Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/656

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618 C. j6 — 20. Anno decimo tertio Georgii Regis. A. D. 1726. CAP. XVI. An Act for repairing the feveral Roads leading from the Town of Warmlnfer in the County of Wilts. The Toll took Place the 24th Day of June 1727, and is from thence to have Continuance for 21 Years. [Continued by 16 Geo. z. c. 5.] CAP. XVII. An Act for amending and repairing the Roads from Luton in the County of Bedford to Wejlwood-Gate in the faid County. P R. The Toll took Place the iftDay of June 1727, and is to have Continuance for the Term of 21 Years. ("Continued by 17 Geo. 2. C.42.J CAP. XVIII. An Act for the effectual Draining and Prefervation of Haddenham Level in the Ifle of Ely. P R. Commiffioners may make Cuts, csV.and erect Engines for draining the P'ens, making Satisfaction to the Owners. Commiffioners to meet twice yearly at Haddenham. May affefs the Owners of the Fens. They may borrow Money at 5/. per Centum. Tenants to pay the Tax, and deduct it out of their Rents. On Death, Refignation, or refuiing to act, Commiffioners to choofe others. Deftroying the Works, fo; feits 50/. Once in two Years all Receipts and Difburfements to be infpected and audited at the Quarter-Seffions after Mihaelmas. Not to impower the Commiffioners to intermeddle with the Works of Bedford Level :. Nor the upper Delfes in Haddenham. CAP. XIX. An Act for repealing Part, and making more effectual the Refidue of an Act of Parliament made in the firfl Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for the incorporating certain Perfons for the better providing for, and Jetting at Work the Poor in the City of Gloucefter. P R. Part of the private Act r Ann. Stat. 2. c. n. repealed. All Gifts mall be veiled in the Corporation. On the firft Tuefday in June 1727, thirty-one Guardians to be chofen at the Pariih Veftries, inftead of the twenty- four. On Equality of Votes, presiding Officer to determine. Thirty-one Guardians to be chofen, to con^ tinue in Office fix Years. In every fixth Year thirty-one new Guardians to be elected. On Death or Re- moval, new Guardians to be elected. Guardians one Body Politick and Corporate. Perfons who have Effects belonging to the Corporation, to account and deliver up all Books, &c. The Corporation to take the Profits of Tim. Nourfe's devifed Lands, &c. Corporation may renew Leafes, and purchafe Lands, not exceeding 1000/. per Annum. They may place out Money in their Hands at Intereft. No Money to be lent to the Members, &c. Perfon giving ^o /. may be chofen a Guardian. Corporation to charge how many weekly or other Sums fhall be neceffary for the Poor in the Hofpitals. The Poor in the Hamlets of Littleworth, &c. to be received into the Hofpitals. Corporation may make By-Laws. They may feize he Goods of Perfons brought into the Hofpital. CAP. XX. An Act for improving the Navigation of the River Dun, from a Place called Holmftile in the Townfhip of Doncafter in the County of York, to Wilfick-Houfe in the Pariih of Barmby Dun in the faid County. P R. 12 Geo. i.c, 38. Corporation of Doncafer appointed Undertakers to make the River Dun navigable. Commiffioners appoint- ed for ad jufting Differences between the Undertakers and Owners of Wares, bfc. They have Power to mediate between Undertakers and others. May fettle Satisfaction for their Damage. If the Parties diilike the Determination, Commiffioners may caufe a Jury to be impanelled to affefs Damages. Their Verdict conclufive. The Verdict to be kept by the Town-Clerk of Doncafter, among the Records. On Payment of the Money affeffed, Undertakers may proceed to work. Commiffioners to have xool.per Ann. Un- dertakers to make a Cut to convey the Water running down Bentley Mill Goit into the Farr Waters, &V. They are to fill up the Hollows next Arnold Goit on Thorp Marfh Side, level with the Grounds on the other Side. Banks of the River to be widened at Longfandall and Redclife. Sir George Cook, &c. to have a Way over Weatley Ford, as formerly. Undertakers not to fet out Halling-Paths on the South Side betwixt Long- fandall and Redclijfe. Nor to make Wharfs on Sir George Cook's Lands, isfc. Duties of Tonnage for all fuch Lead, Iron, Steel, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, Boxwood, Timber, broken and unbroken Deals, Boards, Cheefe, Salt, Cutlers Wares, Iron Wares, Groceries, Coals, Stone, Lime-Hone and Lime, and all other Merchandizes (except Corn and Malt) as {hall be carried upon the River between Holme/iiie in Donca/ler, and fo far as the Bottom of the Cut on Barmby Dun Side, fuch Duties as the Mayor, Aldermen and Bur- geffes fhall think fit, not exceeding 10 d. for every Fodder of Lead, or cuftomary Ton of Iron, Steel, Horns, Hoofs, Bones, Box-wood, Timber of foreign Growth, broken or unbroken Deals and Boards, nor above 10 d. for every Ton of Cheefe, Salt, Cutlers Wares, Iron Wares, Groceries and other Merchan- dizes (except Corn and Malt) and not exceeding lod. for every Ton of Mill or Marble Stones or Coals; 10 d. for every Ton of Lime, and for every Ton of Lime-ftone, and of other Stones, 8 d. and for every Ton of Plank and Timber of Englifn Growth, id. A Penny per Quarter for Grain. Boats carrying Dung, &c. to be Duty-free. The three Bridges over the new River, &c. veiled in the Mayor, &c. of " Doncafter. Duties for Paffage through the three Bridges, when the Draw-bridges are opened, 6d. for 10 Ton. Participants now liable to repair the three Bridges, &~c. to pay to the Mayor, &c. of Doncafer, zol. per Annum in Lieu of Repairs. Mayor, &c. may dig Sods in the Participants Lands. The Participants fhall flrand, with refpect to the Country, liable to the Repairs, if the Mayor, &c. make Default. In De- fault of the Corporation of Doncafer, the Participants to repair the Bridges, &c. and receive the Duties 4 till