Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 5.djvu/77

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A. D. 1714. Anno primo Ceorgii R^gis. Stat. 2. C. 14. 37 XXVI, Provided always, That any Perfon or Perfons who ihall become Popifh Recufants convict, Popifli Recu- by virtue of any Thing in this Adt contained, and iliall at any -Time thereafter take and fubferibe the fanti tl>n, ' tl b T Oaih.s, and make and fubferibe the Declaration, and fubferibe the Afiurancc, in fuch Manner, and ' n ^ 15 d ^ r 1 r don fuch Place, as is appointed by this Act, fhall be and are hereby, from fuch i ime difcharged from fuch. ulcin j th a c0allu> Conviction. XXVII. Provided always, That the Oath of Abjuration, and the Atturancc in this Act contained, This Abjuration flVaJl in all Cafes be taken to be in lieu of the Oath of Abjuration, and the Affurance formerly ap- {° u b "J a ( ^ n r or !. pointed. _ _ meri ' XXVIII. And whereas in and by an Aft of. Parliament made in the la ft Seflions of Parliament, and KcvvAr a f or ta - ' in the iirit Year of his Maj.efty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for the better Support of his Ji'hjflfs Houflioid, ... • .o ' and rf the Honour and Dignity of the Crown of Great Britain, it is enacted. That the Lord High Trea- tender . Go. i.

  • iurcr of Great, Britain, or Cornmiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhould, and are thereby ^ UXt '" *" i-

' authorized and required, out of any Monies granted or to be granted by Parliament, for the Ufe oi the ' Publick, forthwith to iffue and pay the Sum" of one hundred thoufand Pounds to any Perfon or Per- ' fons, who ihould feize and fecure the Perfon of the Pretender, whenever he fliould land, or attempt to ' land in any of his Majefty's Dominions ; to the End that the Encouragement and Reward for a Service ' fo important, may be rendred fure and effectual ;' Be it enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That the Lord High Treafurer of Great Brkain, or the Commiffioners of the Treafury for the Time being, fhall. and are hereby authorized and required, out of any Monies granted or to be granted by Parliament, to. the Ufe of the Publick, forthwith to illue the Sum of one hundred thoufand Pounds to any Perfon or Pei Ions, being Natives or Foreigners, who fhall feize or fecure, alive or dead, the Perfon of the Preten- der, whenever he fhall land or attempt to land in Great Britain or Ireland, or any other his Majefty's Do- minions ; and if any of the Perfons who have adhered to, or aflifted, or who fhall adhere to, or afMft the faid Pretender, fhall feize and fecure him,, as aforefaid, he or they who fhall fo feize and fecure him, fhall have his Majeity's gracious general Pardon, and (hail alfo receive the faid Reward, to be paid in Manner, aforefaid. XXIX. And belt further enacted, That in cafe any Perfon or Perfons, Natives or Foreigners, fhall To p> to the happen to be killed i-n feizing or fecuring, alive or dead, the Perfon of the faid Pretender, as aforefaid, E ?p U '?"; ?f' ■ That then their Executors or Administrators, or fuch Perfon or Perfons, to whom the Right of Admiui- ^ xJtiazhim' itration of the perform! Eltate of each Perfon fo killed fhall belong, fhall have and receive refpectively,, the iume Share and Proportion of the fard one hundred thoufand Pounds, as their feveral and refpective Tefta- to;s or Intefiates would have been entitled unto had they been living. XXX. And it is further enacted, That it lhall and may be lawful for his Majefty to grant a Commif- The King- may £ton or Cemrnifiions, under the Great Seal of Great Britain, to fuch Perfon or Perfcns as to him fhall feem^ Commiflion meet, to impower him or them to admmifter the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy, and of Abjuration, J^ ^,";^^ /in this Act mentioned, to all and «very Officer and Officers in his Majefty's Service, either by Sea or q j>h's to ofB- Land, and all and every Seaman and Seamen, and private Soldiers ; and fuch Sea and Land Officers^ and ccr5,Sssmen,&c. Seamen and Soldiers, are hereby enjoined and required to take the fame, upon the Pains and Penalties in whofc Names this Act mentioned in cafe of Refufal thereof - r and that upon taking the faid Oaths fuch Officer ami Of- ^f" he r e P fkr- iicers, Seamen and Soldiers, do fubferibe the fame upon a Roll to be kept by the Perfon or Perfons who : i n tn the P«ty- ihall adminifter the fame, which Roll fuch Perfon as hath or fhall have the keeping thereof fhall, on or be- bagOfficehefoie- .fore the twelfth Day of February one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen,, deliver into the Office of the Pet- FH>v 12, 1715. ry-Bag in the Court of Chancery, there to be kept upon Record. XXXI. Provided always, That no Seaman or Soldier, under the Degree of aCommiffion ©r Warrant- No Seaman, ,&c. Officer, fhall be obliged to pavany Fee or Reward on taking the faid Oaths. t0 P a * an > Fee ; XXXII. Provided always, That nothing in this Act contained fhall extend to the Office of the Lord N^ ^ 1 ^.. Great Chamberlain of England^ fo as the Lord Great Chamberlain for the Time being do or fhall fubfti- ^g^" tmte and appoint his fufficient Deputy, who fhall have taken the Oaths aforefaid 3, any Thing in this A£t to-ehamberlain.. the contrary notwithstanding, XXXIH. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforefaid, That from and after the nine and twetv- The fame A*»- tieth Day of September one thoufand feven hundred and fifteen, the fame Oath of Abjuration by this A6tJ uratl0 . n ' T a 1 j e ' appointed to bs taken, in Great Britain, fhall be the Oath of Abjuration to be taken in the Kingdom ofi^™ s ^™" Irdend ri and no other ; and that the Indemnities above-mentioned be and are hereby extended to the faid I71J , Kingdom of Ireland. CAP. XIV. An A& foF making the Militia of that Part of Great Britain called England most ufefd, and> for obliging an annual Account to be- made of Trophy-Money.

  • I. TT7"HE'RE AS by an Act of Parliament made in the thirteenth Yeas of the Reign of theRidVinj rtir

VV late King Charles the Second, intituled, An ASi for ordering the Forces in the fever ai Counties *S® *4 fi«fe-»

  • of this Kingdom, it was (amongft other Things.) enacted, That in cafe of Invaftons, Infuraections or Re- R >
  • fceliionsj whereby Occa&on Ihould be to draw out the Soldiers mentioned and appointed in and' by the faid

Aft, 3