Page:Ruffhead - The Statutes at Large - vol 6.djvu/104

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42 C. 37. Anno tertio Georgii II. A. D. 1730. " der Treafurer of our Exchequer, have given and granted, and by thefe Prefents for us, our Heirs and " Succeffors, do give and grant unto the (aid William Trench all that the free Liberty, Licence, Power " and Authority of erecting, fupporting and maintaining a Lighthoufe or Lighthoufes, Beacon or " Beacons, with Lights to be continually burning therein in the Night Seafon, upon the faid Ifland " or Rock of Skerries near Holyhead in the County of Anglefea, in our Dominion of Wales ; and alfo " full Power and Authority to demand, collect, receive and take of and for every Ship, Hoy, Bark, " Crayer, Catch or other Veffel (except our Ships of War) which (hall pafs to, from or by the faid " Ifland or Rock of Skerries, or in Sight thereof, or having any Benefit by the faid Lighthoufe or " Lighthoufes, the Duty of one Penny upon every Tun, according to the Burden of the Ship or Veffel ; " and alfo from all Ships, Hoys, Barks, Crayers, Catches, and other Veffels or Bottoms whatfoever " (except our Ships of War) which (hould pafs to, from, by or near the faid Ifland or Rock of Skerries,. " or fhall or may have any Benefit by the faid Lighthoufe or Lighthoufes, although fuch Ship or Veffel " do not ufually pafs in or to any of our Ports, Havens or Creeks, but in Cafes of neceffity by Storm, " Tempeft or Leakages, or for Relief of their Wants, and although fuch Ship or other Veffel lhall not " unload or take in any Lading or Ballaft, the like Sum or Duty of one Penny for every Tun, accord- " ing to the Burden of fuch Ship or other Veffel ; and alfo the further Power and Authority to a(k, " demand, collect, levy and receive, the faid Duty of one Penny per Tun, in all and every or any of " our Cuftomhoufes, Caftles, Forts, Harbours, Roads, Creeks, Ports and Bays, when the faid Ships, " or other Bottoms or Veffels whatfoever, (hall harbour, put in, or cafe Anchor, whether the fame be " there laden or not; to have, hold, &c" " The Lighthoufe, &c. vefted in Sutton Morgan, for ever. Rates for Ships, i d. per Tun. Double for " Foreigners. Coal Ships only to pay for one Voyage in a Year from Great Britain to Ireland. 50 /. per Concern),™ Ships " Annum to be paid by the Poftmafter General. Ships of War not chargeable. Sutton Morgan, to keep fa farther, 5 " the Lighthoufe in good Repair, and after reafonable Charges, the Duties to be fubject to pay the Debts, 6&T- C ' f°2q " Sutton Morgan may borrow Money on Security of the Duties. " 1 Geo. 2. c. 15. 9 Geo. 2. c. 25. 10 Geo. 2. c . 14. 14 Geo. 2. c. 39. 17 Geo. 2. c. 34 & 36. 18 Geo. 2. c. 17 & 31. 19 Geo. 2. c. 30. 20 Geo. 2. c. 24? & 45. 22 Geo. 2. c. 3 & 33. 26 Geo. 2. c. 25. 29 Geo. 2. c. 27 & 34. 32 Geo. 2. c. 16 £f 25. 33 Geo. 2. c. 19. CAP. XXXVII. An Act to explain, amend and render more effectual an Act made in the tenth Year of his late Majefty's- Reign, intituled, An Ail for repairing the Roads leading from Stump Crofs, in the Pari/h of Chefter- ford, in the County of Eflex, to Newmarket Heath, and the Town of Cambridge in the County of Cam- bridge ; and alfo an Act made in the eleventh Year of his faid late Majefty's Reign, intituled, An Acl for repairing Part of the Road from London to Cambridge, beginning at the E?id of the Pari/h of Foulmire in the faid County, next to Barley in the County of Hertford, and ending at the Pavement in Trumpington Street in the Town of Cambridge. P R. The feveral Tolls of 10 Geo. t. c. 12. and 11 Geo. 1. c. tp. which did commence from 30 May 1730, fhall continue till the faid two former Acts (hall, be expired. Continued by 15 Geo. 2. c. 16.. Anno Regni GEORGII II. quarto. A T the Parliament begun and holden at Weftminfler the twenty-third Day of January, Anno Do- ' /~ mini one thoufand feven hundred and twenty-feven, in the lirft Year of the Reign of our Sove- ' reign Lord GEORGE II. by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, 4 Defender of the Faith, &c. and from thence continued by feveral Prorogations to the twenty-firit Day ' of January one thoufand feven hundred and thirty-one, being the fourth Seffion of this prefent Par- ' liament.' CAP. I. An Act for continuing the Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry in- tfiat Part of Great Britain called England; and for granting to his Majefly certain Duties upon Malt, Mum, Cyder and Perry in that Part of Great Britain called Scotland, for the Service of the Year one thoufand (even hundred arid thirty- one. EXP. CAP. II. An Act for punifhing Mutiny and Defertion, and for the better Payment of the Army and their Quar- ters. EXP. CAP. III. An Act for repairing the Roads leading from the mod Southern Part of Butt Lane in the Parifh of Lawton in the County Palatine of Cbefler to Lawton, and from thence to Hen/ball's Smithy upon Cranage Green . in the faid County. P R. Tlie Toll tookPlace 1 May 173 1. and is to have Continuance for z Years. Continued by 24 Geo. 2. c. 33. 8 . CAP.