Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/649

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A. D. 1726. Anno decimo fcrtio Georgii Regis. C. 3. (,11 ' the Officers of die fame, unto the rcfpcctivc Owners and Proprietors of the find Annual Sums, and to ■ ' their Heirs and Affigns for ever, without any Fee or Charge", th : faid annu I Payments after the Rate of ' three Pounds per Centum per Annum, to be fubject neverthelefs to be redeen cd upon Payment of a Moiety ' of the Principal Sums mentioned in the faid Letters Patent ; and whereas the Whole of all the Sums ' mentioned in the faid Letters Patent, and which are commonly called the Bankers Debt, did amount to f one million three hundred and twenty-eight thoufand five hundred and twenty-fix Pounds, and the ' Moiety thereof, for which the faid annual Sums were redeemable, did amount tufix;: i four ' thoufand two hundred and fixty-three Pounds, and the faid Moieties were by the faid Act of the third ' Year or his Majcfty's Reign (for Redeeming the Duties and Revenues which were fettled to pay off ! Ceo. :. c 7. ' Principal and Intereft on the Orders made forth on four Lottery-Acts) provided for to be fubferibed into ' a Joint-Stock of Annuities at five Pounds per Centum per Annum, redeemable by Parliament, and tra;

  • rablc at the Bank of England; and whereas feveral of the faid Principal Sums mentioned in the faid Lct-

' tars Patent, by Length of Time or other Accidents, have been forgot or i I to be ( laimed by the 1 Proprietors thereof, and probably no Title to them, or feveral of them, can or will be made out ; and ' whereas there now remains in the Exchequer the Sum often thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five ' Pounds five Shillings and three Pence Farthing, which has been referved there for feveral Years, to an- ' fwer the Annuities due on fuch unclaimed Debts, from the faid twertty-fixth Day of December one thou- ', fand feven hundred and five, to the twenty-ninth Day of Sef tember one thou land feven' hundred and kwn -

  • teen, which in the mean Time, and until fuch Titles can be made out, might be imployed towards the

' Discharging the national Debts incurred before the twe.nty-fifrh Day of December one thoufand feven hun- ' dred and fixteen, whereby there would be an annual Saving of the Intereft thereof:' Be it therefore en- 10,-151. ;s. acted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Sum of ten thousand feven hundred twenty-five Pounds 3 d - ' 1< thcP.e- five Shillings and three Pence Farthing, now remaining in the Exchequer, fnall and may be iffued and ap- ?~ plied for, and as Part of the Fund commonly called the Sinking Fund, towards the Redemption and Pay- sppHeYforPsvt ment of all or any of the Joint-Stocks of Annuities herein before directed to be difcharged thereby ; any ingoff the An- Thing in any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithstanding, .wines. Vlil. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe at any Time or 'Fimes Provi/ion for hereafter, any Perfon or Perfons (hall make out a good Title to any of the faid unfatisfied principal Sums, future Claima to the Satisfaction of the Commiffioners of his Majcfty's Treafury now or for the Time being, or the Lord on thit Dc "' u High Treafurer for the Time being, then or in any fuch Cafe, and fo often as the fame fhall happen, it (hall and may be lawful to and for Che faid Commiffioners of the Treafury, now or for the Time being, or any three of them, or the Lord High Treafurer for the Time being, to compute the Principal and Intereft that would have been payable thereon, in cafe the fame had been claimed in due Time, and to order and direct the fame to be paid and difchargejd out of any of the Monies arifen or to arife at the Exchequer, of or for the feveral Surpluses, Exceffes or Overplus Monies commonly called the Sinking Fund, fo as the Sum or Sums of Money fo to be ordered and directed, do not exceed in the whole the faid Sum of ten thoufand feven hundred twenty-five Pounds five Shillings and three Pence Farthing, herein before directed to be iffued and applied as Part of the Sinking Fund ; any Thing in this or any former or other Act or Acts of Par- liament to the contrary notwithstanding. el jf one hundred and .ten thoufand nine hundred and thirty Pounds, Part of the Supply granted for the Ser- *?■?? ;7 ! ' or ed ,or ' vice _of the Year one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-fix; hut afterwards upon the Drawing of the fhndmf (fr<fers ' faid Lottery, the (aid eleven thoufand and ninety-three 'Tickets happened to he intitled in Blanks, and for the s •' Benefits, computed altogether, only to the Principal Sum of one hundred and three thoufand two hun- at Nevis and St. ' dred and feventy-two Pounds and ten Shillings, as their Share or Intereft in the Joint-Stock of three ; Chriftoph-rs. e Pounds per Centum Annuities, created by the faid Act, by Means whereof there was a Deficiency or Lcfs ! " Ge0j ' c ' *' ' of Cafh in the Exchequer, on that Head of Service, of feven thoufand fix hundred and fifty feven Pounds

  • ten Shillings, which hath fince been provided for, as Part cf the Sum of one hundred and fixty thou-

' land theee hundred and fix Pounds feventeen Shillings and five Pence Farthing, granted in this prefent ' Seftlons of Parliament, for the Deficiency of Giants for the Service of the Year one thoufand feven '. hundred and twenty-fix ;' Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the Teller of the Ex- chequer, into whofe Office the faid eleven thoufand and ninety-three Tickets' were returned as afore- faid, (hall be, and is hereby difcharged of and from the faid Deficiency, or Sum of feven thoufand fix hundred and fifty -feven Pounds and ten Shillings, which did happen or arile as a Lofs thereon, upon the Drawing of the faid Lottery, and fhall not be any further or longer charged therewith. ' X. And whereas the faid Lottery-Tickets fo intitled as aforefaid, being applicable to any Part of the ' Supplies granted in the laft Seflions of Parliament, have been accordingly applied towards, making good: ' the Deficiencies of the General Fund for the Years ending at Mic'haelmdi one thoufand feven ' and twenty-four, and Michaelmas one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-five, and the fame now remains 4 in the Exchequer as Cafh, on the Head of the Sinking Fund : And whereas, in Purfuance of feveral : ' of Parliament, feveral if anding Orders at the Exchequer are or m»y t be made out for certain Debentures, ' made out by Authority of Parliament, for the Sufferers at Nevis and Saint Ghrtflophers, for Payment of 9 j.„. c . x ~, ' feveral Principal Sums of Money, amounting together to the Sum of one hundred and forty-one thoufand 1° A,m. c. 3;. ' and ninety three Pounds fifteen Shillings and one Peny Farthing, attended with Annuities, after the Rate 5 c "- 1 - <"• 3~- ' of three Pounds per Centum per Annum, redeemable by Parliament, and charged on tKe faid General Find : ?, irj ' *' c ' 2 °' ' And whereas all or many of the Proprietors of the laid Handing 'Orders are or may be defirous to exV '.■ ' change their faid {landing Orders, for an equal Share or Intereft in the faid Joint-Stock of three Bojirsdi ' per Centum Annuities, transferable, at the Bank of England, in cafe they were enabled fo to do, by Means -41-4 ' whereof