Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/229

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A. D. 17 1 8. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 9. 189 well C of his Majefty's Trcafury now being, and the Treafurer and Under-treafurer of the Exchequer and Com- miflioners of the Treafury of his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeflbrs for the Tiir.e being, are hereby ftrictly enjoined and required to caufe the faid yearly Sum of twenty and one thoufand Pounds to be applied ac- cording to this Ait, out of the Duties arifmg as aforefaid, with Preference to any other Payments to be made out of the fame ; any former Law or Statute to the contrary notwithstanding. VI. And be it further enabled by the Authority aforefaid, That it {hall and may be lawful to and for the Money may be Commiflioncrs of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, and the Treasurer and la ' ,lli b y wa y of the Under-treafurer of the Exchequer, or any three or more of the Commiflioncrs of the Trcafury for J; '" ut 4 p " the Time being, (without any further or other Warrant or Authority to be fued for, had or obtained in j n o ChuichM ' that Behalf) from Time to Time to direct the Officers at the Receipt of the Exchequer to receive, by way & c . of Loan, from any Pcrfon or Pcrfons, Natives or Foreigners, Bodies Politick or Corporate, willing to make fuch Loan or Loans upon Credit of the faid particular Fund of twenty and one thoufand Pounds per Annum by this Act eftablifhcd as aforefaid, fuch Sum and Sums of Money as any five or more of the Per- fons appointed, or to be appointed by Commiflion of Letters Patents under the Great Seal of Greet Britain, fhall from Time to Time, or at any Time or Times, think neceffary, and (hall, by Writing under the Hands of them or any five or more of them, dclire to be raifed by way of Loan for the Build- ings, Repairs and other Purpofes by the faid recited Acts intended ; and to allow Intereft, not exceeding the Rate of four Pounds per Centum per Annum, for the Forbearance thereof; and that the Monies fo lent Tax. free, fhall not be taxed or affefled by any Aft of Parliament whatfoever ; and that fuch Lenders (hall have Tal- lies of Loan and Orders for their Repayment, with fuch Intereft as aforefaid, out of the faid particular Fund of twenty and one thoufand Pounds per Annum; the Principal to be paid in Courfe according to the To be paid in refpective Dates of the Tallies, and the Intereft: every three Months until the Repayment of the Princi-5- our1 -'- pal, fo that at the End of every Quarter of a Year the faid Intereft then due fliall be paid, or Money fuf-[^e MonYhs iicient (hall be referved for Payment thereof; and the relt of the Money of the fame particular Fund then&c. remaining in the Exchequer (hall be iflued and applied, from Time to Time, towards Satisfaction of the ' . faid Principal in Courfe as aforefaid ; and fo as Care be taken, that as the Principal be paid ofF, the Inte- reft be proportionably funk and abated ; and that no Fee, Reward or Gratuity (hall be demanded or taken in or for the Payment thereof; and that the Money of the faid particular Fund of twenty and one thou- fand Pounds per Annum fhall be liable to fatisfy fuch Orders accordingly without being diverted from the fame to any other Jk, Intent or Purpofe, upon Pain of forfeiting treble Damages, with full Cofts of Suit, to the Party grieved by the Party offending ; and that fuch Orders fhall be aflignable by Endorfe- ments thereupon according to the Courfe in fuch Cafes ufed in the Exchequer ; any Law or Statute what- foever to the contrary notwithftanding. VII. And] it is hereby enacted, That all the Monies to arife by way of Loan upon Credit of the faid T1 ' e ".oool. particular Fund of twenty and one thoufand Pounds per Annum, and all the Monies of the fame Fund f cr ^ n "' af> " (except fo much thereof as is to be applied for Repayment of the Principal and Satisfaction of the Inte- buMuHrt&e * reft of the Loans which (hall be made thereupon, as aforefaid) are hereby appropriated, and (hall be ap- churches &c. plied for or towards the building and finifhing of Churches, purchafing of Scites, Church-yards, Burying- places, and Houfes for Minifters, repairing the faid collegiate Church of St. Peter, TVeJI?ninJler, and the Chapels of the fame, finifhing Grcemuich Hofpital and the Chapel thereunto belonging, making Provifion for Minifters, and other Charges relating to the faid Churches, which were authorized and intended by the faid former Acts or any of them concerning the fame, and to or for none other Ufe, Intent or Purpofe whatfoever. VIII. Provided always, That the Principal of fuch Loans, together with the Monies (if any fuch be) Not to exceed which (hall be fupplied out of the fame particular Fund itfelf, for the Purpofes laft mentioned, (hall not3 6o > oooi - in the whole exceed the faid Sum of three hundred and fixty thoufand Pounds. IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That it fhall and may be lawful to and for Treafury to iffue the Commiflioners of his Majefty's Treafury, or any three or more of them now being, and the High flich Monc .y as Treafurer and Under-treafurer of the Exchequer, or any three or more of the Commiflioners of the^^'J'oTthe Treafury for the Time being, and they are hereby directed and authorized, (without any further orchurches fhall other Warrant or Authority .to be fued for, had or obtained in that Behalf] from Time to Time to think, fit, to the iflue and pay, or caufe to be iflued and paid, out of the Monies to arife by way of Loan upon Credit f Treafurer j? the faid particular Fund of twenty and one thoufand Pounds per Annum, and out of the Monies of the that Bchal *° faid particular Fund of twenty and one thoufand Pounds per Annum, (except fo much of the fame particular yearly Fund as is to be applied for the Payment of Principal and Satisfaction of the Intereft of the Loans to be made upon the fame as aforefaid) fuch Sum and Sums of Money as fhall be thought meet and neceffary by the faid Commiflioners appointed or to be appointed to take Care of the faid Buildings as aforefaid, or any five or more of them, for the Buildings, Repairs and other the Services laft before- mentioned ; which Monies fo to be iflued as aforefaid (hall be paid unto fuch Perfon or Perfons, (not being of the M umber of the fame Commiflioners) for the Ends and Purpofes aforefaid, as his Majefty, his Heirs or Succeffors, fhall from Time to Time direct and appoint to be the Treafurer or Treafurers in this Behalf ; and fhall be received by him or them by way of Impreft, and be accounted for only by fuch T. reafurer or Treafurers ; and fhall be difburfed, expended and applied by fuch Treafurer and Treafurers reflectively, according to fuch Orders and Warrants as he or they fliall receive from Time to Time from the