Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/428

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382 C. 18. Anno odtavo Geo rgii Regis. A. D. 1721. Offender before VII. Provided neverthelefs, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That if ' Convjftion dif- any Runner of foreign Goods or Commodities as aforefaid fliall, within two Months after fuch his Of- C overmgtvo^^c- f ence ^ an( j before his Conviction, difcover two or more of his Accomplices therein to the Commiffioners two Months', to of the Cuftoms or Excife in England or Scotland refpectively, fo as they, or two of them at leaft, be con- have 40 1. for victed of fuch Offence, the Offender or Offenders fo difcovering (hall have and receive the Sum of forty- each, and ao Pounds for every fuch Offender fo difcovered and convicted, as a Reward for fuch his Difcovery ; fo as the quitted, &c Value of the Goods recovered for the Ufe of his Majefty on fuch Difcovery (hall exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds ; and fuch Perfon fo difcovering (hall be clearly acquitted and difcharged of fuch his or her Offence. Other Perfons VIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth difcovering in Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, if any other Perfon or Perfons fhall, within three Months, to three Months after fuch Offence fhall have been committed, difcover to the faid Commiflioners refpec- ' lil ,Th 01 ' 0VCr t ' ve ^y an y Perfon or Perfons who fhall have been guilty of fuch Offence, fo as fuch Offender or Offenders other KewartL De convicted thereof, fuch Difcoverer or Difcoverers fhall have and receive the like Reward of forty- Pounds for every fuch Offender fo difcovered and convicted, over and above any other Reward or Re- compence, which he or they may be intitled unto, on Account of the Goods fo carried or conveyed away which fliall be recovered by Means of fuch his or their Difcovery, or on Account of the Penalties which fhall be recovered for the running of the faid Goods, fo as the Value of the faid Goods recovered for the Ufe of his Majefty on fuch Difcovery fhall exceed the Sum of fifty Pounds. Reward to be IX. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Commiffioners of the Cuftoms 'and paid by the Re- Excife in England and Scotland refpectively fhall caufe the feveral Rewards of forty Pounds for the Difco- teivers General verv f th e Offenders before mentioned, to be paid by the fefpeftive Receiver General or Cafhier of the and ^friers of Cuftoms and Excife for the Time being, out of any publick Money in his or their Hands under theMa- Excife" bTorder nagement of the faid Commiffioners, in Proportion to the Duties payable on the Goods fo clandeftinely ofthe'commif- run, for which fuch Perfon or Perfons fhall be convidfed, upon producing to them a Certificate or Certi- fioners in Eng- ficates under the Hand of the Judge or Juftice of the Court before whom fuch Offender or Offenders fhall land and Scot- De tried, certifying the Conviction of the Offender or Offenders, and the Money paid by any Receiver land refpectively. Q enera j or Cafhier as aforefaid fhall be accepted of and allowed in his Accounts, as fo much Money paid to his Majefty, and fuch Receiver General or Cafhier is and fhall be hereby difcharged thereof according- ly ; any Law, Cuftoin or Ufage to the contrary notwithftanding. ' X. And forafmuch as the Perfons ufing fuch clandeftine Trade are greatly encouraged to continue

  • the fame, by reafon great Numbers of Perfons, for their private Lucre, receive and by the Goods and

' Merchandizes fo by them clandeftinely imported contrary to Law, which may be a Means of bringing Perfons receiving ' in the Infection :' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Perfon or Perfons fhall Goods, &c. clan- receive or buy any Goods, Wares or Merchandizes fo clandeftinely run or imported, before the fame fhall deitinely iun,&c. have legally been condemned, knowing the fame to be fo clandeftinely run or imported, and fhall be tforititzol. thereof lawfully convicted upon his, her or their Appearance or Default, upon the Oath or Oaths of one or more credible Witnefs or Witneffes, or by the Confeffion of the Party, by one or more Juftice or Ju- ftices of the Peace of the County, Diviiion or Liberty where fuch Offence fhall be committed ; or the Of- fender fhall be found (which Oath fuch Juftice or Juftices of the Peace are hereby required to adminifter) the Perfon fo convicted fliall forfeit the Sum of twenty Pounds -, one Moiety thereof to the Informer, and the other Moiety to the Poor of the Parifh were fuch Offence fliall be committed, the fame to be levied by Diftrefs and Sale of the Offender's Goods, by Warrant under the Hand and Seal or Hands and Seals of fuch Juftice or Juftices before whom fuch Offender fliall be convicted as aforefaid ; and for want of fuch Diltrefs every fuch Offender fhall by fuch Juftice or Juftices be committed to Prifon, there to re- main without Bail or Mainprize for the Space of three Months. ' XI. And whereas feveral confidcrable Dealers in foreign Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters have and ' keep very large Stocks or Quantities of foreign Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters for Sale, many whereof ' live upon or near the Coafts of this Kingdom, and thereby have or may have Opportunities for furnifh- ' ing themfelves with the faid Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters, either by running the fame themfelves,

  • or procuring it from others who have or fhall run it : And whereas many of the faid Dealers are gotten

4 into a Practice of receiving into their Cuftody great Quantities of Spirits made in this Kingdom, which ' for the moft part are brought to them from London, with Permit or Certificate that the Duties of the

  • fame have been paid, which Spirits are either drawn fo low, or by mixing the fame with Water made
  • of fo mean a Quality, that of themfelves they are of little or no Vulue, and by having thofe Spirits ill

4 their Cuftody, the faid Dealers have Opportunities of increafing their Stocks of foreign Brandy, Spirits 4 or Strong Waters, which they either run themfelves, or procure others to do it for them ; and when '"* fuch Increafe is difcovered by the Officers of the Excife, the fame is pretended to have been made by a

  • Mixture of the faid mean Britijh Spirits with their foreign Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters, whereas

' in Truth they really deftroy the faid Britijh Spirits, and do not mix the fame with their foreign Goods,

  • whereby the Practice of running the fame is become difficult to be found out and difcovered, and the
  • pernicious Trade of running the faid foreign Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters fuccefsfully carried on:'

All Dealers in j,' or R eme dy whereof, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty-fifth ^c^Tke^them ^ a y °^ March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two ail Dealers in foreign Brandy, Spiritsor Strong leparate from em Waters, who fhall then have, or from thenceforth receive into their Cuftody, any Bi itijh Spirits, fhall BritifliSpirits.on keep the fame feparate and apart, and in feparats Cellars, Vaults or other Places, from their foreign Penalty of ios. Brandy, Spirits or Strong Waters, upon Pain of forfeiting the Sum of ten Shillings for every Gallon of for every Gallon ^rlii Ih Spirits which fliall be found in any Vault, Cellar or other Place, where any Dealer in foreign Butilh, and For- J r ' R,.,„J„ .feur* of Calks. Brandy,