Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/720

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682 C. 16- 8. Anno fecundo Georgii II, A.D. 729, CAP. XVI. An Act to make the Chapel of Eafe of the Holy and undivided Trinity in the Town of Leeds in the County of York, a perpetual Cure and Benefice ; and for defraying of fome Expences in finifhing the faid Chapel, yet remaining unpaid. P R. The new Chapel to be a perpetual Cure. James Scott, the firfl Curate. Vicar of Leeds not diverted from the Cure of Souls there. Curate on Abfence or Neglect, may be cited before the Archbifhop, &c. Pews may be leafed out to raife 800/. for finifhing the Chapel. Chapel, £sV. under the Archbifhop's Jurisdic- tion. The Archbifhop's, &c. Rights faved. CAP. XVII. An Act for laying a Duty upon compound Waters or Spirits, and for licenfing the Retailers thereof. [Re- pealed 6 Geo. 2. c. 17.] Compound Waters to pay 5 s. per Gallon, after 25 Dec. 1729. Thefe Duties to be under the Management of the Comrniffioners of Excife. Compound Diftillers before 25 Dec. 1729. to enter their Stills, &c. at the next Excife-Office. All who fhall become Diftillers to make like Entry, on Penalty of 20/. £sV. Selling. Spirits under Proof forfeits 40 s. per Gallon. Retailers to pay 20/. for Licence. To be renewed yearly. Not to extend to Phyficians, £3V. After 1 July 1729. none to fell Brandy, &c. about the Streets, &c. on Forfeiture of 10/. &c. Continuance of the Act for five Years. Not to extend to Arrack, &c. Nor to Aqua Vita confirmed in Scotland. Nor to Brit/Jh Brandies, in which Ingredients fhall be ufed for rectifying only, C A P. XVIII. An Ail to afcertain the Cuftom payable for Corn and Grain imported ; for better afcertaining the Price and Quantity of Corn and Grain, for which a Bounty is payable upon Exportation ; for appropriating the Supplies granted in this Seffion of Parliament ; and for giving further Time to Clerks and Apprentices to pay Duties omitted to be paid for their Indentures and Contracts. aaCar.2, 0.13.' 'f^T'HEREAS by an Act of Parliament pafTed in the twenty-fecond Year of the Reign of King VV Charles the Second, intituled, AnAclfcr Improvement of Tillage, and the Breed of Cattle, It is enacted, That when the Prices of Corn and Grain, at the Times, Havens and Places, when and where the faid Corn or Grain fhall be imported into this Kingdom, exceed not the Rates hereafter following, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof thefe Rates ; that is to fay, For every Quarter of Wheat, when the fame fhall not exceed the Price of three and fifty Shillings and four Pence the Quarter, there fhall be paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixceen Shillings; and when the fame fhall exceed the Sum of three and fifty Shillings and four Pence the Quarter, and yet not above four Pounds the Quarter, that then there fhall be anfwered and paid, for the Cuftom and Poundage of every Quarter of Wheat, the Sum of eight Shillings ; for every Quarter of Rye, when the fame doth not exceed the Price of forty Shillings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter; for every Quarter of Barley or Malt, when the fame doth not exceed the Price of two and thirty Shillings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter ; for every Quarter of Buck Wheat, when the fame doth not exceed the Price of two and thirty Shillings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shil- lings the Quarter; for every Quarter of Oats, when the fame doth not exceed the Sum of fixteen Shil- lings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poundage thereof the Sum of five Shillings and four Pence the Quarter ; for every Quarter of Peafe and Beans, when the fame doth not ex • ceed the Sum of forty Shillings the Quarter, there fhall be anfwered and paid for the Cuftom and Poun- dage thereof the Sum of fixteen Shillings the Quarter, each Quarter to contain eight Bufhels, and each, Bufhel to contain eight Gallons, and no more ; but when the Prices of the feveral Sorts of Corn or Grain above mentioned fnall exceed the refpective Rates abovefaid, at the Times and Places of Importation, that then and in every fuch Cafe, there be anfwered and paid for the fame the Duties payable in fuch Cafe before the making of the faid Act: And whereas by another Act pafTed in the firft Year of the Reign of King j Jac, 1. c. 10. ' James the Second, intituled, An additional Ail for the Improvement of Tillage, it is enacted, That it fnall and may be lawful to and for all and every the Juftices of the Peace for the feveral and refpective Counties within his Majefty's Kingdom of England, Dominion of Wales, and Town of Berivick upon Tweed, wherein foreign Corn or Grain fhall or may be hereafter imported, and they and every of them are thereby enjoined and required, at their next refpective Quarter-Seffions after Michaelmas and Eqfter Day yearly, by the Oaths of two or more honeft and fubftantial Perfons of the refpective Counties, being neither Mer- chants or Factors for the importing of Corn, nor any Ways concerned or interefted in the Corn fo im- ported, and each of them having a Freehold Eftate of twenty Pounds per Annum, or a Leafehold Eftate of fifty Pounds per Annum, above all Charges and Reprizes, and being ikilful in the Prices of Corn (which Oaths all and every the faid Juftices are. thereby impowered to adminifter) and by fuch other Ways and Means as to them fhall feem fit, to examine and determine the common Market Prices of midling Englijh Corn and Grain, of the refpective Sorts in the faid Act mentioned, as the fame fhall be commonly bought and fold in the faid refpective Counties, into which any foreign Corn and Grain fhall he imported ; and to certify the fame with two fuch Oaths made as aforefaid in Writing annext, unto his Majefty's chief Of- 3 ' ficer