Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/213

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A. D. 1717- Anno quarto Georgii Regis. C. 10. 173

C A P. X. An Aft Tor making the. Dividend of fubferibed I .ortery- Annuities, and other Annuities efta- bltfhecl by leveral Afts of Parliament payable hall-yearly at the Bank of England. ' *• "T7HEREAS in and by an Act of Parliament made and pafled in the third Year of his prefent 3 Geo. t. c 7. Vv MajeityY Reign j intitulsfd, Ah Ac~l for 'Redeeming tin r Duties ana I Revenues which were fctti pay off ' Prhici. ul and Intere/l on the Orders made forth on four Lottery-acls faffed in the ninth I tenth 1 i 1 0; h r I tc Majejiy's Reign ; a id for redeeming certain Annuities, payable on Orders out of the Hereditary Ex if, io a former Act in that Behalf '; andfor eftablifhing a general yearly Fund, not only for the futun F hsuities, at fevered Rates, to be payable and trans/, rra> le at the Bank of England, and redeemable by i <ment ; but a'/j to raife Monies for fuch Proprietors of the fid Orders, as fhall choofe to be paid t en- Principal and Arrears cfji/iercjl in Ready Aloiuy; and for making good fuch other Dficiencies and Payments as its this Ail are mentioned '.; and for ta "mg of the Duties on imported, <W2*/Bririfh Linen exported, It is imongfl other Things enacted; That all the- Annuities at fe vera! Kates charged upon and payable .'lit of the Monies of the General Fund of feven hundred twenty-lour thoufand eight hundred forty-nine Pounds fix Shillings and ten Pence and one fifth Part of a Penny per Annum, by the faid Act eftablifhed pr intended to he eftablifhed, fhoukl be paid and payable by quarterly Payments, at the four moft ufual I :afts in the Year (that is to fay) The Feafts of the Birtn of our Lord Chriit, the Annunciation of the Bl died Virgin Mary, the Nativity of 5/. John the Baptift, and St. Michael the Archangel, by even and eq lal Portions, or within fix Days after every of the faid Feaft-days for ever, or until Redemption or

le ■prions thereof (hall be made, according to the Provifoes contained in the faid Act: And whereas

the Proprietors in the. faid feveral Annuities made payable by the faid A£t, do confift of many thoufand P rfons ; and t is found by Experience, That the Adjuiting and Stating the Accounts of the faid Pro- prietors, in order to the making a Dividend every Quarter of a Year, as the faid Act directs, doth take up lb much Time, that the Tansfer-books muft of Neceffity be kept fhu~ up for a long while too-edier, to the g;rea T nconvenieace and Detriment of the faid Proprietors:' For Remedy whereof for the future, Be it enacted, &c. ' R deemed 5 Geo. 1. c. 3. feet. 2. After Cbriflmas 1717, the Annuities made payable by the recited

  • ' Act, ihall be paid out of the General Fund by that Act eftablifhed, by half yearly Payments."

' II. And whereas in and by an Act of Parliament made and paffed in the faid third Year of his Ma- 3 Geo. 1. c. 17-. ' jefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl to enable his Majefty to appoint Cormniffioners to take, examine, fiat , and ' determine the Debts due to the Army, the Commiffioners appointed by his Ma efty in purfuance thereof sfpectively due; and the faid Paymafter or Paymafters refpe£tively were and are thereby directed and required to make out Debentures to the Officers', Engineers, Gunners and other Perfons to who.n the Monies fo certified to be due mould refpectively belong, in the Manner and Form by that Act prefcribed : And it Po nds per Centum per Annum, due and to grow due upon the Debentures made forth, or to be made ' forth by virtue of the faid for Act, or any other Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf, may with ' moreEafe to the Proprietors thereof, be fatisfied half-yearly, as Annuities after the fame Rate, by the ' Cafhier for the Time being of the Governor and i ompany of the Bank of England; and that the Pay- ' ments thereof may be accounted for in the Manner and Form by this and the fa,d firft Act above-recited ' prefcribed, for, touching or concerning the feveral Annuities thereby made payable by fuch Cafhier :' Be it therefore further enac-ted, &c. ■' So much of the faid General Fund as fhall be fufficient to anfv/er the Intereft on the Debentures made " out by virtue of the Act 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. fhall be iflued half-yearly to the Cafhier of the Bank, who fnall " apply the fame accordingly : Acco mtant general of the Bank to infpect the Payments. Paymafters to ' certify to the faid Ca ; hier and Accountant what Debentures have been maJe forth ; who fhali enter the ■' fame in Books, and give Certificates gratis to the Prop: ietors, ho after June 24, 1717, fhall be entitled ' to the faid Intereft at 4/. per Centum.. Annuities to be Perfonal Eftatesand be deemed Capital Stock " and transferable or devifeable. So much o. the General Fund as will i'atisfy the faid Annuities fhall " be iflued half-yearly to the Cafhier of the Bank, Annuities fubject to Redemption." [Redeemed l Geo " I- c. 3.] CAP,