Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/356

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316 C. 2i, Anno fexto Georgii Regis. A. D. 1719. Mo Certiorari, to be removed by Certiorari; any Thing in this prefent Act contained, or any Law, Statute or Provifion to Concnmg the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Sieter,f«far- XXIII. And be it further enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That all Information and In- Proceedings whatlbever under the Management of the Commiffioners of Excife, are and were intended to be, and (hall relating to the and may be entred and inrolled in the EngHJh Tongue; any Law, Statute or Provifion whatfoever to thecon- Exafe may be trary thereof iii any wife notwithftanding. roiled ia'lhe" XXIV. And be it further enaded by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of Englifh Tongue. Augujl one thoufarid feven hundred and twenty, if upon Trial or Trials of or in any Information, Action, Queftions arife S u; t or Profecution whatfoever againft any Perfon or Perfons, for any Thing done by Virtue or in Purfuance concerning the Q p a|1 y j^q or j^q s Q r p ar i; am ent relating to the faid Duties, any or either of them, any Queftion or Que- Office" S o° any ft> ons ft"" be made, or any Doubt or Doubts, Difpute or Difputes, (ball arife or happen, touching or con- one's being an cerning the keeping of any Office or Offices of Excife in any City or Cities, Town or Towns, or touching Officer, what or concerning any one or more Defendants being an Officer or Officers of or for the faid Duties, any or either Proof is requi- f them, that in every fuch Cafe and Cafes Proof lhall and may be made, or Evidence given, either of the actual keeping of fuch Office or Offices of Excife in fuch City or Cities, Town or Towns, or of fuch one or more Defendants actually exercifing of and being employed and intrufted in fuch Office or Offices re- Enforced by fpectively, before and at the refpective Time and Times when the Matter or Matters in Queftion upon 11 Geo. i.e. 30. fuch Trial or Trials lhall happen to have been done or committed, or omitted, or neglected to have been icit. 32. done or performed, without producing any particular Perfon or Perfons to prove the Names of the particular and refpective Commiffioners to any Commiffions in the refpective Cafes before mentioned, any or either of them, to be of their own Hand-writing; and that in every fuch Cafe and Cafes reflectively fuch Proof and Evidence fliall be deemed and taken to be legal and fuflicient Evidence, unlefs or until by other Evi- dence the contrary fliall or do appear. Planters of Hops XXV. And for the better fecuring the Duties upon Hops, Be it further enacted by the Authority afore- to give Notice of f a;j? That from and after the faid firft Day of slug lift one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, the refpective f jj rea - °™a P' anters or Owners of Hops to grow in Great Britain, before they refpectively fliall or do begin to bag or to weighing Hops, weigh his, her or their Hops, or any Part or Parts thereof, fliall refpectively give or fend Notice in Writing ij Aim. c. 12. under his, her or their Hands to the next Officer of Excife, or to the proper Officer for the faid Duty, of the particular Day, and of the precife Hour of fuch Day, as well of his, her or their beginning to bag, as alfo of his, her or their beginning to weigh fuch their refpective Hops, and every Part and Parts thereof, 2 ' 4 h I T- rsNot - Ce wr, ich Notice, as well as to fuch bagging, as alfo to fuch weighing of fuch Hops, as fliall be either bagged BasHneor or we 'gh.ed > n the firft Week of each refpective Planters or Owners bagging and weighing, or either of them', Weighing in fliall be given or fent at leaft twenty -four Hours before the particular Time and Times, when as well every the firft Week, fuch bagging, as alfo every fuch weighing, fliall refpectively begin; and fuch Notice as aforefaid, as well and 48 Hours as to every other bagging, as alfo as to every other weighing, of fuch Hops as fliall not be bagged and for every other we ighed in fuch firft Week, fliall likewife be given or left by the Space of at leaft forty-eight Hours, as 1'ainof 'coh wc " befofc- every fuch other bagging, as alfo before every fuch other weighing fliall refpectively begin; and if after Arch Notice given, he, fhe or they fliall not proceed to bag and weigh, or to bag or weigh accord- ing to each refpective Notice, that then and in every fuch Cafe he, flie or they, before he, flieorthey fliall at any other Time or Times begin to bag and weigh, or to bag or weigh his, her or their Hops, or any Part or Parts thereof, fliall give or fend the like Notice as aforefaid; that is to fay, twenty-four Hours No- tice of fuch bagging and weighing, or either of them, in fuch firft Week, and forty-eight Hours Notice, as well of every fuch other bagging, as alfo of every fuch other weighing, or either of them refpectively, under the Pain of forfeiting and lofing the Sum of fifty Pounds for every Neglect and Default of every fuch No- tice'or Notices, as aforefaid, in either of the refpective Cafes before-mentioned. fo la k« 8 :? u f " 0pS XXVL And be h further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid firft Day of Weigius"and ^ u mft one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, the refpective Planters and Owners of Hops to grow in Scales, &c. on Great Britain, fliall refpectively provide and keep at his, her and their refpective Oufts, Store-houfes, and Penalty of 20 1. Places of keeping his, her or their Hops, fufficient and juft Scales and Weights for weighing his, her or their Hops; and fliall permit the Officers to make ufe thereof for the weighing of fuch Hops, and fliall not in the weighing of his, her or their Hops, make ufe of, or caufe, procure, or fuffer to be ufed any falfe Weight or Weights, under the Penalty of forfeiting and lofing the Sum of twenty Pounds, for not having and keeping fufficient and juft Scales and Weights, or for not permitting the Officer in fuch weigh- ing, or_for ufing, caufing, procuring or fufTering to be ufed in fuch weighing his, her or their Plops, any falfe W eight or Weights. Hops may he ' XXVII. And whereas for the better Prefervation of Hops, it is thought convenient for the Owners or pat into Cax;. « Planters thereof to be at Liberty to put the fame into Cafks inftead of Bags :' Be it therefore provided and fee'fartbfrb Geo ena & ec I by the Authority aforefaid, That from arid, after the firft Day of Augnft one thoufand feven hundred 2. c. 37. fed 6. an d twenty, it fliall and may be lawful to and for fuch Owners or Planters of Hops, if they fliall think fit,. (■whkb is made to put the faid Hops in:.o Cafks; fuch Owner or Owners, Planter or Planters firft giving the like Notice of perpetual iy 31 the Time that he, fhe or they intend to weigh, and put the faid Hops into Cafks, as he, flie or they are by Geo. 2. c 42 .) L aw required to give of the bagging of Hops refpectively; and in cafe any Owner or Owners, Planter or 7 to. 2. c 13. pj anterSj fa z , lut an y r-j p S j nt0 Calks without fuch Notice, then he, flie or they fliall be liable to the flee Penal, ies,