Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 4.djvu/75

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A. D. 1699. Anno decimo & undecimo GuLiELMi III. C. 24. 29 V. For every VefTel of frefli Sea Fifh, for Groiindage jSi'r Day two Pence, and per Voyage thirteen '^««.' ""'tl^f"* Pence, and no more, in full for all Duties and Demands, to be difpofed of and diftributed as aforefaid. ScaFifh. VI. For every Dogger Boat or Smack with Sea Fifh, for Groundage ^^r Day two Pence, and ^^r Dogger Boat o» Voyage thirteen Pence, and no more, in full for all Duties and Demands to be difpofed of and diftribu- Smack. ted as aforefaid. VII. For every Oilier Veffel or Cock, for Groundage per Day two Pence, for Metage one Halfpenny '^'"^ Veficl, per Bulhel and no more, tlxxA per Voyage thirteen Pence and no more, in full for all Duties and De- mands, to be difpofed of and diftributed as aforefaid. VIII. And be it further enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That it fliall and may be lawful to and for f*^ Bought in any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever, who fhall buy any Fifli in the faid Market, to fell the fame again 'n ^* '^^^ J^^ ^^^ any other Market, Place or Places within the faid City o^ London or elfewhere, by Retail, except never- ^y other, thelefs, that none but Fifhmongers {hall be permitted to fell in publick or fixed Shops or Houfes, being Exceptioit. found and wholfom Fifli, without any Let or Difturbance from any Perfon or Perfons whatfoever for fo doing ; any Law or Statute to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithflanding. IX. Provided neverthelefs. That this A6i: fhall not extend to alter any Law now in being, concerning Pro»ifo, Fifh caught by Foreigners. ' X. And whereas in the fifth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, among other Things it was sKli».e> y*

  • ^ enacted, That from and after thefirft Day oi May then next coming, it Ihoiild not be lawful to any

' Perfon and Perfons, in any Port,. City, Town, or Market, or other Place within thi-s Realm, to fet ' Price, make any Reftraint, or take or demand Toll or Tax of any Sea Fifli to be brought mto this- ' Realm, or any Part thereof, being taken by any of her Majefty's Subjects, in Ships and other Veflels- ' of the fame Subjefts, upon Pain, to every Perfon offending contrary to the Meaning thereof, to forfeit

  • the Value of the Fifh fo reftrained, prized, tolled, or taken ; any Liberty, Cuftom, Grant, Privilege^

' or other Matter whatfoever to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding ; yet contrary to the true Mean-

  • ing thereof, feveral Tolls, Samples, and other ExaftionSjhave been demanded and taken of Sea Fifh ;'

Be it therefore enafted by the Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid tenth Day of May, any Penalty on Per- Perfon or Perfons, taking or demanding any Toll or Sample, or any other Impofition, or fetPrke, of '"" ^°?"'^'"6 any Sea Fifh whatfoever ol Englijh catching, fhall forfeit the Sum often Pounds, the one Moiety thereof l^"'^'^^"^**"^ to his Majefty, and the other Moiety to fuch Perfon as fhall fue for the fame. ' XI. And whereas of late Years, an evil Praftice hath been ufed by the Fifhmongers, in employing Evil Praffice of ' one or two Perfons at the moft to buy up all or the greateft Part of the Fifh which is brought to thefA*™^"^"' ^^ ' faid Market at Billingfgate, and afterwards dividing the fame amongft the Fifhmongers by Lots, by rea- " ' fon v/hereof the Fifhmongers buy and fell at what Rates they pleafe ;' Be it therefore ena(Sted by the Authority aforefaid, That no fuch Praftices fliall be at any Time hereafter ufed or allowed. XII. And for the better preventing the fame, or the like evil Praftices, for the Time to come ; be it further enacted. That no Perfon or Perfons whatfoever fhall at any Time after the faid tenth Day oi May Flffi not to be one thoufand fix hundred ninety-nine, employ or be employed by any other Perfon or Perfons, in buy- bought up, to be ing in or at the faid Market of 5////«^(7f^, any Qiiantity of Fifh, to be divided by Lots or in Shares ^'"'*^'"'> '■""> amongft any Fifhmongers, or other Pe'rfons, in order to be afterv/ards put to Sale by Retail or otherwife; jetafied™"*** nor iliall any Flfhmonger, at any Time after the faid tenth Day of May, ingrofs or by, in the faid A4ar- penaity', ket oi Billingfgate, any Quantity of Fifh, but what fhall be for his own Sale or Ufe, and not for or on the Behalf of any other Fifhmonger to expofe to Sale, under Pain of forfeiting for each fuch Offence th-e Sum of twenty Pounds, one Moiety thereof to the tJfe of the Poor of the Parifh wh-ere fuch Offence fhall be committed, and the other Moiety to his or their own Ufe who fhall fue for the fame; and that Size of LoBffeis from and after the faid tenth Day of/wfly, no Fifherman, or other Perfon or Perfons, fhall bring on for Sale. Shore, or put to Sale, any Lobfters, that are not eight Inches from the Peak of the Nofe unto the End of the Middle Fin of the Tail, under Pain of forfeiting for every fuch Lobfter the Sum of one Shilling, penalty, the one Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh where the Offence fhall be comimitted, the other Moiety to the Profecutor, to be recovered upon Conviction before the Chief Magiftrate of any City or Town Corpo- rate, or before the next juftice of Peace where fuch Off'iice fhall be committed. XIII. And for the better Encouragement of the Fifhery of this Kingdom, be it further enaiSted by the FifR to be impop- Authority aforefaid. That from and after the faid tcntn Day oi May, no Fifh (except Stock Fifh and ted in Englifli Live Eels) taken or caught by any Foreigners, Ali'-ns tt/ ihis Kingdom (except Proteftant Strangers in- Shipping, habiting within this Kingdom) fliall be imported in any foreign Ship, Veffel, or Bottom, not being fg^'^^^' ' wholly ^w^/z/?) Property, and uttered, fold, or expofed to Sale, in this Kingdom, under the Pain of the stit. a. c'.'iS.' Forfeiture of fuch Ship, Veilel, or Bottom, with the Tackle thereunto belonging, and of all fuch Fifh §. r'o,' fo imported and fold contrary to the true fntent and Meaning thereof, one Moiety thereof to the Ufe of Foreigners may the Poor of the Parifh where the fame fhail be k found or feized, the other Moiety to his or their own ""P°" Lobfters Ufe who fhall fo feize the fame. _ andTurbots.' XIV. Provided neverthelefs. That nothing in this Adl contained fhall be conflrued to prohibit the Tm- Anchovies, Stur- portation of Anchovies, Sturgeon, Botargo, or Cavear, nor felling of Mackarel before or after Divine 8=°"' *<:■ °o' Service on Sundays. prohibited, XV. Provided always. That riothing in this A£t contained fhall be conftrued to take away an ancient Cod and Ling Duty of Cod and Ling, payable to the Kings of this Realm, for the Service of their Houfhoid, by continued as fuch Merchants as trade to Wejhnoney and Ifelarid, but that the fame may be taken by his Majefty's Offi- "'^^^'• cers, in fuch Manner as the fame hath been lawfully ufed to be taken before the making of this Aft, Tr-nherFrcvfj;-- Otis fir theVrefir- ■vaUonarJJmprovemntiftheFifiery,i^Ann,e,7.1, ^Am,C,i&, lGes,l, Slat, i, C, iZ, $Ces,J,e,tZ, *J Cw, a, <•, a 6, aS-Cm. 2. c. 9, 3.0 C«. a., e.ii&io. end jjG«, a. c, ay, CAP,