Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/661

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A. D. 1726. Anno decimo tertio Georgii Regis. C. 22. 623 Perfon or Corporation in Great Britain, fhould or might be made at any Time before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-one, and by or for any Perfon or Perfons rcfiding or be- 7 Ceo. 1. Stat. 1, ing beyond the Seas, or out of Great Britain, fhould and might be made at any Time before the twenty-fifth ft 28. Day at March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two : And by the (aid Act it is fourther enacted, That the faid Truflees, or any three or more of them, fhould and might inquire and inform them/elves, by or upon the Testimony of Witness upon Oath, or by the Examination of the Perfons making fuch Claims upon Oath (all which Oaths they, or any one or more of them, had Power to adminifter) or by the Inflec- tion of any Mortgages, Bonds, Bills, Notes or other Securities, or any Accounts relating to the faid Debts, or any of them fo claimed, or by Infpection of any Grants, Gifts, Settlements, Conveyances, Transfers or AfTurances relating to the faid filiates, Interests or Incumbrances fo claimed, or any of them, or by all or any of the faid Ways and Means, or otherwife, according to their Difcretions, as foon as conveniently might be, touching all or any of the Debts, Ellates, Inter efts, or Incumbrances Co claimed, and fhould make a Report or Reports in Writing of their Proceedings therein, with their Opinions thereon, from Time to Time, to the Court of Directors of the faid South-Sea Company for the Time being ; and if the faid Court of Directors for the Time being fhould be fatisfied in the Juitice of fuch Claim or Claims, or that any Debt or Sum of Money ought to be paid thereon, or that the Eftate, lntereft, or Incumbrance fo claimed, or any Part thereof, ought to be allowed, and fhould declare their Satisfaction therein, by any Refolution or Refolutions of that Court; and if the Party or Parties, by or for whom fuch Claim fhould be made, fhould likewife, in a Book or Books to be kept in the faid Truflees Publick Office for that Pur- pofe, declare in Wiiting under his, her or their Hands, his, her or their Acquiescence in fuch Refolution or Refolutions of the faid Court of Directors for the Time being, touching his, her or their Debt, Eftate, lntereft, or Incumbrance fo claimed, at any Time or Times before the hrft Day of Augufl one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two; then in all and every fuch Cafe and Cafes the faid Truflees, or any three or more of them, fnould give Warrant for the Payment and Difcharge of every fuch Debt or Sum of Money fo liquidated or adjufted, out of fuch Monies as fhould come to the Hands of the Cafhier of the faid South-Sea Company for the Time being, for the Purpofcs in the faid Act expreffed: And it was by the faid r'.ct further enacted, That the Juftices of the Courts of King's Bench and Common-Pleas, and Barons of the Coif of the Exchequer for the Time being, or any three or more of them, fitting at the fame Time and Place, and not otherwife,- fhould, and they were thereby authorized, from Time to Time, . to hear and detei mine all Differences, Difputes and Controverfies touching or concerning any Debts, Eftate:., Interefts, or Incumbrances, which fhould be < laimed within the refpective Times therein before limited for making fuch Claims, and could not or fhould not be liquidated or adjufted between the faid Court of Di- rectors for the Time being, and the refpective Claimants within the 1 ime before limited in that Behalf, and I all Incidents relating thereunto, in fuch Manner, as by the laid Act is directed : And by the faid Act it is further enacted, That the faid Juftices and Barons, or any three or more of them, upon a Complaint to be made by or for any Claimant of any fuch Debt, Eftate, lntereft, or Incumbrance, whofe Claims fhould not be liquidated or adjufted as aforefaid, (fo as fuch Complaint be made on or before the twenty-fifth Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-two) fhould proceed in fuch Manner as by the faid A£l is directed ; and the laid Juftices and Barons, or any three or more of them, in all Cafes where they fhould find that any Debt or Sum of Money ought to be paid to fuch Claimant upon fuch Claims, or that the Eftate, lntereft, or Incumbrance fo claimed, or any Part thereof ought to be allowed, fhould and might, at any Time or Times before the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty three, tranfmit a Certificate or Certificates thereof to the faid Truflees in the faid Act nominated : And by the faid Act it is provided and enacted, That the Powers given by the faid Act to the faid Juftices and Barons, for hearing and determining fuch Differences, Difputes and Controverfies relating to fuch Claims as aforefaid, and ifiuing their Certificates concerning the fame as aforefaid, fhould continue and be in Force until the twenty-fifth Day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-three, and no longer. And whereas by an Act made in the eighth Year of his Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Ail for prolonging the sGeo. 1 c -r Times for hearing and dcter?nini?ig Claims before the Truflees, in whom the EJlates of the late South-Sea Direc- tors, and of John Aiflabie, Efquire, and likewife of James Craggs, Efquire, deceafed, areveftcd, and for other Purpofcs therein mentioned, feveral of the Times in the former Act limited were enlarged to further Times thi were further enlarged to other 1 imes therein exprefied : And whereas by an Act made in the tenth Year of IO Geo. 1. his Majefty's Rejen, intituled, An Ail for enlarging the Times for hearing and determining Claims by the Tru- flees, for raiftng Money upon the Eftatet of the lute DireSlors of the South-Sea Company and others, and for re- viving and continuing the Provifton formerly made againfl requiring Special Bail in Anions or Suits upon Contrails for Stock or Subscriptions, betzveen the frfi Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and nineteen and the firfl Day of December one thoufand feven hundred and twenty, and for other Purpofes therein mentioned, the Times in the laft mentioned Act of the ninth Year of his Majefty's Reign were enlarged to further Times therein exprefied ; and whereas the 1 ime by the laft mentioned Act limited for the faid Court of Directors being fatisfied of the Juftice of fuch Claim or Claims, and for declaring their Satisfaction therein by any Refolution or Refolutions of the faid Court, did expire on the twenty-fourth Day of December laft, and the other Times limited by the faid Act for other Purpofes therein mentioned are near expiring; now for- afrriuch as the Claims made purfuant to the firft recited Act, and alfo to the herein before recited Act of-. the ninth Year of his faid Majefty's Reign, could not be adjufted and determined within the Times al- ready limited for the fame ;' May it pleafe your moft Excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, csV. EXP. " Tims- ■