Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/233

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Jo A. D. 171 8. Anno quinto Georgii Regis. C. 11. 19 ' King William the Third, and all the Duties and Sums of Money thereby granted and maJc payable, and ' every Claufe, Matter and Thing therein contained, fhould from and alter the twenty-Ion th Daj ' June one thoufand feven hundred and fixteen ftaijd and be revived, continued and paid, for the 1

  • Fourteen Years, videlicet, from the (aid twenty-fourth Day of '/""-'one thoufand feven hundred an I i

' until the .twenty-fourth Day pi June one thoufand feven hundred and thirty: Andwl atcr ' Security of fuch Ships and Veflels as (lull, from Time to Time, come into the Harbour of Brid wgton, 1 it is absolutely neceifary, that both the faid Piers fhould be lengthened, and th i v/b r be ' fpeedily rebuilt (and man Part thereof upon a new Foundation) and that new Jetties fhould be alfo built, • and other neceflary Works made for the Security thereof:' Be it enacted, &c. " The Truftees in the recited Act, and thofe herein named, may lengthen the North and South Piers'. " build Jetties, &c. The Act 8 & 9 W. 3. c. 20. fhall continue in Force for 25 Years, after June 24, " 1750. The Truftees in the recited A6t of 1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2. c. 49, and thofe herein named, f hall have " Power to raife and difpofe of the Duty granted by 8 &g W. 3. c. 29. Truftees dying, the Survivors " may elect others. Additional Duties granted after June 24, 1719- To be railed, c5Y. as by the former " Ads. Perfons, Lands, &c. heretofore chargeable with building, &c. the faid Piers, k3c. fhall continue to " be fo after the faid Piers, isfc. are lengthned, &c. Truftees may affign the Duties, and grant the Tolls, " &C. for thirty-fix Years, as a Security for Money to be borrowed for the I'm pofes of this Act. If any " Peribn be fued, the Action fliall be laid in the County of York, and the Defendant may plead the Genc- " ral iffue, (Jc. and fliall recover treble Cofts." P R. CAP. XI. An A£l againft clandeftine Running of uncuftomed Goods, and for the more effectual pre- venting of Frauds relating to the Cuftoms. «' I. 1ITHEREAS the Laws already made for preventing the unlawful importing and clandeftine 12 Car. z. c.4. VV running and landing of cuftomable and prohibited Goods and Merchandizes, have by Fxpc- ii&iq-Car.t.

  • rience been found to be ineffectual to prevent fuch illegal Practices, whereby his Majefty is greatly de- f - "•

' fraiided of and in his Duties, and fair Traders, who duly pay Duties, are very much difcouraged ^^ Z J r/ r &M.' nJt. ' injured in their Trades : And whereas for the better carrying on fuch private and clandeftine Trade, " z , c '. t,& 10.

  • divers fmall Veflels, under the Burthen of fifteen Tons, are generally employed in the undue importing, 4 & sff r .& M,

femblcd, and by Authority of the lame, That if any foreign Brandy, Arrack, Rum, Strong-waters or 1719, Branny, Spirits of any Kind whatfoever, fhall from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand &<•"• impoited in feven hundred and nineteen be imported or brought into Great Britain, or into any Port, Harbour, an yS n,n under Haven or Creek thereof, in any Ship, VefTel or Boat, under the Burthen of fifteen Tons (ekce-pt only ^ p'gjjyted for the Ufe of the Seamen then belonging. to and on board fuch Ship, VefTel or Boat, (not exceeding & c . one Gallon for each fuch Seaman) every fuch Ship, VefTel or Boat, with all her Tackle, Furniture and Apparel, or flid Value thereof, fhall be forfeited, and fliall and may be feifed by any Officer or Continue[) ^ v Officer;: of the Cuftoms, and fhall and may be proceeded againft and 'recovered in the Manner herein 2 ceo. 2. after mentioned ; and after the Seizure and Condemnation of fuch Ship, VefTel or Boat, the principal Of-f>°mMay 1719, iij ■ ne Produce whereof to be divided as herein after mentioned. Tons or under, importing Brandy, &c. are forfeited. ' II. And whereas Rum is now imported in much greater Proportions than formerly : And whereas the After 29 Sept.

  • Importing thereof in fmall Cafks or Veflels is many times done with Deiign that the fame may more WVt R ,lr n ™-

' eafily, privately, and clandeftinely be carried off" and conveyed without paying the Duties :' For Remedy I,or . ted , ln p' 1 ^ 5 whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if after the twenty-ninth Day of September onej cns forfeited" thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, any Rum fhall be imported or brought into Gr eat Britain, or into For the Com i". any Port, Harbour, Haven or Creek thereof, in any Cafk or VefTel, not containing twenty Gallons at nuance of this the lead (excepting only for the Ufe of the Seamen then belonging to and on board fuch Ship or VefTel) cl i, ufl *» , re '-* all fuch Rum, or the Value thereof, fhall be forfeited ; . neverthelefs if it fhall be made appear, to the Satif- &"§ ^ c faction of the principal Officers of the Cuftoms at the Port of Importation, that fuch Rum fo imported in 2 Geo. i. c. 2S. fmall Cafks, was for the Ufe of the M.Jler or Seamen belonging to the Ship or VefTel in the Voyage, or lift. 3. s Vie the contrary notwithstanding. &c. III. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any foreign Goods, Wares or After 25 March' Merchandizes, fhall after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen, 17 19, Foreign by any Collier, Fifher-boat, or other coafting VefTel or Boat, be taken in at Sea, or out of any Ship or Co ° Jst;,kei1 m VefTel whatfoever, in order to bedahded or put into any other Ship, VefTel or Boat, within the Limits oi^ C n?* r '^"ro any Port, without Payment of the Cuftoms and other Duties due and payable for the lame, fuch Goods, t e landed or put Wares and Merchandizes fliall be forfeited, and the Mafter of fuch Collier, Filher-boat, or other coafting on board any Vox. V, Cc VeileH>« Veficl