Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/711

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A. D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii IF. C. 3. (;■ VIII. 'And it is hereby enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time or Times afrr-r the How D twenty-fourth Day-of June one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, the Overplus or Surplus Moni. ' nuJ«  of the faid additional Duties, Rates or Impofitions, fhall be fo low or deficient, as that the Monies arifen therefrom into the Exchequer, at the End of any the faid quarterly Feafts, {hall not be fufficient to pay and difcharge the Quarter's Annuity then due and payable, according to the Tenor and true Meaning of this AS, then and fo often and in every fuch Cafe, the Deficiency of any fuch Quarter fhall and may b • fupplied out of the Overplus Monies of the faid additional Rates, Duties and Impofitions, arifing in any fubfequent Quarter; and in cafe at any Time or Times after the twenty-fifth Day of December one thou fand feven hundred and twenty-nine, fuch Produce ihall be fo low or deficient at the Pmd of any one Year (computing the fame to end at Cbriflmas Day yearly) as that the fame fhall not be fufficient to pay and dif- charge the whole Year's Annuity then grown due, then every fuch yearly Deficiency fhall, from Time to Time, be anfwered and made good by and out of the firft Supplies, which fhall be granted in Parliament next after fuch Deficiency fhall appear; and in cafe no fuch Supplies fhall be granted within fix Months next after fuch Deficiency fliall happen, then the fame fhall be made good out of any of the Monies which at any Time or Times fhall be or remain in the Receipt of the Exchequer, of the SurpIufTcs, ExcefTes or Overplus Monies commonly called The Sinking Fund (except fuch Monies of the: fame Sinking P'und, as are appropriated to any particular Ufe or Ufes by any former Act or Acts of Parliament in that Behalf) and fuch Monies of the faid Sinking Fund fhall and may be, from Time to Time, iffued and applied ac- cordingly. IX. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That whatever Monies fliall be fb Monies iflu?o ifiued out of the faid Sinking Fund, fliall from Time to Time be replaced thereto by and out of the firft out of tli ■ k- Supplies to be then after granted" in Parliament. '. ■■• »«  X. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That in cafe there fliall be any Sur- rc F lJCCC plus or Remainder of the Monies arifing by the faid additional Duties orlmpofitions, at the End of any Sur P ! ." s t0 . bs one Year (computing the fame to end at Cbriflmas Day yearly) after the faid Annuity of fifty thoufand p?? '»,!!.( y Pounds and all Arrears thereof are fatisfied, or Money fufficient fliall be referved for that Purpofe, fuch Sur- plus or Remainder fhall from Time to Time be referved for the Difpofition of Parliament, and ihall not be ifiued but by Authority of Parliament, and as fliall be directed by future Act or Acts of Parliament ; any Thing in any former or other Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. XL Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That upon Repayment by Parlia- On Repayment merit to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England, and their SuccefTors or Affigns, of the of the Money to faid Sum of one million two hundred and fifty thoufand Pounds, without any Deduction, Difcount or. A- ^ Bank ' An ~ batement whatfoever to be made out of the fame or any Part thereof, and of all Arrears of the faid An- nmty t0<:eal<: • nuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds, then and not till then, the faid Annuity or yearly Sum fliall from thenceforth ceafe and be underftood to be redeemed ; and from and after fuch Redemption, the Mo- nies arifing by the faid Surplus or Overplus Monies of the faid additional Duties, Rates or Impofitions, fhall not be ifiued or applied to any Ufe or Purpofe, but as fliall be directed by future Act or Acts of Par- liament; any Thing in this or any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. ' XII. And in regard it is intended that the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of feventy thoufand Pounds, ' may be redeemed by any Payments not lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time, and that as the ' faid Principal Money fliall be paid off", the faid Annuity fliall proportionably fink and be abated;' Be it After 24. Tun° therefore provided and enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if at any Time or Times after the twenty- 173 ,. on p 2y . fourth Day of June which fliall be in the Year of our Lord one thoufand feven hundred and thirty, Pay- mentofaSum ment be made to the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England of any Sum or Sums of Mo- not lefs ti,an ney (not being lefs than five hundred thoufand Pounds at a Time) in Part of the faid Principal Sum at 5°o» oool - a P ro - which the faid Annuity is redeemable, and alfo if Payment be then alfo made of all Arrears of the faid An- ^ Annuity to nuity, then from and and after every fuch Payment fo made, fo much of the faid Annuity, as fliall bear ceafc. Proportion to the Monies fo paid in Part of the faid whole Principal Sum, fliall ceafe, determine, and be underftood to be redeemed ; any Thing in this or in any former Act or Acts of Parliament to the contrary notwithftanding. XIII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the faid Governor and Company of the „ . ; Bank of England, and their SuccefTors, fliall continue and be a Corporation, and fhall enjoy all the Capa- a corporation till cities, Powers, Privileges and Advantages to them as a Corporation belonging, until the compleat Re- Redemption ot demption of the whole of the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds, according to the be- the whole Sum.] fore mentioned Provifoes for that Purpofe ; anv former or other Statute to the contrary notwithftanding. XIV. And for the better enabling the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England at all Times Bank may tt3BS . hereafter to fupport their own and the publick Credit, Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid. That the ,«- the Annuity, laid Governor and Company fhall or may, and they are hereby impowered, at any Time or Times here- after, to aftign, transfer, or otherwife to difpofe of the faid Annuity or yearly Sum of fifty thoufand Pounds by this Ait efta'blifhed, every or any Part or Parcel, Parts or Parcels thereof, to any Perfon or Perfons, Body or Bodies Politick or Corporate, in fuch Manner and Form as the faid Governor and Company fhall think proper ; fubject neverthelefs to fuch Redemption by Parliament as aforefaid, and without Power to en- large their Capital Stock by or out of the fame. XV. And whereas in Purfuance of a certain Act of Parliament made in the feventh Year of the Reign of her late Majefty Queen Anne, intituled, An Ail for enlarging the Capital Stock of the Bank of England, and for raifing a further Supply to her Majefty for the Service of the Tear one thoufand feven hun- dred and nine, the faid Governor and Company of the Bank of England did become intitled to a certain Annuity or yearly Sum of one hundred and fix thoufand five hundred and one Pounds thirteen Shillings and five Pence, being after the Rate of fix Pounds per Centmn per Annum, for or in refpect of the Sum of one million feven hundred feventy-five thoufand and twenty-feven Pounds feventeen Shillings and ten Vol. V. 4 R Pence 7 Ann,