Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/72

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26 C. 22. Officer refufing to weigh fuch Salt, Owner may (hip the fame. If Salt on unla- ding be found mote in Weight than contained in Fenmt, Surplufage for- feited. IVIafter refufing to ftiew Permit, Officer may feize the Salt. If not Ihewn in i^ur Days, Salt forfeited. 8 & 9 W. 3. e. zi. 5 V/. &M.c,7. Tickets for Pay- ment of Annui- ties, &c. that are burnt or loft, on Affidavit and Certificate, Officer required to pay the faid Tickets, and be allowed them in his Acccants. Anno decimo 8c undecimoGuLi ELM I III. A. D, 1699.' XI. Provided always, That if .the faid Officer or OfBcers fhall refufe to weigh fuch Salt fo to be taken on board, as aforefaid, or fhall not attend to weigh the fame at fuch Place where the fame is to be taken on board, as aforefaid, or, after the weighing the fame, fhall refufe to give fuch Permit or Certificate, that then, and in every fuch Cafe, it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Owner and Poffeflbr of the Salt, to carry the faid Salt on board any Ship Boat, or VefTel, without incurring any Penalty for fo doing; any Thing herein contained to the contrary hereof in any wife notwithftanding. XII. And be it likewife enadled by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for the Officer and Officers, fo to be appointed as aforefaid, at every unlading Port or Creek of fuch Ship, Boat, or Veffel, to go on Board the fame before the Delivery thereof, and to De;Tiand a Sight of fuch Permit or Certificate, fo to be given as aforefaid, and to weigh the faid Salt upon the unlading the fame ; and if the Salt, on the weighing of the fame, fhall be found to be more in Weight than what is contained in the faid Permit or Certificate, that then the Surplufage that fhall exceed the Quantity contained in the faid Permit or Certificate fliall be forfeited, the one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of his Majefty, his Heirs- Succeflbrs, and the other Moiety thereof to the Perfon that fhall inform or fue for the fame : And if the Mafter of fuch Ship, Boat, or V eflel, fhall refufe to fliew unto fuch Officer the faid Permit or Certificate, upon due Requeft made, to the End he may fee whether the Salt fo unladen be the fame Qiiantity with that contained in the Permit or Certificate, that then and in fuch Cafe it fhall be lawful for the faid Officer to feize the faid Salt, and detain the fame, until the faid Permit or Certificate be pro- duced, XIII. Provided always, That if the faid Permit or Certificate, having been given as aforefaid, be not fhewn to fuch Officer within four Days after the Seizure thereof, that then and in fuch Cafe the Salt fo feized fhall be forfeited. ' XIV. And whereas by an AiEI made and pafTed in the Seffion of Parliament held in the eighth ' and ninth Years of his Majefly's Reign, intituled, Jn A£i for the better Objervation of the Courfe mi=- ' c'tmtly ufed in the Receipt of Exchequer, it is (aniongft other Things) enacted and declared, That fronj ' and after the twentieth Day oi April one thoufand fix hundred ninety-feven, no Teller in the faid ' Receipt of Exchequer fhould charge himfelf by his Bill with the Receipt of any Monies in the Ex- ' chequer, but at fuch Times as the Officers of the Talley Court, their Deputies or Subflitutes, fhould ' be there prefent, to levy a Talley or Tallies for the fame ; nor fhould any Teller, or other Perfon em- ' ployed by him, throw down, or caufe to be thrown dov/n into the faid Court, any Bill or Bills, own-

  • ing or purporting the receiving any Sum or Sums of Money from any Lender of Money, Receiver, or
  • any other Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, upon which Bill or Bills a Talley or Talleys are to be levied,

' according to the Courfe of the faid Receipt, unlefs fuch Teller refpe£l:ively, or his Clerks, or Perfons ' employed by him, fliould have aclually received, and have then in his Office, the very Money which ' fhould be fpecified in fuch Bill or Bills refpeftively (except as therein is excepted) under the Penalties ' therein mentioned :' Be it enaftedby the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful for the Lord High Treafurer, or any three or more of the Commiffioners of his Majefty's Treafury for the Time being (if he or they fhall think fit, and it be found fafe and expedient for his Majefty's Service) to permk and direft the Tellers of the faid Receipt of Exchequer, or their Clerks, from and after the firft Day oi May one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, to receive from Commiffioners, Receivers, Colledtors, or oi:hcr Perfons making any Payments to his Majefl:y, at the faid Receipt of his Exchequer, upon any Account whatfoever, or for Loans, Bills under the Seal of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, commonly called Bank Bills, as fhall be tendred in Payment for any Aids, Taxes, Revenues or Loans whatfoever, unto the End of the next Seffion of Parliament, and no longer ; any Thing in the faid recited A£l, or in any other A£l or A£ts of Parliament, or any Cuflom or LTage to the contrary in any wife notv/ithftanding : Provided, That none of the faid Bank^ills fhall be fo taken in the Exchequer, when the fame are at any Difcount. ' XV. And whereas in and by one Aft made in the fifth Year of the Reign of his Majefty and the late Qeeen Mary of bleffed Memory, intituled. An A£i for granting to their Majefies certain Rates and Duties upon Salt, and upon Beer, Ale and other Liquors, for jecuri-ng certaiii Recompences and Advantages in .the faid Atl Tnentioned, to fuch Perfons as Jhall- voluntarily advance the Sum of ten hundred thotfand Funds, tozvards carrying on the War again/} FrAnce, it is (amongft other Things) enafted. That the Sum of one hundred and forty thoufand Poxmds fhall be a y-early Fund for anfwering the Annuities therein mentioned : And whereas certain Tickets were iffued out to the Proprietors of the faid Annui- ties, many of which Tickets are fince burnt, loft or otherwife deftroyed, whereby the faid Proprietors are in Danger of lofing their Money contained in fuch Tickets :' Be it ena£ted by the Authority afore- faid. That in all Cafes where it fliall appear by Affidavit, to be made before any of the Barons of the Exchequer, that any Ticket or Tickets, for any Payment or Payments on the faid Annuities incurftd or become due at or before the nine and twentieth Day of September one thoufand fix hundred ninety and eight, is or are burnt, deftroyed, or otherwife loft, it fhall and may be lawful for the Officer or Officers appointed to pay and difcharge the faid Annuities, on producing a Certificate from the faid Baron, of fuch Affidavit made before him (which Affidavit the Barons, or any of them, is and are hereby autho- rifed to take, and which Certificate he or they are hereby required to grant without Fee or Reward) and on Security given to the faid Officer, to his good Liking, to indemnify him againft all other Per- fons whatfoever, for or concerning the Monies contained or fpecified in fuch Ticket or Tickets, or v/hich was due thereon, he the faid Officer fhall and is hereby required to pay and difcharge the faid Annuities, by the faid Tickets incurred and grown due as aforefaid, as if the faid Tickets had been pro- duced.