Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/50

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to C. 6. Anno primo Georgti Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 17-14. any County, Stewartry, City, or Town, within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, fhall have the fame Powers and Authority for putting this prefent Aft in Execution within Scotland, as the Juftices of the Peace and other Magiftrates aforefaid, refpeftively have by virtue of this Aft, within and for the other Perfonroffend- ^ arts °f trns kingdom ; and that all and every Perfon and Perfons who fhall at any Time be convicted of any ing in Scotland, the Offences aforementioned, within that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, fhall for every fuch Offence - Damages of any incur and fuffer the Pain of Death, and Confifcation of Moveables : And alio that all Profecutions for Church, &c. repairing die Damages of any Church or Chapel, or any Building for religious Worfhip, or any Dwelling- . puiieddown, &c. nou f ej Bam, Stable, or Out-houfe, which fhall be demolished or pulled down in whole or in part, within to b° rtmvmi ^ cot i an ^-< by an .Y Perfons unlawfully, riotoufty or tumultuoufly aflembled, fhall and may be recovered by fum- and of v.-hom.' : rnar Aftion, at the Inftance of the Party aggrieved, his or her Heirs, or Executors, againft the County, -Stewartry, City or Borough refpeftively, where fuch Diforders fhall happen, the Magiitrates being fum- moned in the ordinary Form, and the feveral Counties and SteWartries called by ediftal Citation at the Market-crofs of the Head-borough of fuch County or Stewartry refpeftively, and that in general, without mentioning their Names and Deiignations. To what Places X. Provided, and it is hereby declared, That this Act fhall extend to all Places for religious Worfhip, AaT'ti"' 1 t'"d ' n t * lat ^ art °* Great Britain called Scotland, which are tolerated by Law, and where his Majefty King ex en , Q e . r g e ^ ft,.z Prince and Princefs of Wales, and their Ifiue are prayed for in exprefs Words. c a r. vi. An A£b for making perpetual an Act of the feventh and eighth Years of the Reign of his late Majefty King William the Third, intituled, An Ac! that the Solemn Affirmation and Declara- tion of the People called Quakers, -foall be accepted injiead of an Oath in the ufual Form •, and for explaining and enforcing the faid Ac! in relation to the Payment of Tythes and Church-' Rates -, and for appointing the Form of an Affirmation to be taken by the faid People called ^uakers t inftead of the Oath of Abjuration. 7 &s w, 3. <■ l tt THERE AS an Aft made in the feventh and eighth Years of his late Majefties Reign, intituled, c " 3 '+' VV An Ail that the Solemn Affirmation and Declaration of the People called Quakers, Jhall be accepted in- ( flead of an Oath in the ufual Form, was made to continue for feven ears, and from thence to the Jtnd of ' the next Seffion of Parliament, which Aft would have expired at the End of the next Seflion of Parlia- ' ment after the two and twentieth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thoufand {even hundred ' and two; which Seffion began the ninth Day of November in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven ' hundred and three, and ended the third Day of April in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven ' hundred and four ; but by another Aft of Parliament made in the thirteenth Year of his faid late Maje- 13&14W. 3. ' fly's Reign, intituled, An Ac! for continuing an Ail : , intituled, An Ail that the Solemn Ajfnnation and De- t ' +■ ' claration of the People called Quakers, Jball be accepted injiead of an Oath in the ufual Form, was continued ' for the Term of eleven Years after the Determination of the faid Aft, and from thence to the End of the

  • next Seflion of Parliament : And whereas the faid feveral Afts will expire at the. End of the next Seffion

' of Parliament after the third Day of April one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen : Now for the further c avoiding of the Inconveniencies in the faid firfl recited Aft mentioned, to the People called Quakers, and The Aa 7 S.-8 ' their Families,' Be it enafted by the King's mofl Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Con- "w. 3. made { tn i G f the Lords Spiritual and Temporal and Commons, in this prefent Parliament affembled, and by perpetual. Authority of the fame, That the faid hrft recited Aft, and all the Claules and Powers therein contained, fhall continue and be in Force for ever, as to all Oaths by Law required, or hereafter to be required, other than and except as in the faid firfl recited Aft is excepted. Claufefor the ' tj. And whereas by the faid Aft made in the feventh Year of the Reign of King William the Third, ■r"h-' ei ° f * a R ernec ty * s provided for the Recovery of Tithes and Church-rates, where any Quaker fhould refufe to' from diiaters ' P a y lne fame :' Be it enafted by the Authority aforefaid, That fuch Remedy ihail be and is hereby ex- 7 & S W..3, ' tended, and the like Remedy fhall and may be had and ufed againil any Quaker or Quakers for the reco- <■• yh vering of any Tithes or Rates, or any cuftomary or other Rights, Dues or Payments belonging to any. Church or Chapel, which of Right by Law and Cuftom ought to be paid for the Stipend or Maintenance of any Minifter, or Curate officiating in any Church or Chapel ; and any two or more Juftices of the Peace of the fame County or Place, other than fuch Juftice of the Peace as is Patron of any fuch Church or Chapel, or any ways interested in the faid Tithes, upon Complaint of any Parfon, Vicar, Curate, Farmer, or Proprietor of fuch Tithes, or any Church-warden or Chapel-warden, or other Perfon who •ought to have, receive or colleft any fuch Tithes, Rates, Dues or Payments, as aforefaid, are hereby au- th.Jiized and required to fummon in Writing, under their Hands and Seals, by reafonable Warning, fuch Quaker or Quakers, againft whom fuch Complaint fhall be made, and after his or their Appearance, or upon Default of Appearance, the faid Warning or Summons bein°- proved before them upon Oath to pro- ceed to hear and determine the faid Complaint, and to make fuch Order therein, as in the faid Aft is Ii-J mited or directed ; and alfo to order fuch Colls and Charges, as they fhall think reafonable, not exceed-, ing ten Shillings, as upon the Merits of the Caufe fhall appear juft; which Order fhall and may be fo executed, and on fuch Appeal may be reverfed or affirmed by the General Quarter-feffions of the County- er Place, with fuch Cofts and Remedy for the fame, and fhali not be removed into any other Court, unleis. . the 3 -.