Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/134

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94 &° 55' Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 17 15* Court of Common Pleas, of Court of Exchequer, or at the General -Quarter-Seffions of the Peace to be holden for the County, Riding or Divifion, where fuch Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments, or fomd Part thereof, fhall lie or arife, between the Hours of nine and twelve of the Clock in the Forenoon^ 'Z '" D - eh - ult or in default thereof fhall, within the Space of fix Months next after the Time hereby appointed for Man k aft" fi * *" m ' ^ er or ^em tp ta * t ' ie * a ' c ' ^ at ^ s ' an< * *°> ^ Tom Time to Time, within fix Months after he, fhe or they come into the y"5 or all y Truftee or Truftees for him, her or them, or his^ her or their Benefit or Advantage, Poffsflion of any fhall come into the Pofieffion or Perception of the Rents or Profits of any other Lands, Tenements or Lands, &c. Hereditaments, regifter, or procure to be regiitred, his, her or their Name or Names, and all fuch Lands, regiiter their Tenements and Hereditaments, whereof he, fhe or they, or any Truftee or Truftees' for him, her or ^"^Books"^ them, or his, her or their Benefit or Advantage, fhall be in Poffeffion, or in the Receipt or Perception be kept by the of the Rents or Profits, which are fituate, lying, being or_ arifing in England^ Wales, or the Town of Clerks of the Berwick upon Tweed', and fhall exprefs or caufe to be exprefled in fuch Regifter, in what Parifh, Town- Feace. . fhip or Place fuch Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, and every Part thereof lie or arife, and who, runner of re- f or y^ Ti m e being, is or are the Poffeffors thereof, and of every Part thereof, and what Eftate-or Intereft he, fhe or they, whofe Name or Names is or fhall be fo regiftred refpeclively, have in the fame, and in every Part and Parcel thereof refpectively, and the yearly Rent referved to him, her or them for the fame, Eftates kt upon if the fame fhall be lett; and if the fame fhall be. lett upon Leafe, then by whom fuch Leafe was made,

  • ""'" what yearly or other Rent is referved thereupon, and what Fine or Sum of Money was paid for fuch Leafe

thereof, in cafe the fame was made by himfelf or any Perfon in Truft for him, or that he was party or privy thereunto, and the Time and Day of the Month and 1 T ear when fuch Entry fhall be made, in a Parchment-Book or Books, Roll or Rolls, which fhall be kept by the Clerk of the Peace for every County, Riding and Divifion, where fuch Lands, Tenements or Hereditaments fhall reflectively lie, arife or be. Pnfons Names And to the end that all fraudulent or covenous regiftring any Perfons Names or Eftates, who do not defire fubicribed to have them regiftred, may be prevented, every Perfon whofe Name and Eftate fhall be, or ought to be of two^uftices re g'ftred as aforefaid, is hereby obliged to take care that his Name be, within the faid fix Months hereby allowed for making fuch Regiftry, fubferibed to fuch Regiftry or Entry in the faid Books or Rolls, in the Prefence of two or more Juftices of the Peace for the County, Riding or Divifion, where fuch Regiftry fhall be, in open Seffions, either by the Perfon himfelf whofe Name and Eftate fhall be fo regiftred, or by his Attorney or Attornies thereunto lawfully authorized by Warrant of Attorney under his Hand and Sealj executed by him in the Prefence of two or more Witneffes, two of which WitneiTes at the le-aft fhall make proof of fuch Execution upon their Oaths at the Quarter-Seffions where fuch Name fhall be fubferibed, or Regiftry produced; and the Juftices of the faid Court of Quarter-Seffions are hereby ifnpowered and Two juftices to required to examine fuch Witneffes upon Oath for that Purpofe; and two of the Juftices of the Peace then fubfcribe their p re fent fhall fubfcribe their Names to every fuch Entry which lhall be fo made before them, as -Witneffes Names, on Pe- ^^ t ^ e f ame was (j u ]y ma< } e a s aforefaid; and in default thereof each of the faid Juftices then prefent fhall forfeit twenty Pounds to the King. And to the end that the Parties concerned in the Premises may find no Difficulty in procuring their Names and Eftates to be regiftred as aforefaid, all and every fuch Clerks of the Clerk and Clerks of the Peace are hereby required to keep Parchment-Books or Parchment' Rolls at fome Peace to keep notorious Place in the County, Riding or Divifion, in which they fhall a<5t as Clerks of the Peace; and p.uchmcnt- fh a ]i D y themfelves or their lawful Deputies regifter and enter in the faid Books or Rolls the Chriftian tteNameT'" anc ' Surnames of all and every fuch Perfon or Perfons, who fhall come in Perfon and defire to be regiftred as ' aforefaid^ or fhall fend any Writing under his, her or their Hand to fuch Clerk of the Peace or his Deputy and regifter the defiring him to regifter his, her or their Name or Names; and fhall alfo regifter the Eftate in Lands, Te- Eftites, &c nements and Hereditaments of every fuch Perfon and Perfons, in fuch Manner and in fuch Words, a,s he fhe or they fhall, by any Writing figned by him, her or them refpe&ively, defire fuch Clerk of the Peace or his Deputy to regifter the fame : Provided the Perfon or Perfons who defire fuch Regiftry to be made fhall tender and pay to fuch Clerk and Clerks of the Peace, or to his or their lawful Deputies, the Fees Fees to be paid, hereby appointed to be paid unto him or them for fuch Regiftrv, and fo that they apply to him- or them to enter fuch Regiftry, and deliver to him in Writing the Words he or they reflectively defire to hav« fo regiftred or entred, ten Days at the leaft before the Quarter-Seffions where the Entries thereof are Books to be to be fubferibed as aforefaid; and fuch Clerk or Clerks of the Peace, or their lawful Deputy or De- carr.ed to the p U ties, fhall enter fuch Perfons Names and Regiftry of their Eftates before the next Quarter-Seffions of the '^""-Scihonf. Peace after fuch Delivery in the faid Books or Rolls, and -fhall carry the faid Books and Rolls in which fuch Entries fhall be fo made with him or them to the next and every other Quarter-Seffions of the Peace to be held for the County, Riding, Divifion or Place where fuch Entry fhall be made, until the Time of fuch fubferibing the fame fhall be expired; to the end that all and every the Perfons whofe Names fhall be or ought -to be regiftred, as aforefaid, or their refpedtive Attorney or Attornies^, may have an Opportunity to come to the (aid Seffions, and fubfcribe the Names of the Perfons, fo to be regiftred to the fame; and Cfcricstf the fuch Clerk and Clerks of the Peace fhall alfo keep -alphabetical Tables of the Surnames of all. and every Peace to. keep fuch Perfon and -Perfons whofe Names and Eitates fhall be fo regiftred, and of the Parilhes and Townfhips alphabetic! where the.Lands fo regiftred lie, with reference to the Place in the Book or Books, Roll or Rolls, where Surnames * e f ucn Names and Lands .fhall be regiftred; and fhall alfo carefully keep all fuch Warrants of Attorney as and file the ^ la ^ De fo proved, as aforefaid, upon a File, together with fuch Books and Rolls; and fhall likewife enter Warrants of fuch Warrants o; Attorney upon Record, and fhall have for fuch Regiftry and Entry on Record, a Fee of Attorney, three Pence for every two hundred Words which fuch Regiftry and Entry on Record fhall contain, and no 3 d - £° re |^ T more, to be paid by the Perfon regiftring the fame; and ihall alfo have the Sum of four Pence, and no 4°d! foreve'ry mere > f° r £very Search- that fhall be made for the Name or Eftate of any Perfon j andis-and are-.bereby Scarch. required