a Cat, efcape quick out of the Ship, that fuch Ship, nor Barge, nor any Thing in them, fhall be adjudged a Wreck, but the Goods fhall be faved, and kept by View of the Sheriff^ Coroner, or the King's Bailiff, and delivered into the Hands of fuch as are of the. Town Where the Goods were found ; fo that if any fue for thofe Goods, and after prove that t#iey were hi- , or perifhed within his keeping, within a Year and a Day, they fhall be reftored to him without Delay, and if not, they {hall remain to the King, or to fuch others to whom Wreck belongeth j and he that otherwife doth, and thereof be attainted, fhall be awarded to Prifon, and 4 N 2 ' make