Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/510

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464 C. 23. Anno nono Ge org 11 Regis. A.D. 1722. ' Aft limited are now expired or near expiring:' Now forafmuch as the Claims made purfuantto the Di- rection of" the firft recited Aft, cannot be adjufted and determined within the Times already limited for the fame ; May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enafted, &c. , " Time for the Court of Directors of the South-Sea Company to declare their Satisfaction in any Claims, " enlarged to 24 June 1724. For the Party's declaring their Acquiefcence, enlarged to 29 Sept. 1724. For " making Complaints by Claimants of any Debt not adjufted, enlarged to 29 Sept. 1724. For the Ju- " ftices determining Difputes, enlarged to 24 March 1724. For their tranfmitting Certificates to the " Truftees, enlarged to 24 yaw 1725. Difcoverers of Directors Eftates concealed to a Baron, or the " Truftees, before 24 Dec. 1723. allowed 30/. per Cent, if beyond Sea, and 20I. per Cent, if within this " Kingdom. Perfons in Truft for the late Directors, not difcovering before 24 Dec. 1723, to forfeit tre- " ble the Value of the Eftate, and be imprifoned for a Year." EXP. c V. And whereas the faid South-Sea Company did, in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred ' and twenty, take in two Subfcriptions for Sale of Soitth-Sea Stock at one thoufand Pounds per Centum, , which are commonly called their third and fourth Subfcriptions, but never gave out any Receipts for ' the Monies paid in for the fame, whereby to evidence the Title to the faid Subfcriptions ; and whereas

  • by Reafon of the Errors and Mifmanagements of the late Directors of the faid Company, their Officers,
  • Agents or Servants, the Accounts of the faid Subfcriptions are fo confufed, that it is uncertain how

' much the fame amount unto: And whereas in order to afcertain the fame, the faid Company or their ' Court of Directors, have, from Time to Time, by publick Notice, appointed certain Days, by which ' the Proprietors of the faid Subfcriptions, fhould come and demand Stock for the fame, but feveral of the ' faid Proprietors, upon Account of Contracts between them and others, for the Purchafe or Sale of the ' faid Subfcriptions or fome of them, or on other Accounts, have omitted to make fuch Demands of ' Stock for their Shares or Interefts in fuch Subfcriptions, whereby the Accounts between the faid Com- ' pany and the original Subfcribers to or for the faid Subfcriptions are {till kept open and undetermined, , — . 'to the Prejudice of the faid Company and of the publick Credit:' To the End therefore that the Ac- counts of the faid Company may be fet upon a clear Foot, and that it may be afcertained what Stock of the faid Company does really and juftly belong to the faid Subfcriptions, without Prejudice to either Buyers or Sellers, or any other Parties concerned or interefted in Contracts for Purchafe or Sale of the faid Subfcriptions or either of them; Be it enafted, &c. v Original Subfcribers to the third and fourth Subfcriptions to claim their Stocks, by 24 Dec. 1723. In " Default Subfcription void. Not to affeft the Force of any Contrafts for Purchafe of thofe Subfcrip- " tions." EXP. Recital of '_ VII. And whereas by an Aft of Parliament paffed in the feventh Year of his Majefty's Reign, in- 7 Geo. 1. flat. 2. ' tituled, An AH for making fundry Provifions to reftore the publick Credit, which fuffers by the Frauds and ' Mi/management of the late Directors of the South-Sea Company and others, amongft other Things it was ' enafted, That fuch Perfons (Brokers, or fuch Perfons as have afted as Brokers for Brokerage, except-

  • ed) as, at any Time or Times fince the twenty-fifth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thou-

' fand feven hundred and twenty, had borrowed Money from the faid South-Sea Company upon any Share c or Shares in the Stock of the faid Company, aftually transferred and pledged (at the Time of borrow- ' ing or within one and twenty Days after) to or for the Ufeofthe faid Company, or the refpeftive Heirs, ' Executors or Administrators of fuch Perfons, who fhould pay to the Cafhier of the faid Company for 4 the Time being, to and for the Ufe of the faid Company, fo much Money as a Rate often Pounds per ' Centum, to be computed on the refpeftive Sums fo borrowed, fhould amount unto, to wit, one Moiety ' thereof on or before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, and ' the other Moiety thereof on or before the twenty-fifth Day of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, fhould (upon fuch Payment made, or being lawfully tendred and refufed, and not other- ' wife) by Force and Virtue of that Aft, be difcharged of, from and again ft all further Demands of the c faid Company, in Law or Equity, for or in refpeft of the Money fo borrowed upon Stock; and that all the Stock fo transferred and pledged, for which fuch Payment fhould be made or lawfully tendred ' and refufed, together with .the Dividends and Profits belonging or to belong to fuch Stock refpeftively, fhould be and was by Virtue of the faid Aft, absolutely veiled in the faid Company, for the Ufe and ' Benefit thereof; and further by the faid Aft the like Provifion was made-for fuch Perfons (except as ' aforefaid) as had borrowed Money of the faid Company upon Receipts for Money paid on any of their ' Money Subfcriptions, actually pledged, for difcharging fuch Loans by a like Payment of a Rate often Pounds per Centum on the refpeftive Sums fo borrowed, in Manner and at the Times before mentioned, ' as by the faid recited Aft, Relation thereto being had, more fully may appear : And whereas -by an Aft 8 Gio. 1. ' of Parliament paffed in the eighth Year of his prefent Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail to enable the South-Sea Company to difpofe of the Effects in their Hands by way of Lottery or Subfcription, or to fell Part ' of their Fund or Annuity payable at the Exchequer ; in order to pay the Debts of the [aid Company, and for the ' Relief 'of fuch ivho were intended to have the Benefit of a late Ail touching Payment of ten Pounds per Centum ' therein mentioned, reciting (amongft other Things) that the firft Moiety or Half-part of the faid Rate. of ' ' ten Pounds per Centum, for Money borrowed of the faid South-Sea Company, was, by the before men- tioned Aft, limited to be paid on or before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand {even hun- ' died and twenty-one, and divers Perfons intended to be relieved thereby, having lapfed the faid Time ' of