Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/370

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n 30 C. 2, 3. Anno feptimo Georgii Regis. Stat. 1. A. D. 1720. C A P. II. An Aft to difable the prefe.nt Sub Governor, Deputy-Governor and Direftors of the South-Sea Company, at, from and after the refpeftive Times for electing a Sub-Governor, Deputy- Governor and new Direftors of the faid Company, to take, hold or enjoy any Office, Place or Employment in the faid Company, or in the Eafi-India Company, or Bank of England, and from voting upon Elections in the faid Company. ' I. KT HEREAS_Sir John Fellows, Baronet, Sub-Governor, and Charles Joye, Efquire, Deputy-Gover- ' VV nor,- and William Aft ell, Efquire, Sir Lambert Blackwell, Baronet, Sir John B hint, Baronet, Sir ' Robert Chaplin, Baronet, Sir William Chapman, Kdigfct and Baronet, Robert Chefter, Stephen Child, Peter ' Delaport, Francis Eyles, James Edmonfon, Echvard Gibbon, John Gore, Efquires ; Sir William Hammond, ' Knight, Francis Halves, Richard Horfey, Richard Houlditch, Efquires; Sir Theodore Janffen, Knight and ' Baronet, Sir Jacob Jacob/on, Knight, Arthur Ingram, Efquire, Sir John Lambert, Baronet, Sir Harcourt f Majler, Knight, William Morley, Ambrcfe Page, Colonel Hugh Raymond, Samuel Read, junior, Thomas

  • Reynolds, Jacob Sawbridge, William Tillard, and John Turner, Efquires, Direftors of the Corporation

' erefted by the Name of the Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britain trading to the South- ' Seas and other Parts of America, and for encouraging the Fifhery, have been guilty of a notorious Breach ' of Truft in the Execution of their faid Offices, to the great Detriment of the faid Company, and of publick ' Credit :' Be it therefore enafted, &c. EXP. " The Sub-Governor, &c. of the South-Sea Company difabled from holding any^ Office in that or the, " Eqft- India Company, or in the Bank of England. Difabled alfo from voting in Elections of Sub-Gover- " nor, &c. of the faid Companies. CAP. III. An Aft for repealing an Aft made in the ninth Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Acl to oblige Ships coming from Places infecled more effectually to ■perform their Quarentine ; and for the better preventing the Plague being brought from foreign Parts into Great Britain or Ireland; or the Ifles of Guernfcy, Jerfey, Alderney, Sark or Man ; and to hinder the fpreading of Infeftion. 5 Ann. c a. c I. %7~ H E R E A S in the Parliament begun and holden at Wejlminfter in the ninth Year of the Reign of VV her late Majefty Queen Anne an Aft pafled, intituled, An Ad to oblige Ships coining from Places ' infecled more effeclually to perform their Quarentine : And whereas Marfeillcs, and other Places in the South-

  • em Parts of France, have for fome Time paft been vifited with the Plague, which occafioned juft Appre-

' henfions left the Infeftion might be brought into this Kingdom from the Places fo infefted, or other Pla- See 8 Geo. 1. c ces trading or correfponding therewith, unlefs timely Care were taken to prevent the fame : And whereas «' j'sf ftft 14 * i*- nat ' 1 ^ een ■ r ° un( ^ by Experience, That the faid Aft is defective and infufficient for the Purpofes intended, ' and the Penalties inflifted by the fame not adequate to the Offences thereby prohibited ; and fome fur-

  • ther Provifions are neceflary to be made, in cafe it ftiould pleafe Almighty God to permit thefe Kingdoms

4 to be afHifted with the Plague :' For Remedy thereof, Be it enafted, &c. EXP. [See 26 Geo. 2. c. 6.] " During the Times of Infeftion all Veffels, Perfons, Goods, &c. coming into Great Britain, cifV. from, " Places infefted, &c. fhall perform Quarentine as his Majefty fhall direft by Proclamation. Mafter, &V, j " of any Veffel coming from infefted Places, or having on board Perfons vifited with the Plague, and not j " difcovering the fame, Guilty of Felony. Mafter, &c. not making a true Difcovery of the Particulars, to " forfeit 200 /. If the Mafter, &c. of any Veflel liable to Quarentine fhall quit fuch Veflel, or permit any " Seaman, C5V. fo to do, or on Notice not conveying fuch Veflel to the Place appointed for Quarentine, " fuch Ships, &c. fhall be forfeited, and the Mafter, &c. fhall forfeit 200/. Perfons quitting fuch Ship may be

  • ' compelled to return on board ; and fhall be imprifoned fix Months, and forfeit zoo/. In cafe of In-

" feftion his Majefty in Council may make Orders concerning Quarentine, &c. In Times of Infeftion the " King may caufe Ships and Lazarets to be provided for the Performance of Quarentine, and Entertain- - " ment of Perfons infefted ; likewife proper Places for airing of Goods, &c. To be approved by two Ju- " ftices ; either in Waftes, or in the Grounds of any Perfon, not being a Houfe, Park, &c. paying for " the fame. Rates to be aflefled by Quarter- Seffions. The proper Officers may compel Perfons infefted, " or obliged to Quarentine, to repair to the Places provided. Perfons refufing to repair, &c, or endeavour- " ing to efcape, may be compelled by any kind of Violence. Perfons aftually refufing to repair, &c. or " efcaping, fhall fufFer Death as Felons. Perfons not infefted entring any Ship, &c. fhall continue and

  • ' perform Quarentine : And fuch Perfons aftually efcaping, fhall fuffer Death. The King may caufe

•Sep. 2 Geo. 1. " Lines to be caft up about Places infefted ; and prohibit Perfons, Goods, &c. to pafs fuch Lines. Per? c jo, " fons offering to pafs without Licence, may be compelled back, and aftually paffing, fhall fuffer Deatn, " Two Juftices may order Inhabitants of neighbouring Parifces, &,c. to keep Watches Night and Day on " Places infefted, and upon fuch Lines, &c. with fuch Numbers of Men as they fhall think fit. Inhabi- ,J ' tants refufing to watch, fhall forfeit not exceeding 100/. nor lefs than 10/. and fhall be imprifoned two 1

  • ' Months without Bail, and till Payment. Watchmen neglecting their Duty, liable to like Punifhment.
    • Officer neglecting to execute any Orders concerning Quarentine, fhall forfeit his Office, and 100 /. Goods,

3 " C3V. fpe-