Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/384

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344 C« 14> — 17* Anno feptimo Ge org 11 Regis. Stat. 1. A„D. 1720. fions, who /hall fuch Order fhall be made, giving fix Days Notice of fuch Appeal;_ and fuch Juftices in fuch General finally deter- Quarter-Seffions, fhall finally hear and determine the Matter, and fhall have Power to award reafonable Cofts ™v"rd CoaT. ay t0 either Part y' as t0 them fha11 feem J uft - . ' X. Provided alfo, That any Perfon convicted of any Offence againft this Act, and who fhall fufFer for by'this Afl'ihrn the ^* ame accordingly, fhall not be otherwife punifhed, or fufFer for fuch Offence by Authority of any Law not be otherwife now in Force. pumflied. CAP. XIV. An Act for continuing the Duties granted by feveral Acts made in the fixth and tenth Years of her late Ma- jefty's Reign, for repairing the Harbour and Key of Watchett in the County of Somerfet. P R. The Duties payable by the private Acts 6 Ann. c. 8. and 10 Ann. c. 24. continued for 21 Years longer. This Aft fhall not make void the Duties payable by the faid Act for repairing the Key, after the Expiration of the 21 Years thereby granted. CAP. XV. An Act for making the Rivers Mercy and Iriuell navigable from Liverpook to Manchejler, in the County- Palatine of Lancqfler. P R. Undertakers appointed for making the Rivers Mercy and hivdl navigable from Liverpcole to Manchejler. Un- dertakers may fcour, enlarge or ftreighten the Rivers, make new Cuts, &c. take away Trees, &c. ' Build Bridges, Sluices, &c. and alter the fame; may alter Bridges, turn Highways, pull down Mills, Wears, CSV. may make Towing Paths, &c. Firft giving Satisfaction to the Owners. Commiffioners appointed for determining Differences between the Undertakers and Proprietors. Undertakers or others diffatisfied with their Determination, or Perfons on Notice given neglecting to treat, or who through any Difability cannot, or by Abfence, except in attending the Parliament, Commiffioners fhall iffue their Warrant to the Sheriff of the County, for impanelling a Jury. Jury to enquire of and affefs Damages. Commiffioners to give Judgment for the Sums fo affeffed. Commiffioners not to act if concerned, or have not 100/. per Annum. Undertakers fhall not raife the Water fo as to hinder the Wo; king of Corn Mills, &c. Coals, &c. to pay a Duty not exceeding 3 s. 4 el. per Tun. Commiffioners dying or refufing to act, any thirteen of the Survivors may appoint others. Boat Mafter, &c. anfwerable for Damages done by his Boat or Crew. The laid Rivers fhall be efieemed navigable from Liverpoole to Manchejler, and free for all the King's Subjects, paying the Duties. Owners of adjoining Lands may ufe Pleafure-Boats. Locks fhall be opened on De- mand for Pleafure-Boats, &c, CAP. XVI. An Act for the better preferving and keeping in Repair the Piers of the Town and Port of Whitby in the County of York; and for explaining and making more effectual the feveral Acts paffed for lengthening and repairing the Piers of Bridlington alias Burlington in the faid County. P R. After 1 May 1723. the Duties mention:d in the private Acts 1 Ann. Stat. 1. c. 19. and 7 Ann. c. 1. fhall be paid to the Truftees, for ever, for preferving PVliitby Piers in Repairs, viz. For every Chalcier of Coals, fix Pence. And for every Weigh of Salt landed at Whitby, two Shillings. And for every Quarter of Malt, Corn and Grain, four Pence, And for all foreign Goods imported in Englilh Bottoms, three Pence per Tun. And all foreign Bottoms importing fuch Goods, fix Pence per i un. And for all Butter fhipt off from Whitby, one Penny per Firkin. For Dried Fifh and Mud Fifh fhipt off from Whitby, one Penny per Score. For Barrelled Fifh per Barrel three Pence. For every Englifo Ship which fhall enter within the Piers, one Shilling; and for every Top of fuch Ship, four Pence. And all foreign Ships two Shillings; and for every Top, four Pence. Truftees may appoint Collectors, and allow them a Salary, not exceeding 12 el. in the Pound. Money collected to be employed in repairing the Piers, &c. On extraordinary Occa- fions, Truftees may mortgage the Duties, and the Money borrowed to be imployed in repairing the Piers. Truftees dying or refufing to act, the Survivors may elect others. Not above ten Truftees at a Time, and the Lord of the Manor to be one. Throwing Baliaft, &c. into the Harbour, Truftees may Fine the Of- fenders not exceeding 40 s. The Truftees of 5 Geo. 5. c. 10, for putting in Execution the Acts forlength- ning and repairing the Piers of Burlington, may fell the Duties, or grant any Annuity out of them, for the Refidue of the Term, (fubjedt to the Repayment of 5<;oo/. already borrowed) and the Money arifing by fuch Sale or Grant, to be applied towards fmifhing the Piers. Sec S Gee. 1. .c. 10. and 23 'Ceo. 2. c.39. CAP. XVII. An Act for making navigable the River Dane from Northivieh, where it joins to the River Weaver, to the felling in of Wheelock-Brook, and Wheelock-Brook up to Wheelock-Briclge in the County of Che/ler. P R. Undertakers and Truftees appointed for making the River Daven and Wheeled Brook navigable from North- ivieh to Wheeloek Bridge. Undertakers may clear, enlarge, &c. the River, and make new Cuts, &c. in any Perfons Grounds. Firft giving Satisfaction to the Owners. Commiffioners appointed for fettling Differen- ces between the Undertakers and Proprietors. Undertakers or others diffatisfied with fuch Determination, or