Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/425

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A. D. 1721: Anno o&avo Georgii Regis. C. 17. 379 c Function ; and that the Remainder of the fuid A'Tonety- fhould be difpofed of, from time to time, accord-

  • ing to the Directions of the faid Conful, with the Majority of the fuid Merchants and Factors : And
  • whereas feveral Perfons have of late configned Goods and Merchandizes exported from this Kingdom,

' Ireland, and other your Majefty's Dominions, unto Strangers and Foreigners refiding at Lijbon, mul ' elfewhere in the Dominions of the King of Portugal, and have thereby not only eluded the pious and ' charitable Purpofes aforefaid, but have occafioned an unequal Charge on your Majefty's other trading '•Subjects : And whereas it will be for the Eafe and Advantage of your Majefty's Subjects in general tia- ' ding to Portugal, to alter the Payments before-mentioned, and put the National Expence of the (aid

  • Trade upon a juft and equitable Foot :' May it therefore pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, That it

may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice After 10 S««t, ' and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affcmbleu, 1722. Perfons and by the Authority of the fame, That from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September which fhall t0 be appointed br in the Year of our Lord one thoufand (even hundred and twenty- two, it fhall be lawful to and fof,£ th ? B ,tlfi ' — - ~ ...... . ■ Merchants red- Con?ul or Deputy-Confuls, or any of them, in any of the Ports or Places in Portugal, or any of the nera, > ma '/ re- Dominions thereof, to receive and recover from all Mafters, or other Chief Officers or Commanders or^'" f jljj. all Britijh Ships or Veffels trading from Great Britain or Ireland, or any other Part of your Majefty's Do- trading* from '*" minions, to any of the Kingdoms or Dominions of the King of Portugal, the following Sums (to be im- Great Britain, ployed for the pious and charitable Purpofes herein mentioned) that is to fay, Any Sum or Sums Ireland, &c. to of Money not exceeding two hundred Rcis per Ton, on all Tonnage Goods (except Wheat, Barley Portugal, 200 Rye Coals, Timber, Boards and-Lumber) and any Sum or Sums of Money not exceeding one hun- all c '^ er i:i unj0n dred Reis per Ton, on- all Wheat, Barley, Rye, Coals, Timber, Boards and Lumber; and any 'Sum, Goods, except or Sums of Money, not exceeding fifteen per Centum on the Freight of all other Goods and Mer- Wheat, &c. 100 ■chandizes exported from any of your Majefty's Dominions to LijT^n, or any other Port or Place Reis per Tun o» • in any of the Dominions of the King of Portugal; and all Bills of Lading of ,fuch Ships and Veffels, *" wh "t,&c. fhall fpecify to pay the faid Monies accordingly, under the Denomination of Contribution, as per Centum'cji "the Act of Parliament, or to that Effect ; and the Perfons paying the fame fhall be reimburfed by their refpec- Freight of other tive Freighters, or by the Perfons to whom the faid Goods and Merchandizes fhall be configned, or who Goods exported ihall receive the fame : And in cafe no Bill of Lading fhall appear, or no Freight or Tonnage is fettled to Portugal. between the Owner or Owners of the Goods or Merchandizes and the Mafter or Commander of any Bri- Urijh Ship or VefTcl trading as aforefaid, then the Freight or Tonnage of fuch Goods or Merchandizes fhall f ,U f ° f ci f ad ' h ls fee valued by two indifferent Britijl) Merchants on the Place ; one to be chofen and appointed by the ^ on 'j s c ' y c Conful General, or his Deputy Conful, and the other by the Mafter or Commander of fuch Ship or Vef- p er fons paying, fel within ten Days next after unlading the faid Goods ; and in cafe the two Perfons fo chofen fhall not to he reimhmrfei agree and award the fame in five Days next after fuch Appointment, fuch two Perfons fhall then chufe by the Freigh- a third Perfon (being a Britijh Merchant on the Place) as an Umpire who fhall decide and determine the j e / s ' _.,. . faid Valuation of Freight or Tonnage in three Days, and fuch Sums fhall be paid in either Cafe (for the L adins appear, Purpofes aforefaid) as fhall be agreeable to this Act. or no Freight is fettled between the Owners and Mailers, then the Freight Ihall be valued by two Brithh Merchants, who not agreeing (hall chufe an Umpire, II. And be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Mafters, Commanders, or other Chief Of- All Matters, &c» " within ten Days after their Ac- ficers of all Britijh Ships and Veffels trading from Great Britain or Ireland, or any other of your Majefty's Dominions, to any of the Dominions of the King of Portugal, and unloading or delivering the Ship or "va! iifportu'T Veffel, or any of the Cargo there, fhall, within ten Days after the Arrival of fuch Ship or VelTel deliver ga i, tobeliveron to the Conful General, or Deputy Conful refiding there, or to fuch other Perfon or Perfons as fhall be OathtotheCon- appointed for that Purpofe as aforefaid, a true Manifeft in Writing upon Oath, fpecifying the Particulars ful General, &c of the whole Cargo of fuch Ship and Veffel fo unloaded or delivered, or of fuch Part thereof as fhall be c™™'^ * the •unloaded or delivered there, and to whom configned; which Oath fuch Conful General, Deputy Conful, a ' or other Perfon or Perfons to be appointed as aforefaid, is and are hereby refpectively impowered and re- quired to adminifter gratis, upon Requeft. III. And for better collecting the Payment of the faid Monies herein before directed to be paid for the The Conful &c pious and charitable Purpofes aforefaid ; Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Conful to detain the General or his Deputy Conful, in any of the Dominions of the King of Portugal, fhall, and they are Clearances out- hereby refpectively authorized and required to detain the Clearances outward of all fuch Britijh or Irijh ward till Pay- Ships and Veffels, "and not to give or deliver any Difpatch or Paffport for any fuch Ship or Veffel, until ment ' Payment be made as aforefaid. . . ... IV. And be it further enacted, That all Monies to be raifed or received as aforefaid, fhall be applied in Howthe Money Manner following ; that is to fay, To the Minifter refiding at Lijbon, for the Time being, for his Support (hall be applied, and Subfiftence, to pray, preach and exercife his Minifterial Function there, three hundred Mill Reis per Annum, by equal quarterly Payments ; and the Remainder of the faid Monies fhall be applied for Relief of fhipwrecked Mariners, and other difrreffed Perfons, his Majefty's Subjects, and to fuch other pious, charitable and publick. Ufes, as fhall from time to time be appointed by the Majority of the Britijh Merchants and Factors refiding at Lijbon, and other Ports and Places in Portugal, and Dominions there- of refpectively, being affembled with tfie Conful General for the Time being, or any of his Deputy Con- suls as aforefaid, C c c s V. Pro-