Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/156

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n6 C. 7. Anno tertio Georgii Regis. A. D. 17 16. No Fees for XXX. And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That no Fee or Gratuity whatfoever paying or tranf- {hall or may be demanded or taken of any of his Majefty's Subjects, for receiving or paying fuch Mo- ferring their n j es as fhall be advanced at the Exchequer for the Purpofes aforefaid, or for any Tallies, or other Matters nnuities, concerning the fame, or for iffuing the faid general Fund of feven hundred twenty- four thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence and one hfth Part of a Penny per Annum, or any Part thereof, or for paying the faid feveral and refpedtive Annuities, or any of them, by the faid Cafhier for the Time being; and that no Fee or Gratuity fhall be demanded or taken for any Tranf- fer of any Sum, great or fmall, to be made in purfuance of this'Adt, upon Pain, that any Officer or Per- on Forfeiture fon offending, by taking or demanding any Fee or Gratuity contrary to this Adt, fhall forfeit the Sum of ot2oJ. twenty Pounds to the Party grieved, to be recovered with full Cofts in any of his Majefty's Courts of Record at lV,jiminJler. Treasury may XXXI. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted, That the CommiiTioners of the Treafury, or High »nd M«!'iii eS ' Treafurer for the Time being, fhall have Power to pay and allow, or caufe to be paid and allowed, out of Charges for cxe- the Monies arifing of cr for the faid general yearly Fund, as aforefaid, fuch Salaries and Allowances as cuting this A<a. they fhall think reafonable, as well to the faid Managers and Directors, as to the faid Cafhier and Ac- countant general for the Time being, for their Pains and Service refpedtively, in Performance of the feveral Trufts in them repofed by this Adt; and to allow and pay out of the fame Money all other Charges for Books, Under-clerks, or o;her Matters or Things which fhall be neceflarily incident in or for the Exe- cution of this Adt. Jntercft of 4]. XXXII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Intereft after the Rate of four. 5>L *'d t fd P° un ^ s P er Centum per Annum, payable from the twenty-fourth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred Genera) Fund ar >d feventeen, on the Debentures authorized to be made forth by an AcT: of this Seffion of Parliament for on Army Dcben-ftating and determining Debts due to the Army, fhall from Time to Time, as the fame fhall become due turesofthis and payable, during the Continuance thereof, be fatisfied and paid out of the Monies of the faid general Seffion; Fund by this Adt eitablifhed or intended to be eitablifhed, as aforefaid, and fhall be imprefted, from Time 3 eo. 1. c. 3. tQ i"j me5 to the p a y ma fter of the Forces for that Purpofe. Provifo for Re- XXXIII. Provided always, and it is hereby enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That at any Time, oemption of alf upon Notice to be given or left at the publick Office of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, tipon Repay" ^y Authority cf Parliament, at any of the faid quarterly Feaft-days for Payment of the faid Annuities, and rr.ent of the upon Repayment by Parliament of the refpedtive principal Sums for which the faid Annuities fhall be pay- Principal by able by the faid Cafhier of the Bank for the Time being, and whereupon the faid refpedtive Annuities are Parliament. t De computed, as aforefaid, to fuch refpedtive Perfons and Corporations as fhall be entitled to the faid Annuities, according to fuch Intereft as they refpedtively fhall then have in the faid Annuities, and alio upon full Payment and Satisfaction of all Arrears of the faid Annuities, if any fhall be then due, then and not till then, the fame Annuities fhall ceafe and determine; any Thing herein contained to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. Another Proyifo ' XXXIV. And in regard it is intended. That upon fuch Notice to be given at any quarterly Feaft-day, for Redemption c a jj the p r j nc jp a ] Monies for which the faid Annuities fhall be payable, may be fatished by any Payments, of°the Principal ' not being lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain at a Time, and that by Parcels, not ' as the faid principal Monies fhall be paid oft", the faid Annuities, and the capital Stock for the fame, being lefs than ' fhall proportionably fink and be abated :' Be it therefore further provided and enadted by the Authority joo.oool. at a aforefaid, That if at any Time or Times Notice fhall be given or left at any of the faid quarterly Feaft- days, by Authority of Parliament, for Redemption of the faid Annuities by this Adt payable by the Cafhier of the Bank, as aforefaid; and if Payment after fuch Notice given be made by Parliament to the refpedtive Perfons and Corporations as fhall be then entitled to the faid Annuities, according to fuch refpedtive Interefts as they fhall have in the faid Annuities, of any Sum or Sums of Money, not being lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds to all the Proprietors at a Time) in Part of the refpedtive princi- pal Sums for which the faid Annuities fhall be payable, as aforefaid; as alfo if Payment be made of all Ar- rearages then due to them of the fame Annuities, or fo much of thofe Arrearages as fhall bear a Propor- tion to the principal Monies, from Time to Time, remaining unfatisfied, being computed till the Time of every fuch Payment of Part of the Principal refpedtively, then from and after every fuch Payment fo made, fo much of the faid Annuities as fhall bear Proportion to the Monies fo paid in Part of the faid Principal, fhall ceafe, determine and be abated; any Thing in this, or in any former Adt or Adts of Par- liament, or other Matter or Thing whatfoever to the contrary notwithftanding. A Resolution of XXXV. And it is hereby declared and enadted by the Authority aforefaid, That any Vote or Refolu- ihe Houfe of tion of the Houfe of Commons, fignified by their Speaker in Writing, to be delivered at the publick Commons, fig- Office of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, fhall be deemed and adjudged to be Speake/ a fuf- ^ u ^ Cierii Notice within the Words and Meaning of this Adt; any Thing herein contained to the con- fident Notice, trary notwithftanding. See t 3 Geo. 1. ' XXXVI. And whereas in and by an Adt of this Seffion of Parliament, for redeeming feveral Funds c 3. §. 1. ' f the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, (amongft other Things) it is declared and 5 Ceo. 1. c. ' enadted, That the Excefs or Surplus, which at the End of every or any Quarter of a Year (reckoning

  • ■ f** ' the Quarters to end at the four moft ufual Feaft-days therein mentioned) fhall and may be produced by

' the feveral Rates, Duties, Revenues and Incomes thereby appropriated, or mentioned to be appropri- ' ated as is therein expreffed, and fhall remain in the Exchequer (over and above the Money then due and ' demandable for or upon the feveral Annuities, Allowances, and other Payments by that Adt payable, ' ur any Arrears of the fame) fhall attend the Difpofition of Parliament, and be applied according to Adt ' or