Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/556

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5?o C. 7. Anno undecimo Georgh Regis. A. D. 1724, 10 AVina?, c.26. U&. 32. The additional Duty 10 Ann. on Drugs to ceafe slter 25 March S725. N T o Duty on old Xsjs imp otted. Additional Duty on Apples, 8 Geo. 1. c. 20. imported, conti- nued for 7 Years. 'Revived ioGeo, 1, c. 27.* Clanfe for afcer* taining the Me- thod of admea- furing Pictures imported. S Geo. 1. c.20. chandizet fo fworn to or affirmed for the faid old Subiidy as aforefaid, together with an Addition of the Cuftoms and other Duties paid for fuch Goods, and of ten Pounds per Centum over and above the Value thereof, taking a Receipt for the fame from fuch Importer or Proprietor, in full Satisfaction for the faid Goods, as if they had been regularly fold; and the refpective Commiffioners of the Cuftoms fhall caufe the faid Goods to be fairly and publickly fold for the beft Advantage ; and out of the Produce thereof the Money fo paid or advanced as aforefaid, fhall be repaid to fuch Collector, to be replaced to fuch Funds from whence he borrowed the fame, and the Overplus (if any) fhall be paid into his iVIajefty's Exchequer towards the finking Fund; any Law, Cuftoin or Ufage to the contrary in any wife notwithftanding. ' IX. And whereas by an Act made in the tenth Year of her faid late Majefty Queen Anne (for lay- ' ing additional Duties on Hides and Skins, Vellum and Parchment, and new Duties on Starch, Coffee, ' Tea and Drugs, and for other Pupofes therein mentioned) a Duty was granted after the Rate of twenty ' Pounds for every one hundred Pounds of the true and real Value of all Kinds of Drugs imported (dying ' Drugs imported from foreign Parts and Turpentine imported from the Britijh Plantations excepted) ' over and above all other Cuftoms, Subfidies and Duties impofed upon or payable for the fame : And i whereas it has been found by Experience, That the laying the faid additional Duty of twenty Pounds ' per Centum on the faid Drugs has not anfwered the Intention thereof, the faid Duty being fo exceffive ' high, that the fair Merchant cannot import the faid Drugs, which gives Opportunity to run the ' fame clandeftinely, to the Prejudice of the Revenue;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority afore- faid, That the faid additional Duty of twenty Pounds per Centum upon Drugs, payable by Virtue of the faid laft mentioned Act, fhall, from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, ceafe, determine and be no longer payable ; any Thing in the faid Act or in any other Acts to the contrary notwithftanding. X. And for the Encouragement of the making of Paper in this Kingdom, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the five and twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hun- dred and twenty-five, it fhall and may be lawful to import into this Kingdom any old Rags, old Ropes or Junks, or old Fifhing-Nets, fit only for the making of Paper or Paftboard, without paying any Sub- fidy, Cuftom, Impofition or other Duty for the fame, fo as a due Entry be firft made thereof in the Cu- ftom-houfe belonging to the Port into which the fame fhall be imported, in the fame Manner and Form, expreffing the Quantities and Qualities of the faid Goods, as was ufed and practifed before the making of this Act, and fo as the fame be landed in the Prefence of the proper Officer or Officers appointed for that Purpofe ; and on Failure of fuch Conditions fuch Goods fhall be liable to Forfeiture, and fhall and may be feized and profecuted, and the Value thereof divided, as if this Act had never been made; any Law, Statute, Ufage or Provifion to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XI. And whereas by an Ait of Parliament made and pafTed in the eighth Year of his prefentMajefty's ' Reign (for paying oft and cancelling one million of Exchequer-Bills, and for other Purpofes therein ' mentioned) an additional Duty of two Shillings for every Bufhel was laid upon all Apples imported after

  • the Feaft-Day of the Annunciation of the BlelTed Virgin Mary one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-

' two, to continue during the Term of three Years, and until the End of the next Seffion of Parliament ' next following the faid Term of three Years ; which Term being near expired, and it being found ne- ' ceflary to continue the fame for a further Term of Years ;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid additional Duty of two Shillings for every Bufhel of Apples imported fhall be further con- tinued, from and after the Expiration of the Term and Time aforefaid, for and during the Term of feven Years ; and the faid Act fo made in the eighth Year of his prefent Majefty, and all Powers, Provisions, Penalties, Articles and Claufes therein contained (for or concerning the faid additional Duty on Apples imported) fhall continue and be in Force, and be applied, practifed and executed for the raifing, levying, collecting, anfwering and paying the laid additional Duty upon Apples imported, as fully to all Intents and Purpofes, as if all and every the Claufes, Matters and Things in the faid Aft, fo far as the fame relates to the additional Duty on Apples imported, had been again repeated and enacted in the Body of this prefent Act; any Thing in the faid Act or in any other Act, to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XII. And whereas by an Act of Parliament made and palled in the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, ' it is (amongft other Things) enacted, That from and after the Feaft-Day of the Annunciation of the ' BlelTed Virgin Ado.ry one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two, there fhall be paid and payable to ' his Majefty, his Heirs and Succeffors, for all Pictures which fhall be imported into Great Britain, the ' certain Duties following, according to the refpedtivc Dimenfions of fuch Pictures ; that is to fay, For ' every Picture of four Feet fquare or upwards, or of any Dimenfions, which being reduced will produce ' a Square of four Feet or upwards, the Sum of three Pounds; for every Picture of two Feet fquare, and

  • under four Feet fquare, the Sum of forty Shillings; and for every Picture under two Feet fquare, the

' Sum of twenty Shillings : And whereas fome Doubts have arifen as to the reducing Pictures to the faid ' fevcral Squares of four Feet and two Feet ;' For obviating and preventing fuch Doubts for the future, Be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That all Pictures, which from and after the five aiid twentieth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five fhall be imported into Great Bri- tain, fhall be meafured and reduced to fuperficial Meafure, that is to fay, every Picture, which being re-. duced will produce a Square of four Feet or upwards, fhall be a Picture that mall contain fixteen fuper^ ficial Feet or upwards, and fhall pay the faid Sum of three Pounds ; every Picture of two Feet fquare, and under four Feet fquare, fhall, when reduced, produce four fuperficial Feet or upwards, and under fixteen fuperficial Feet, and fhall pay the faid Sum of forty Shillings ; and every Picture under two Feet fquare fhall be a Picture which, when reduced, fhall produce lefs than four fuperficial Feet, and fhall pay the Sum of twenty Shillings ; any Thing in the faid Act of the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, or any ether Law, Ufage or Cuftom to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithftanding. Ah