Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/743

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A. D. 1729. Anno fecundo Georgii II. C. 29 — 31. 705 CAP. XXIX. An Aft to impower his Majefty to vifit the Collegiate Church of Manchejler, during fuJi Time as the Wardenihip of the laid Church is or fhall be held

Commendam with the Bifhop- 

ri'ck of Chefter. ' K7 HERE AS the Collegiate Church of Manchejler, by Virtue of a Charter gi anted by King Charles ' vV the Firft, in the eleventh Year of his Reign, was founded and made a Body Corporate, ;.nd the ' Bifhop of Chefter for the Time being was thereby appointed to be Vifitor of the (aid Collegiate Church : ' And whereas his late Majefty King George the Firft, of Blefled Memory, was gracioufly pjeafed to allow

  • the prefent Bifhop of Chefter to hold the Wardcnfhip of Manchejler in Commendam with that Bifhoprick:

' And whereas the prefent Bifhop of Chjler, being Warden of the faid Collegiate Church, cannot there- ' fore exercife the Power of a Vifitor, and fome Doubt having lately arifen, whether the King can vifit the ' laid Church, during the Sufpenfion of the prefent Bifhop of Che/ler's Power :' Be it therefore enacted by when the War- the King's mod Excellent Majefty, by and with the Advice and Confent of the Lords Spiritual and Tern- dun/hip of Maii- poral, and Commons, in this prefent Parliament aflcmbled, and by the Authority of the fame, during chefter fi"H Lc fuch Time as the Wardenfhip of Manchejler is or (hall be held in Commendam with the Bifhoprick of Chefter, hcIJ in Co ™- the Power of vifiting of the faid Collegiate Church of Manchejler is and fliall be vefted in the Crown ; and the Bifliopriclc that his Majefty, his Heirs and Succelfors, Kings of Great Britain, have and fhall hereby have full Power of chefter, the and Authority to vifit the faid Collegiate Church, according to the Tenor of the Charter of Foundation of King may vii'it. the faid Church. II. Provided always, and it is hereby enacted and declared by the Authority aforefaid, That nothing in this prefent Aft contained fliall extend, or in any wife be confirmed to extend, to deftroy any of the Rights or Powers of the Metropolitical See of York, or of the Archbifhop of the fame for the Time being, in and Not todefhoy over the faid Collegiate Church of Manchejler, and every Member and Officer within the fame, but that fl ' c Rl ° h " of the faid Rights and Powers of the faid Metropolitical See of York, and of the Archbifhop for the Time being, the See of York * (hall be and remain, in all Times coming, in as full Force and Virtue, as if this prefent Act had never been made, and that this Act fliall be deemed and taken to be a publick Act to all Intents and Purpofes whatfoever. III. Provided always, and be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if any Difpute or Queftion fliall Difputes con- arife concerning the Election or Admiffion of any of the prefent Members or Officers of the faid College, «rningEle£iior.«  by reafon of his or their not being elected or admitted within the Time limited by the Charter, the fame i etermlna ^ Ie b/ fhall be determinable by the Courfe of the Common Law, and not otherwife, in fuch Manner as if no vi- fitatorial Power were in Being. CAP. XXX. An A£l for making the Hamlet of Wapping Stepney, in the Parifli of Saint Dimjian Stebunheath alias Stepney in the County of Middle/ex, a diftindt Parifli, and for providing a Maintenance for the Minifter of the new Church there. P R. 3,000/. allotted for the Rectors of the new Church in Wapping Stepney out of the Money intended by Act 1 Geo. 1. Stat. 2. c. 23. Church-wardens may make Vaults, and fet Up Monuments, ico/. per Ann. without Deduction, to be paid to the Rector. Veftrymen to chufe Lecturers, csV. The Diftrict hereby appointed, to be a diftindt Parifli, and divided from Stepney Parifli, and difcharged from fmall Tithes, csfV. All great Tithes to be paid to Brajen Noje College in Oxford. The Church-wardens to pay to the two Portionifts 50/. per Ann. each, fo long as they fliall continue Portionifts. No Surplice Fees for Burials, unlefs the Corpe be carried into the Church, &c. The Parifli Clerk to be a Member of the Corporation of Parifli Clerks. Rectory not to be held in Commendam. Parifli Clerk to pay to the prefent Clerk of Stepney 13 /. per Annum. Act not to alter the Methods for repairing the Highways lying in the Parifh of Stepney. C A P. XXXI. An Act for indemnifying Perfons who have omitted to qualify themfelves for Offices or Im* ployments within the Time limited by Law, and for allowing further Time for that Pur- pofe ; and for repealing fo much of an Act of Parliament palTed in the firft Year of his late Majefty King George the Firft, as requires Perfons to qualify themfelves for Offices or Imployments within three Months, and for limiting other Times for fuch Qualifications ; as alfo for the Repeal of fo much of an Act palTed 30 Car. 2. as relates to the fworn Servants of the King's or Queen's Majefty. ' XT ®^~ q u ' et 'hg the Minds of his Majefty's Subjects, and preventing the Incoliveniencies that might other-* ' JP wife happen to diverfe Perfons, who en account of their Offices, Places, Imployments or Profeffions, or any other Caufe, ought to have taken and fubferibed the Oaths appointed to be taken by fuch Perfons, <eo. 1, Stat.aY '3- Hopes of the pretended Prince of 'Wales, and his open and Jecret Abettors, or to have qualified themfelves ac- cording to an Act made in the twenty-fifth Year of the Reign of King Charles the Second, intituled, Vol. V. 4 X Ah