Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/70

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30 C. 13. Anno primo Georgii Regis. Stat. 2. A. D. 1714* aforefaid; (except before excepted) then, and not till then, the faid Corporation of the Governor and Company of the Bank of England (hall ceafe and determine ; but till then the faid Governor and Company fhall continue a Corporation, and fhall have and enjoy all the Powers and Privileges they are entitled to, as aforefaid. Deficiencyon XXXIII. Provided alfo, and it is hereby enacted, That fo much of the Sum of one hundred and eighty the Hop Aft to thoufand Pounds, which was borrowed on the faid former Act, which laid a Duty on Hops for four Years, made go and the Intereft thereof, as is deficient and remains unpaid, fhall be fatisfied out of the faid Sum, not ex- ceeding nine hundred and ten thoufand Pounds, to be raifed as aforefaid. « Ann. c, 4. ' XXXIV. And whereas in and by an Act of Parliament palled in the fifth Year of her late Majefty's

  • Reign, intituled, An A£i for fettling upon John Duke of 'Marlborough, and his Pqfterity, a Pen/ion of five

6 thoufand Pounds per Annum, for the more honourable Support of their Dignities, in like Manner as his Ho~ ' nours and Dignities, and the Honour and Manor of Woodftock, and Houfe of Blenheim, are already limited Claufe for fatif- ' and fettled, amongft other Recitals therein, it was recited, I hat her Majefty was gracioufly pleafed, at fo"worlf fcT ' ^ er own ^P^ce? to ere & tri e Houfe of Blenheim, as a Monument of the gloriouj Actions of the faid aTBienheim, ' Duke : And whereas alfo the Building of the Houfe of Blenheim, and making the Gardens and other •whilft orried on ' Conveniencies thereunto belonging, were begun and carried on accordingly, at the Expence of her faid attheExpenceof ' late Majefty, until the Works thereof ceafed; the Charge of which faid Building and Works, fo far as her late Majefty, ( the fame were .carried on (except the Debts remaining unfatisfied to Artificers and others) was born by ■■* her Majefty out of the Revenues which were appointed for the Ufes of her Civil Government : And is Ano.Sut. i.j wn ereas by an Act of Parliament made and palled in the twelfth Year of the Reign of her faid late Ma- ' jefty, fhe was enabled to raife five hundred thoufand Pounds on the Revenues appointed for the Ufes of

  • her Civil Government, to be applied for or towards the Payment of fuch Debts and Arrears owing to her
  • Servants, Tradefmen, and others, as are therein mentioned ; by which Aft it was provided and enact-
  • ed, That the faid Sum of five hundred thoufand Pounds fhould be applied and dilpofed in Aid of the Re-
  • venues or Branches which were appointed for Support of her Majefty's Houfhald, and of the Honour
  • and Dignity of the Crown, for or towards the paying and difcharging fuch Arrears and Debts, as afore-
  • faid : Neverthelefs for the clearing of any Doubt that may arife, whether the Debts which incurred
  • and became due, and now remain unfatisfied to Artificers and others, for Work performed and Mate-

' rials delivered, for or upon Account of the Building and Works aforefaid, whilft the fame were carried ' on, as aforefaid, ought to be paid and fatisfied by and out of the Arrears of her Majefty's faid Reve-

  • nues, due at the Time of her Demife, and the Monies now remaining of the Sum by the laft above re-

4 cited Act authorifed to be raifed It is hereby declared, That all the Debts which were actually incur- red and grown due, and now remain unfatisfied .to Artificers and others for Work performed, and Mate- rials delivered for or upon Account of the faid Building, and other Works at Blenheim-, on or before ths iirft Day of June in the Year of our Lard one thouland feven hundred and twelve (when her Majefty Jfirft caufed the Payments on Account -of the faid Buildings to he flopped) ought to be, and the fame are hereby accordingly directed and enacfed to be paid out of the Monies now remaining of the aforefaid Sum by the laft recited Acf authorized to be raifed, and out of the Arrears of the faid Revenues granted to her Majefty for the Ufes of her Civil Government, as aforefaid, due at the Time of her Demife, in fuch and the like Manner, and by fuch Proportions only, as other her Majefty's Debts .are or ought to be, paid and 'fatisfied. CAP. XIII. An Act for the further Security of his Majefty's Perfon and Government, and the Succeffioa of the Crown in the Heirs of the late Princefs Sophia, being Protectants ; and for extin- guishing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and his open and fecrec Abettors. Inciting II & = ' *• ■X7HEREAS by an Actrnadein the twelfth Year of the Reign of his late Majefty, King Willi- 13 W. 3.*. 2. W am, of Glorious and Immortal Memory, intituled, An Ail for the further Limitation of the e Crown, and better fecuring the Rights and Liberties of the Subjeft > it was enacted, That the Crown and 4 F.egal Government of the Kingdoms of England, France, and Ireland, and the Dominions thereunto be- 4 longing, with the Royal State and Dignity of the faid Realms, and all Honours, Stiles, Titles, Regali-

  • ties, Prerogatives, Powers, Jurifdidtions and Authorities, to the fame belonging and appertaining, after
  • theDeceafe of his faid Majefty, and of the Princefs Anne of Denmark, and in Default of Iffueof the faid

8 Princefs Anne of Denmark, and of his faid Majefty refpectively, fhould be, remain, and continue to the

  • moft Excellent Princefs Sophia, Electorefs and Duchefs Dowager of Hanover, Daughter of the moft
  • excellent Princefs Elizabeth, late Queen of Bohemia^ Daughter of our late Sovereign Lord King fames

4 the Firft, and the Heirs of the Body of the faid Princefs Sophia, being Proteftants : And whereas alfo 13 & 14 W. 3. * an Act was made in Englandin the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Rign of the faid King Willi- «. 6. ■« am, intituled, An Ail for the further Security of his Majefty's Perfon, and the Succeffion of the Crown in the 4 Proieft ant Line ; and for extinguijhing the Hopes of the pretended Prince of Wales, and all other Pretenders, 4 and tbeir open and fecret Abettors, whereby, among other Things, it was provided, That all and every ~- a Perfon and Perfons, mentioned in the faid laft recited Act, fhould take the Oath therein mentioned,

    • and iubferibe the fame, ia the Manner, at the Times and Places, and under the Pains and Penalties

4 therein