Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/543

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A. D. 1723. Anno dccimo Gkorgii Regis. C. 14. 49" 4 Time being fhould be fatisficd in the Juftice of fuch Claim or Claims, or that any Debt or Sum of ' Money ought to be paid thereupon, or that the Eftate, Intereft, or Incumbrance l<> claimed, or any 4 Part thereof, ought to be allowed, and fliould declare their Satisfaction therein, by any Refolution or 4 Refolutions of that Court ; and if the Party or Parties, by or for whom fuch Claim fliould be n ' fliould likewife, in a Book or Books to be kept in the laid Truftees Publick Office for that PurpoCe, 4 clare in Writing under his, her or their Hands, his, her or their Acquiefcence in fuch Refolution or 4 Refolutions of the (aid Court of Directors for the Time being, touching his, her or their Debt, Efl I . 4 Intereft, or Incumbrance fo claimed, at any Time or Times before the firft Day of Auguft one thou- 4 fand feven hundred and twenty-two ; then in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes the faid Truflces, or 4 any three or more of them, fhouIJ give Warrant for the Payment and Difcharge of every fuch Debt or 4 Sum of Money fo liquidated or adjufted, out of fuch Monies as (hould come to the Hands of the Ca-

  • fhier of the faid South-Sea Company for the Time being, for the Purpofes in the faid Act exprcfTcd :
  • And it was by the faid Act further enacted, That the Juftices of the Courts of King's Bench and Com-

4 mon Pleas, and Barons of the Coif of the Exchequer for the Time being, or any three or more of 4 them, fitting at the fame Time and Place, and not otherwife, fhould, and they were thereby autho* 4 rized, from time to time, to hear and determine all Differences, Difputes and Controverfics touching 4 or concerning any Debts, Eftates, Interefts, or Incumbrances, which (hould be claimed within the re- 4 fpective Times therein before limited for making fuch Claims, and could not or fhould not be liqui- 4 dated or adjufted between the faid Court of Directors for the Time being, and the refpective Claimants 4 within the Time before limited in that Behalf, and all Incidents relating thereunto, in fuch Manner, 4 as by the faid Act is directed : And by the faid Act it is further enacted, That the faid Juftices and Ba- 4 rons, or any three or more of them, upon a Complaint to be made by or for any Claimant of any 4 fuch Debt, Eftate, Intereft, or Incumbrance, whofe Claims fhould not be liquidated or adjufted as 4 aforefaid, (fo as fuch Complaint be made on or before the twenty- fifth Day of December one thoufand 4 feven hundred and twenty-two) fhould proceed in fuch Manner as by the faid Act is directed ; and the i faid Juftices and Barons, or any three or more of them, in all Cafes where they fhould find that any 4 Debt or Sum of Money ought to be paid to fuch Claimant upon fuch Claims, or that the Eftate, In- 4 tereft, or Incumbrance fo claimed, or any Part thereof ought to be allowed, fhould and might, at any

  • Time or Times before the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three,

4 tranfmit a Certificate or Certificates thereof to the faid Truftees in the faid Act nominated : And by ' the faid Act it is provided and enacted, That the Powers given by the faid Act to the faid Juftices and 4 Barons, for hearing and determining fuch Differences, Difputes and Controverfies relating to fuch

  • Claims as aforefaid, and ifl'uing their Certificates concerning the fame as aforefaid, fhould continue and
  • be in Force until the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred twenty-three, and no
  • longer. And whereas by another Act of Parliament made in the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, s Ceo. :. 0,43.

4 intituled, An Acl for prolonging the Times for hearing and determining Claims before the Trujlees, in whom

  • the Eftates of the late South-Sea Directors, and of John Aiflabie, Efquire, and likewife of James Craggs
  • Efquire, deceafed, are ve/led, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned; feveral of the Times in the former

4 Acls limited, have been enlarged to feveral further Times therein exprcfled: And whereas by another 4 Act of Parliament made in the ninth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for further enlarging 9 Geo, t. c. 23.

  • the Times for entering, hearing and determining Claims on the Eftates ve/led in the Truftees of the South-Sea
  • Company, and for obliging Perfons to claim Stock by the Time therein mentioned, for Money Subscriptions, and

4 for other the Purpofes werein mentioned, the Times in the laft mentioned Act limited, have been enlarged 4 to feveral further Times therein expreffed, which Times by the laft Act: limited, are now near expiring :' Now forafmuch as the Claims made purfuant to the firft, and alfo to the laft recited Aft, cannot be ad- jufted and determined within the Times already limited for the fame; May it pleafe your moft Excel- lent Majefty, that it may be enacted, csV. 44 The Time for the Directors of the South-Sea Company to declare their Satisfaction of the Juftice of 44 any Claims, further enlarged to 24 December 1726, and for the Juftices and Barons to determine Dif- 44 ferences therein, enlarged to 24 June 1727. and for the Juftices and Barons to tranfmit their CertifU

  • ' cates, to 29 September 1727. After 20 May J724. the Time for declaring an Acquiefcence to any Re-

44 folution of the Directors, and for making Complaints for Claimants, to be within 30 Days after Per- 44 fonal Notice, or Notice in the Gazette, of fuch Refolution. Complaints not fo made, void, and the 44 Juftices, is'c. difcharged from proceeding thereon. If no Acquiefcence be declared, the Party deemed 44 to have acquiefced. Wives of Perfons whofe Eftates are vefted in the Truftees, having Right of 44 Dower, the Truftees may compound with them for fuch Right, to be paid by the Cafhier. Truftees 44 may make fuitable Allowances to fuch Wives having Right of Dower. Juftices and Barons to fettle 44 Differences. Purchafers to enjoy the Eftates purchafed, free from all Right of Dower. Not to give 44 any Right of Dower to Wives, who by Deed made before Marriage have accepted any Settlement in 44 Lieu thereof. Nor to give any Claim to any Eftate purchafed fince 1 Dece?nber 17 19. The Title of 44 Purchafers good, as well when the late Directors, &"c. fhall not releafe their Right, as when they have. 44 No Special Bail required in Actions or Suits on Contracts for Stock or Subscriptions, till 1 March 1724, 44 fife. Truftees, &c. may compound with William Aftell, for the Benefit of his Children, t&c. Colonel 44 Thomas Sidney and his Wife may enter their Claims of any Debt due from Robert Knight, at any Time " before 24 June 17*4." EXP, Vol. V. Sff CAP.