Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/756

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7 1 8 C. 36. Anno fecundo Georgii II. A. D. 1729. jelly's Navy upon landing the fame; and if, within the Term of twenty Days after fuch Tender, the faid Commiffioners {hall not contrail or bargain for the fame, it fhall and may be lawful for the Importer or Importers, Owner or Owners of the faid North Britijh Trees, otherwife to difpofe thereof. XIII. And for the better preventing any fraudulent Importation of foreign Trees for Mails, Yards or Bowfprights (not being of the Growth or Produce of 'North. Britain) to South Britain, in order to obtain the Reward or Premium hereby granted for North Britijh Trees : Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, Penalty for That if any Perfon or Perfons Shall, during the Continuance of this Act, falfly make Affidavit of and fwear making ialie to the Growth of any Trees imported as fit for Mails, Yards or Bowfprights, not being of the Produce of A ' '.'"":*'?■ ■ North Britain, or fhall counterfeit any fuch Affidavit or Certificate, as herein is before defcribed, in order to an Affidavit or S ci: l - le Premium hereby granted for North Britijh Trees, all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons fhall fuffer Certificate. the like Pains and Penalties, as are incurred by Perfons committing wilful and corrupt Perjury, and all and every fuch Perfon and Perfons committing fuch Offence fhall forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, one Moiety thereof to the King's moll Excellent Majelly, his Heirs and Succeffors, and the other Moiety to any Perfon or Perfons that will fue for the fame in any Court of Record of Great Britain, wherein no Effoin, Pro- Penalty on lection or Wager of Law, or more than one Imparlance fhall be allowed ; and if any Comptroller, Col- Co " pt1 ' ' " ,& - c " lector or Naval Officer fhall make any falfe Certificate contrary to the true Meaning of this Act, fuch Comp- Cenifkace. " trailer, Collector or Naval Officer, and every of them fo offending, fhall incur the fame Pains and Penal- ties, as any Officer of any Port for the like Offence is for making a falfe Certificate for Goods and Mer- 13 & i.-iCar. z. chandizes liable to, by an Act made in the thirteenth and fourteenth Years of the Reign of King Charles ci:. the Second, intituled, An Aft for preventing Frauds, and regulating Abiifcs in his Majeflys Citfto?ns. Clamfcftinely XIV. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That if the Mailer or Owner of any Ship or importing Trees VefTe! (hall clandeilinely import or receive in fuch Ship or VefTel, to be imported into South Britain, any of^ foreign Trees fit for Mails, Yards or Bowfprights, not being of the Growth of North Britain, as Trees of the dernaiKtin ° a Growth of North Britain, knowing the fame to be foreign Trees, and fhall demand or receive for fuch fo- p r erniiim°for- reign Trees the Reward or Premium hereby granted for North Britiji) Trees, fuch Mailer or Owner fhall fcits 100I. forfeit the Sum of one hundred Pounds, to be fued for and recovered in like Manner as aforefaid, and the Ship or VefTel in which fuch foreign Trees fhall be fo fraudulently imported, with all her Guns, Tackle, Apparel and Furniture, fhall be forfeited to the King's Majefty, his Heirs and SucceiTors. c- ll M E r F ° r & t!0n ~%y • And it is hereby further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Exportation of all Mails, from Scotland Yards and Bowfprights of the. Growth of Scotland, from and after the twenty-ninth Day of September next, to be under the fhall be under the fame Reilrictions, Regulations, Payments and Penalties as are directed in this Act to fame Regulation be obferved, paid and performed on the Exportation of Mails, Yards and Bowfprights imported from the asMafts, &c. Plantations. from the Manta- XVI. Provided always, That the Importation of the Naval Stores following, viz. Pitch, Tar, Turpen- . . tine, Mails, Yards and Bowfprights of the Growth or Produce of his Majeily's Colonies or Plantations in- Naval Stores America, fliall be fubject to the fame Regulations, Reilrictions and Limitations, in Reference to the fhip- from Ami-rica, ping and navigating thereof, and fuch Security fhall be given for importing the fame into Great Britain, how to be iegu- and fubject to fuch Penalties and Forfeitures, as the Importation of Sugar, Tobacco, Cotton, Wool, In- la;et1 ' digo, Ginger, Fuilick and other dying Wood, for his Majeily's Colonies and Plantations in America, are fubject unto. • Continued as to XVII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the aforementioned Premiums upon the Premium, Mails, Yards and Bowfprights, Tar, Pitch and Turpentine, fhall be paid upon the Importation of the faid &c. by 2,5 Geo. Naval Stores, for and during the Term of thirteen Years, to commence from the twenty-ninth Day of 2 -' c , 35 / a " d September one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-nine, and from thence to the End of the next Seffion of farther 0/ 12 Ti T t; j J n „ " - Parliament and no longer. trCQ. 2. C. 23. ^ Farther Provfionsfoncerning Plantations, 3 Geo. 2. r. 12^28- 4 Ci's. 2. f. J r. 5 Geo. 2. c. 7 is 5 9. 6 Geo. i. c. 73. 8 Geo.' 2. c. 19. 12 Geo. 2. c. 30. 15 Geo. 2. c. 31 S" 33. 24 Gee. 2. c. 5,1 & 53. 29 Geo. 2. c. 5 & 3;. and 30 Geo. 2. c, 9. C A P. XXXVI. An Ac~t for the better Regulation and Government of Seamen in the Merchants Service. For firmer Laws ' I ITllEREAS the Welfare and Riches of this Kingdom greatly depend on the Trade and Navigation concerning Sea- ' yy thereof, the fame being of great Ufe and Benefit, and tending very much to enrich the Subjects men refer to *K. t thereof, upon which great Numbers of the Artificers and Manufacturers Livelihoods wholly depend; aiicfr whereas, for feveral Years lail pail, the Navigation carried on by the Merchants to Parts beyond the Seas, hath been and doth {till remain under very great Difficulties and Expences, by the Uncertainty they la- W. 3. c 23. ' bour under by Seamen and Mariners, who fhip themfelves on board Merchant Ships, and after they have 9 & 10 W. 3. ' f done, neglect their Duty, and will not remain on board their Ships or Veffels to difcharge their Duty ; c V' a& c"' ' anc ^ ver y °^ tn when Ships and Veffels come to be cleared out, in order to proceed on their refpective Ann. c 19. ' Voyages, the Seamen refufe to proceed with them, without coming to new Agreements for increafing 10 Ann. c. 17. ' their Wages, and many of thern will leave their Ships and Veffels and not proceed en their Voyages, which 1 Geo. i. flat. 2. ' puts the Owners of. fuch Ships and Veffels to great Trouble and Charges to get other Sailors or Mari- c. 25. 8 Geo. « ners j n their Stead, and often is a Means to overfet the Voyages of fuch Ships and Veffels, to the great I ' C fiat ' a& ' Prejudice of the Owners and Freighters of the Goods on board the faid Ships and Veffels ; and yet fuch Sea- 11. 2 Geo. 2. ' men and Mariners, after they have committed fuch Offences and Diforders, will bring Actions againil c. 7. ' the Owners or Mailers of the faid Ships and Veffels for the Recovery of their Wages, from the Time of ' their (hipping themfelves unto the Time tjiey quit the faid Ships and Veffels : And whereas many of ' the faid Seamen and Mariners will neglect their Duty when on board at Sea, and defert their Ships and ' Veffels in foreign Parts, which puts the faid Owners of Ships and Veffels to very great Difficulties and ' Expences, c.i,, s c. 5. 7 (3 8 IV. 3.C.21. 8tS'g