Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/225

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A. D. 1718. AniK) quinto Georgii Regis. €.7,8. 185 Kingdom, and all and every Pcrfon and Pcrfons that were required by the faid above recited Act to take ^ve^nuken the hud Oath, or fubferibe the faid Declaration, {hall be and are hereby confirmed in their feveral and rei- Me fiid Oath fpective Offices and Places, notwithstanding their Omiflion to lake the faid Oath, or fubferibe the faid .mi Declaration. Declaration, and fhall be indemnified* freed and difcharged of and from ;ill Incapacities, Difabilitie?, And intemni- Forfeitures and Penalties arifing from fuch Omiflion, and none of their Acts fhall be queftioned or avoided fied > l ' r - for or by reafon of the fame; but that all fuch Ails fhall be and arc hereby declared and enacted to be as good and effectual, as if all and every fuch Pcrfon and Pcrfons had taken the faid Oath, and fubferibed the laid Declaration, according to the Direction of the faid Act. If. And be it alfo further ena&ed by the Authority aforefaid, That fo much of the faid Statute as re-;'^™^"^" quires the taking of the faid Oath, and fubferibing the faid Declaration, fhali be and is hereby repealed ; requites trie and that neither the faid Oath or Declaration fhall be required for the future. riltiug the fail ' III. And whereas by the faid recited Act made in the thirteenth Year of King Charles the Second, it° 3,h - &«• f- ' is enacted, That no Pcrfon or Perfons fhall be placed, elected or chofen, in or to any of the Offices dr' 1 *"^' . ' Places relating to or concerning the Government of any City, Corporation, Borough, Cinque-port and ,r ri ' their Members, and other Port-towns, or any other offices in the faid recited Act mentioned or expref- ' fed, that fhall not have, within one Year next before fuch Election or Choice, taken the Sacrament of ' the Lord's Supper, according to the Rites of the Church of Emland, and that in Default thereof every

  • fuch Placing, Election and Choice fhall be void :' Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Members of

That all and every the now Member and Members of any Corporation within this Kingdom, and all 2nd Corporations, every Perfon and Perfons now in actual Pofleffion of any Office, that were required by the faid above fS- ^ e^t^vSu cited Act to take the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper according to the Rites of the Church of England the Swamenrj within one Year next before his Election or Choice into fuch Office, fhall be and are hereby confirmed in as enjoino'd by their feveral and refpective Offices and Places, notwithftanding their Omiflion to take the Sacrament of thc hui A - > » the Lord's Supper as aforefaid, and fhall be indemnified, freed and difcharged, of and from all Incapaci-J^ 1 '^"^'^ tics, Difabilities, Forfeitures and Penalties arifing from fuch Omiflion ; and that none of their Acts, nor ,.),*„• offices, the Acts not yet avoided, of any who have been Members of any Corporation, or in Actual Poffeflion 6fawi be treed fuch Offices, fhall be queftioned or avoided for or by reafon of fuch Omiflion ; but that all fuch Acts fhall from all Incapa. be and are hereby declared and enacted to be as good and effectual as if all and every fuch Perfon and c ' tles ' &c * "'" Perfons had taken the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper in manner as aforefaid; nor fhall any Perfon or onfiffion. Perfons, who fhall be hereafter placed, elected or chofen, in or to any the Offices aforefaid, be removed by the Corporation, or otherwife profecuted for or by reafon of fuch Omiffion ; nor fhall any Incapacity, Difability, Forfeiture or Penalty, be incurred by reafon of the fame, unlets fuch Perfon be fo removed, or fuch Profecution be commenced, within fix Months after fuch Perfon's being placed or elected into his refpective Office, as aforefaid, and that in cafe of a Profecution the fame be carried On without wilful Delay, See farther CM- cancerning Corporations, 1 1 Ceo. I . c. 4> CAP. VII. An A£t for continuing an Act made in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl for encouraging the Tobacco Trade. the End of the then next Seffion of Parliament, which Act is near expiring : And whereas the faid Act ' hath been found to be very beneficial to the faid Trade, and of good TJfe for the Purpofes thereby' defio-n- ' ed :' Be it therefore enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- The recited lent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by Aa fta11 be the Authority of the fame, That the faid recited Act made in the twelfth Year of her faid late Majefty's F ominueJ " Reign concerning Tobacco, and all and every the Rules, Direaions, Powers, Penalties, Discounts', A I- ^o" Tobacco lowances, Claufes, Matters and Things therein contained, fhall by virtue of this Act be continued, and continue, be in full Force during fuch Time as the refpective Duties on Tobacco fhall reflectively continue ; any Law, Statute, Matter or Thing to the contrary notwithftanding. FartherPmmjhat concerning ¥s- bacco, 6 Geo. I. c. 21. 9 Geo, 1. c. 21. 12 Geo. 1. c. 26 fif 2S. 21 Gee. 2. c. 2, 24 Geo. 2. c. 41. 26 Geo. z.c. rj. CAP. VIII. An Ad for the more effectual Relief of fuch Wives and Children, as are left by their Hufbands and Parents, upon the Charge of the Parifh. ' ^' XX/^^REAS divers Perfons run or go away from their Places of Abode into other Counties or For former Laws V V Places, and fometimes out of the Kingdom, fome Men leaving their Wives, a Child or Chil- un .vrwg Peer t dren, and fome Mothers run or go away, leaving a Child or Children, upon the Charge of the Parifh ot"^' '°^ Eh c - ' Place where fuch Child or Children was or were born, or laft legally fettled, although fuch Perfons have .& Z c«/'- 5 ' fome Mates, which -fliould-eafe the Parifh of their Charge, in Whole or in Part :' -May it pleafe your e. 12. 22 &l Vol. V. - Bb Majeftv Cs '-"- c - iS -