Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/341

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A. D. 1719. Anno fexto Georgi 1 Regis. G. 17', 18. 301 clandeftine manner as aforefaid malicioufly break open, throw down, level or deftroy any Hedges, Gates, Ports, Stiles, Rails, Fences, Ditches, Banks or Inclofures of fuch Woods, Wood-Grounds, Coppices, Plantations, Timber-Trees, Fruit-Trees, or other Trees, Thorns or Quickfets, that then 'it fhall and may be lawful to and for any two or more Juftices of the Peace of the County, Riding, Divifion, City, Town, Borough or Corporation wherein any fuch Offence or Offences fhall be committed, or for the Juftices in open Seffions, upon Complaint to them made by any Inhabitant of the aforefaid Parifh, Ham- let, Vill or Place, or of the Owner of fuch Tree or Trees, Woods, Wood-Grounds, Parks, Chafes,' Cop- pices or Plantations, or of any other, to caufc fuch Offender or Offenders to be apprehended for the Tref- naffes and Offences aforefaid, or any of them, and to hear and finally determine and adjudge all and every the Offence and Offences aforefaid : And if fuch Juftices fhall convict any Perfon or Perfons of all- or any And if they cop.. the TrefpaiTes and Offences aforefaid, then fuch Juftices, immediately after fuch Conviction, (hall and are v ' fl »»y PerTon, hereby recmired to inflict all and every the fame Penalties and Punifhments in the faid A<ft of the nrft Year ? al1 p fll£ J ? he of his Majefty's Reign herein before-mentioned, as fully and largely, and m the fame manner, for all and &™ e a *™ the ' every the Crimes and Offences herein before exprefled, although not contained in the faid Act, as if the Act i Geo. r. fame were here again repeated and re-enacted. ft. z. c 48. , III. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe any Action or Actions, Perfons fiied Suit or Suits, fhall at any Time hereafter be brought, commenced or prol'ecuted againft any Perfon or Per- '™>' P lead rh - fpns for any Caufe, Matter or Thing done in purfuance of this Act or the -before recited Acts, that the wTttall S^m Defendant or Defendants in fuch Suit or Suits lhall and may plead the General Iffue, and thereupon give treble Colts, the fpecial Matter of his Defence in Evidence ; and in cafe a Verdict paffes therein for fuch Defendant or Defendants,' or the Plaintiff" becomes nonfuit, or discontinues his Action, the Defendant or Defendants in „ . fuch Cafe fhall have and recover treble Cofts; any Law or Cuftom to the contrary thereof in any wifc^'™W™" notwithftanding. b«a a 29 G«. j t . . 36. 31 Gis, 2. c. 41. CAP. XVIT. An Act for appointing Commiflioners to examine, ftate and determine the Debts due. to the Army ; and to

examine and ftate the Demands of feveral foreign Princes and States for Sublidies during the late War,

EXP. CAP. XVIII. An Act for better fecuring certain Powers and Privileges intended to be granted by his Maje- jefty by two Charters for AfTLirance of Ships and Merchandizes at Sea, and for lending ■ Money upon Bottomry; and for reftraining feveral extravagant and unwarrantable Practices therein mentioned. 7 thereof, have been increafed ; and it hath been, Time out of Mind, a Cuftom or Ufage amongft Mer- '"'■■' '■ chants, as well of thia.Realm as of foreign Nations, when they make any Adventures at Sea (efpecially ■ • ' into remote or dangerous Parts) to give a Premium or Confideration to particular Perfons', to have from 'fuch particular Perfons AiTurahce of or upon Ships, Goods or Merchandizes adventured,' or foih'e of 'them, at fuch Rates or Prices as the Parties Aftiirers and the Parties allured can agree, which Kind of ' ' Contract or Dealing is commonly called a Policy of Aiiurance, and. feveral Laws and Statutes' -how in. ' Force have been made concerning the fame Aliurances ; notwithstanding which it is found by Expe- 43 Eliz, c. 12,. ' rience, That many particular Perfons, after they have received large Premiums or Confideration-Monies x 3 & h?**.** • for or towards the infuring Ships, Goods and Merchandizes at Sea, have become Bankrupts, of other- c ' 2 3- • . ■ -

  • wife failed in anfwering or complying with their Policies of Aflurance, whereby they were particularly •

'-engaged to make good or contribute towards the Loffes which Merchants of 'Traders havefuftained, to 'the Ruin or Impoverifhment of many Merchants and Traders, and to the "Difcouragemerit of Adven- ' hirers at Sea, and to the great Diminution of the Trade, Wealth, Strength and publick Revenues of this Kingdom : And whereas it is conceived, 1 hat if two feveral and diftinct Corporations, "with a com* . petent Joint Stock to each of them belonging, arid under proper Conditions, ReftritStions arid Regiila- ' tions, wfire erected and eftabliihed for Aiiurance of Ships, Goods or Merchandizes at Sea, or gein» to k Sea (exclufive of all or any other' Corporations or Bodies Politick already created, or hereafter to be ' created, and iikewife exclufive of fuch Societies or Partnerfaips as now are or may hereafter be entred ' into for that Purpofe) feveral Merchants" or Traders, who adventure their Eftates, or Part.. of their; ' Eftar,es, in fuch Ships, Goods or Merchandizes at Sea, or going to Sea (efpecially in remote or hazar- ' dous Voyages) would think it much fafer for them to depend on the Policies or Aiirirances of either of ' thole two Corporations fo to be erected and eftabliihed, than on the Policies or AfTu ranees of private or ' particular Perfons ; and that fuch Merchants or Adventurers as fiiall hereafter be minded to agree for

  • • Affurance of their Ships, Goods or Merchandizes with private or particular Perfons, may flail be at

Liberty; -