Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/380

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34-o C. 8~io. Anno feptimo Georgii Regis. Stat. i. A. D. 1720. titledtothe fame vantages upon the ExDortation thereof, as fully as if the fame had been exported within twelve Months AllVtmnrre si if - C - .. 5- 1 T_ t _.- _ *1 r_ T TTf' /"■../! -.V. „ „„.,► . ^_ t „.:»U/l!». ' ° fliall be fued or rfons may plead General iffiie. the General Ifllie, and give this Act and the fpecial Matter in Evidence; and if the Plaintiff" or Plaintiff's Profecutor or Profecutors, fhall become nonfait, or forbear Profecution, or fuffer Difcontinuance; or if a Treble Colts. Verdict pafs againft him, her or them, the Defendant or Defendants fliall have treble Cofts, and fliall have the like Remedy for the fame, as in any Cafe where Cofts are by Law £,iven to Defendants. The like Penal- x. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Prohibition of Callicoes intended by or lifin ^"a" - t ' 1 ' s J ^ : ' alld the P ena ' f ' es thereby inflicted for wearing or ufmg printed, painted, ftained or dyed Callico ' parel'of Houf-" ' n Apparel, Houftiold Stuff' or Furniture, after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand fcven htin- . hold stuff any dred and twenty-two, contrary to this Act, fliall refpectiVely extend to prohibit, and fhall be levied and re- Stuff made of or covered for wearing or ufmg in Apparel, Houfhold Stuff' or Furniture, after the faid twenty-fifth Day of mixed with Cot. December owe thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, any Stuff" made of Cotton or mixt therewith, whidi excep"Mu<lins C ^ la ^ be P r ' ntec ' or painted with any Colour or Colours, or any Callico chequered or ftriped, or any Cal- &c , " ' lico ftitched or flowered in foreign Parts with any Colour or Colours, or with coloured Flowers made there Amended by (Muflins, Neckcloths and Fuftians excepted) in fuch Manner as the Penalties inflicted by this Act for 9GC0.2. c.4. wearing or ufmg printed, painted, ftained or dyed Callico in Apparel, Houfhold Stuff" or Furniture after the faid twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, contrary to this A£f. are to be levied or recovered; but under fuch Limitations, and with fuch Liberties, Privileges and Advan- tages as are mentioned and exprcfled in this Act, or in any other Act or Acts of Parliament now in Force relating thereto, or relating to printed, painted, ftained or dyed Callicoes. Ntt , XI. Provided, That nothing in this Act contained fliall extend or be conftrued to extend to fuch Calli- CamcoeTcyed " COeS aS fta11 be d V ed a11 blue - all blue. See farther 10 Geo. I. c. II. 15 Geo. z. c. 31. CAP. VIII. 3 Geo, 2. c. 35. An Act for enlarging the Time for making the River Kennet navigable from Reading to Newbury in the County of Berks. PR. The Time for making the Kennet navigable enlarged from June 1721, to June r, 1723, with all the Powers, &c. in the recited Act. If the Undertakers fliall not have finiftied their Undertaking by June r, 1723, the Commiffioners may appoint others, who fliall have the fame Powers, &c. and the Powers, &c. of the former Undertakers to ceafe. The Undertakers to make the River navigable from the Wharf in Reading to the Hofpital in Newbury. CAP. IX. An Act for the better Prefervation of the Harbour of Rye in the County of Suffix. P R. No new Walls, Banks, &c. fliall be fet up to hinder the Flux and Reflux of the Sea, between the Mouth of Rye Harbour and New Shut near Craven Sluce. Such new erected Walls, &e. declared publick Nu- fances, and maybe profecuted as fuch. Action fliall be laid in the County where the Matter arifes, and Defendant may plead the General Iflue, &c. CAP. X. An Act for making the River Weaver navigable from Frodjham-Bridve to Winsford-Bridee in the Countv of Chejler. PR. Undertakers and Truftees appointed for making the River Weaver navigable from Frqdjham-Bridge to IVinf ford-Bridge. Powers given to the Undertakers. Undertakers to give Satisfaction to the Owners of Lands? Mills, &c. Commiffioners appointed for determining Differences between the Undertakers and Proprietors or Occupiers of Lands, Wears, Mills, &c. Perfons diffatisfied with the Determination of the Commif- fioners, or declining fuch Mediation, or who, on convenient Notice, fhall refufe to treat with the Under- takers, or fliall not, or cannot agree, the Commiffioners fliall iflue their Warrant for the Impanelling of a Jury, to the Sheriff or Coroners of Cbe/ler, who fliall return a Jury accordingly, on Forfeiture of 50/. Commiffioners may fummon Witneffes, and order the Jury to view the Places in Queftion. juries to in- quire of and afiefs Damages. Commiffioners to give Judgment for the Sums fo afi'efied. None fhall act as a Commiffioner who has not ioo /. per Annum, or is any ways concerned. Undertakers may demand is. 3 d. per Tun for all Goods, &c. carried on the River, till the Charges of making it navigable be fatisfied; and after 1 s. only per Tun. Matters of Boats, CSV. anfwerable for any Mifchief done by their Boats or Crew. Owners, &c. of Lands may ufe Pleafure-Boats without paying any Duty. The River fliall be free for all the King's Subjects, paying the Duty. Saving of all Royalties of Fifhing and Fowling. Manure, csV. not to pay Duties. Undertakers may make Wittcn-Braok navigable, fo as they do not Prejudice Witton- Mills. Commiffioners to meet yearly to take and examine the Undertakers Accounts, and their Allowance fliallbe • a fufficierit Difcharge. After the Work fhall be finiftied, and all Payment fatisfied, the Produce of the Du- ties to be employed in repairing publick Bridges, &c. So much of the clear Produce as Juftices in Seflion fhall think fit, fliall be employed in mending the Highways near the River. The Surplus to be employed See 7 -Gee. 2. in amending the Highways in the County. Number of Undertakers, in cafe of Death, &c. to be fupplied c- as. by the Commiffioners. Undertakers not having made the River navigable in ten Years, from June 24, 172!, the Commiffioners may appoint others. CAP. 4